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After receiving some news of yesterday's workouts and finally getting permission to report on some of my sources information they asked to keep private I can bring this latest installment of "How the Hawks Turn" to you.

I am going to present several weeks worth of opinions and information about the draft and the state of the team from three different perspectives. Keep in mind all three have a vital say in the direction of our team, some with more power than others.

If Billy Knight Had His Way...

We would trade #3 and Chill with expiring contracts to Memphis for Pau Gasol. BK still loves Gasol (I admit I am a fan as well) and thinks we are one legit big man who can score in the low post away from being a playoff team. Gasol only has three years left on his contract and that would be acceptable by the judge's orders to complete a trade.

Steve Kerr has basically convinced Sarver (Suns owner) to keep their team together another year for a chance at a ring. That means Marion and Amare are not going anywhere. No one wants Boris Diaw or Marcus Banks so they are stuck with them.

This impacts Knight because no Amare will be available.

Knight made a good pitch for Dwight Howard, which will be repeated again on draft day, and was rejected. Orlando simply is too scared to make a major trade with a division rival. That means no Howard.

Memphis is trying very hard to convince Gasol to stay on and trust the new GM/coach to build a team around him. To that end they are trying very hard to bluff us out of Horford who they feel is the defensive and aggressive big to put next to Gasol for years.

This means that unless they have a change of heart from the time I write this post until draft night we won't be getting Gasol.

He is trying hard to lure Aldridge away from Portland. He is still asking for Aldridge/Jack for #3. We are going to work Conley out and try to pump him up as much as possible. If all else fails on draft night Knight will offer #3 straight up for Aldridge. Portland seems willing to pass on Conley at this point.

What does Knight do then? Apparently he is trying to get the ownership to sign off on Brandan Wright (sigh) or Yi. He favors Wright because of his potential and athletic ability and his post skills. He feels that the glut of forwards we have simply means that Woodson will have to find new ways to put the best five players period on the court.

At #11 he greatly prefers Critt. If Knight had his wish then we would go Wright at #3 and Critt at #11 for "maximum potential".

If Mike Woodson Had His Way...

We would try to trade both picks for a veteran big man and point guard. He is tired of taking the blame for coaching the youngest team in the NBA for three years. He is tired of not having a real point guard. He is tired of not having any kind of low post players.

In short, he's tired. He also knows his head will be the first on the chopping block should we struggle again this year.

So he is leaning hard on all involved to "get him some help". He wants some kind of low post big man if we can get him. He wants a real starting point guard and not just three backup point guards.

If we can not make a trade Woodson would do this:

#3 Horford

#11 Law


Horford is a polished big man who can play on both ends of the court. He could use him in a rotation of Zaza and Shellhead at center/PF backup with Smoove starting at PF. Horford would be the only real low post scorer on our team and Woodson would lean heavily on him right off the bat to balance our offense with so many jump shooters. He definitely sees Horford as an EC version of Amare Stoudamire.

Law is the most accomplished point guard that would be left at #11. Woodson is high on Conley but he feels there is too much of a drop off after Horford to the next low post scorer. Law represents a stable young point guard who has played at a high level and brings the best all around offense to the table from this year's points. He also likes Critt but he does not want any more projects or potential picks.

He is against Wright for the same reasons. He also does not like the lack of fire from Wright.

If the Atlanta Spirit Had Their Way...

They would have already washed their hands of Knight and Woodson. This year is their last chance especially for Woodson. Soundbites aside these guys are not stupid. They see players we pass over every year going on to become ROY or leading their teams almost to the Finals (four owners are still very bitter we passed on Deron) and our team still has: no point guard and no center.

Enough is enough. So they are pushing for a trade for a veteran big man and point guard. If the asking price is not too steep. There is a very real feeling that draft night will be either extremely busy with real trades being made and not just talked about OR its going to be yet another offseason where teams are too scared to make big moves (see Minnesota, Lakers, Bulls).

If the latter is the case then we wlll be stuck with the draft picks. If they had their say we would draft:

#3 Yi

#11 Critt


Yi is the sexy girl you see at the bar and you pluck up your nerve all night long to talk to her. By the time you finally get enough drinks in you for courage she is walking out the door with another guy. They want Yi but are naturally scared of taking a guy with so many question marks.

But they also see dollars with Yi. There is an Asian American market in Atlanta that already has explored season ticket deals if we draft him. Atlanta is one of the busiest airports in the world. They know the casual Asian fan would come to see Yi play. Unlike Yao this Yi kid can speak English right off the bat and has, well, an attitude. He's almost cocky in fact. They love that.

Critt at #11 not only fills the PG need but gives them a local boy to market around. They showed in the past they will bring in former greats like Kenny Anderson and Kevin Willis just to get some fan interest. They also like the big PG mentality and see Critt as someone three years from now who will be considered the best PG in the draft.

My Conclusions

We need to find a veteran big man we can trade for. The fact Knight is still this heavily invested into Wright on any level outside gamesmanship worries the hell out of me. We do not need another project on this roster. On this all sides agree to some extent but Knight sees Wright as almost a "can't miss" kind of player. He also see Yi in the same light.

Which side will have the final say is going to be absolutely fascinating to watch a week from today. This is by far the most fragmented all three sides on any draft I have been told by my sources. And I agree. We have one side wanting potential, another wanting security and another wanting dollars. Which side will win out?

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They think that if one or two trades happen on or close to draft day it would have a snowball effect on the teams we are trying to trade with. If those teams don't feel they can compete then they are more likely to rebuild and move parts here. If there is no significant trading then the feeling is those teams are more likely to sit on their hands.

I hate to throw names around but if somehow Kobe and KG were traded around draft day it would probably start a slew of trades of teams moving to adjust.

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I would think the bottom line it's up to the owners. They can do and make BK pick whoever they want right? If BK takes Wright there will be a riot at Phillips on draft day. So BK doesn't like Horford? That is just insane!!! This guy is a 'can't miss' player as well. He is already polished and still young. Stupid [censored] Billy Knight man!! Unreal

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Thanks Soth.

AirTran & Delta pulling for Yi.

Taxi drivers pulling for Y.

Walter/Exodus/Diesel will produce Kill Bill-4 if BK drafts Wright.

No Conley at #3 for sure.

Money trumps everything. At the end of the day the owners won't allow a cash cow to die. They want to do all kinds of business with China outside of Basketball, and having Yi the MJ of China will do wonders to their bank accounts.

They couldn't care less about BK/Woody or even the Hawks.

They can make more money from China than they can make from the Hawks.

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I would think that Kobe or KG getting traded (presumably to the eastern conference) would cause Memphis and Portland to want to trade even LESS.

With those players out of their conference it makes their road to the playoffs much easier, IMO.

My dream would be to end up with either Aldridge or Gasol. I REALLY hope we work out a trade for one of them.

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I would think the bottom line it's up to the owners. They can do and make BK pick whoever they want right? If BK takes Wright there will be a riot at Phillips on draft day. So BK doesn't like Horford? That is just insane!!! This guy is a 'can't miss' player as well. He is already polished and still young. Stupid [censored] Billy Knight man!! Unreal

This is what I hate about leaks. There is no chance we can trade down with Memphis if they know for sure that we won't take Horford. I hope they believe anything Soth says.

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No, Knight does like Horford but he seems him as more of a replacement value with Shell. The owners also like Horford and if they are too scared by Yi's potential to be a bust then they will push for him.

What I find funny is that both Horford AND Conley are all sides default "well we can't really go too bad here at #3" picks. Its just not all sides #1 choice.

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I pray your right man! I can't beleive BK is even thinking about taking the 200lb weakling Wright. Give me a break! How does this clown still have a job period! The owners have to step up here and take command before this idiot BK completely ruins our team.

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i think yi would win out over wright if it came to that; bk loves him almost as much as wright and the owners love him much more

i think if bk tries to go wright, the owners will lean on him and say 'you yi go'

i also see horford over wright as well; but who knows

hopefully trades will come up

best scenario: orlando trades dwight to us

after that: gasol without giving up young guys or aldridge/jack for #3

worst case: wright/young are our picks

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everything sounds great on that except one thing. BK actually considering Wright. Is he that stupid? Forget that we aren't in the position to get younger and go with potential. More importantly for BK, is that he HAS to know his job is on the line unless we do well this season and Wright is not going to help us this season.

BK, i understand you like potential but BWright is far far far the worst person you can draft at #3. Yi has MORE potential, has size and brings butts in the seats. IF you're looking for potential that is.

If we draft Wright, I'm going ballistic.

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Great information Soth. Your information has kept this board going for the past 3 to 4 weeks. Kudos.

If ownership wants to get rid of Knight/Woody (thank God), then I would expect them to draft what THEY want and not what BK wants, eg Yi and Critt. They must put their foot down on this franchise and say this is what will happen. If BK doesn't like it, then he needs to quit. The franchise needs a money player in the sense of guy that generates income. Besides Oden, Yi is the only player in the draft that has that instant potential. I don't think Gasol is nearly as marketable as Yi, either.

Knight had better not draft Wright, my gosh what a PR nightmare for the Hawks. I can't believe that we would get him.

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If we do in fact draft Wright and he's on this team at the end of the draft night and we did NOT just draft him for another team then I have to seriously question how much I can put into this franchise until Knight is gone.

FWIW I do not think we are drafting Wright. All the scenarios I discussed were if those parties had their way with no other considerations. I just can not see Knight drafting Wright to keep him on this roster unless we also made some big trades to clear out our forward glut.

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The fact Knight is still this heavily invested into Wright on any level outside gamesmanship

proves beyond any doubt that BK is a blithering idiot. Not that i needed any further convincing. He should have been fired long ago.

Yi/Law i could live with, but i am starting to have my doubts about Yi having watched more footage. I will go further into this over the weekend after i have watched some more games.

Thanks for the info.

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A bunch of make-up contradictions. If such and such had their way...baloney. You got BK want three different guys. There are so many shots that one might hit.

All of these scenarios could come up with anyone and have from various board posters. This is BS.

I believe it is all coming from you Sothron.

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Great information Soth. Your information has kept this board going for the past 3 to 4 weeks. Kudos.

If ownership wants to get rid of Knight/Woody (thank God), then I would expect them to draft what THEY want and not what BK wants, eg Yi and Critt. They must put their foot down on this franchise and say this is what will happen. If BK doesn't like it, then he needs to quit. The franchise needs a money player in the sense of guy that generates income. Besides Oden, Yi is the only player in the draft that has that instant potential. I don't think Gasol is nearly as marketable as Yi, either.

Knight had better not draft Wright, my gosh what a PR nightmare for the Hawks. I can't believe that we would get him.

Yep. I'd rather prefer Suns get this year's pick and we get next year's back after BK/Woody departs.

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We should all go to the Draft Party at Phillips and start a riot if this moronic BK takes Wright. The fans have to step up at this point if this happens. I might have to cancel my season tickets as well if Wright is chosen at #3 over Horford and Yi. That is just mindboggling to me!

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What would you think is the final offering BK is going to offer up to Orlando for Dwight Howard??

And I know this is a tough question but can you give me (in your opinion) the % chance one of these trades get done?

1) Howard

2) Gasol

3) Aldridge

4) Any of the above

From the way you're talking, it sounds like

1) 3%

2) 15%

3) 5%

4) About 20-25%

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