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Because our GM is a COMPLETE moron who shouldn't even be running a team. I still can't believe he ever was a GM for an NBA team. It blows my mind! If he picks Wright we need to RIOT Phillips. No joke!

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The Smoove fans are threatented by any guy who can possibly overshadow him in the frontcourt. And it's still not a given that Smoove has turned the corner as a player yet. We still have to see if this guy can put up at least 16 ppg - 8 rebs for an entire season, not just 1/2 of a season. No more "slow starts" for Smoove. It's put up or shut up time for him too, as well as for Marvin. If neither can play consistent basketball, we're going to need another guy like Horford to possibly take up the slack.

Good news: Josh Smith played 72 games this season and averaged 16.4 and 8.6 for the whole season.


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Wow, I actually wasn't worried about this draft till just now.

I was cool with Horford, Yi or a reasonable trade for Gasol (HOWARD IS NOT COMING HERE ANYTIME SOON... MAYBE IN A FEW YEARS, BUT NOT ANYTIME SOON).

I was cool with one of the points at 11.

But BK actually likes Wright at 3??

I agree with Simmons that it IS SO RIDICULOUSLY obvious for us to go Horford with the pick.

And, you know what, if the three sides are divergent like this, Horford prolly WILL be the pick because he stands to be the ONLY one the 3 can agree on (maybe Yi too).

I still think itll prolly be Horford. BK knows that while he can draft Wright, it wont matter because he wont have a job once Wright becomes a player.

Id do 3, Chill and expiring for Gasol too.

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I sure hope that Memphis comes around on Gasol. I think that is our best, safest option unless ORL agrees to trade Howard (I don't see it). What about Jermaine O'Neal or KG? I'd give up #11/Smoove/Shelden/filler or #3/Marvin/Shelden/filler for either guy.

If MEM keeps Gasol and we can't make another trade, I'm okay with Horford or Yi at #3. I wouldn't be thrilled with Wright or Conley at #3 but I wouldn't be as upset as I was about the Shelden Williams pick last year. I think both Wright and Conley are high risk/high reward picks as both have the potential to be All Star caliber players in time but what if they don't develop as expected?

At #11, Conley or Noah if they fall. If they are both off the board, Stuckey or Crittenton. I won't cry if we take Law.

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Guest Walter


Our final offer for Howard might be #3, #11, Marvin and Chill. We would then start Shell at PF and move Smoove back to SF.

At some point we have to consolidate our resources around proven players because we simply cannot pay them all. Howard fills the center and TALENT needs. We'd still have a Pg need. I'd rather keep 11 or Childress (to trade for a Pg prospect) to fill that need or accept Nelson as part of the deal. He isn't perfect, but he's better than what we have and young enough to improve next to JJ.

If somehow we could keep the 11th pick or Childress and trade him before Detroit's pick I think we get Critt.






I like the idea of an predominant-ATL lineup. We'd have holes to fill. Imagine the rebounding with Howard, SW, and JS front line.


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Josh is inconsistent, just like every other young player in the league. Expecting a 21 year old guy to play lights out ball every night is expecting too much. And I wouldn't get too worked up about his poor numbers against the Spurs, since We Are All Witnesses to what San Antonio can do to even the most talented players in the league.

I'm not too worried about Smoove. I find it very encouraging that he had a better 2nd half of the season. Marvin,however, is another story.

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I think we'd all love to get Howard. I think he'd love to come here. But I'm pretty sure Orlando won't let him go, and even if they would I'm not sure I'd want to completely gut the entire team for him, because as good as he is, he really hasn't made Orlando a dominant team yet - even with a decent roster with Hill, Jameer, Darko, Hedo, etc. - and if we traded four or five solid assets we'd have about as many holes as Orlando does.

I think Howard is a beast, especially on the boards and also on defensive, but his post offensive and skill is a little behind what I'd thought it would be by now except for his dunks. It's probably a pipe-dream, but if we got Howard I'd hope we could at least hold onto one of our young SF's and find a way to add a good young PG or I'm afraid we'd only be a marginal playoff team.

The deal Soth mentioned as our highest offer - I think it was #3, #11, Marvin, and Childress - would be stretching how much I'd want to give up to the limits. If we could just hold on to Marvin or Chill - maybe substitute Zaza for Marvin - I'd feel a little better about it. Or maybe even if we could just recieve their pick this so that we could grab Critt, Law, or Stuckey, I'd feel a lot better about it. But just thiking about making an offer for Howard gets me pretty excited.

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Just keep in mind guys our sending out feelers or offers does not mean the trade will happen or even be likely to happen. It does give us some wonderful stuff to talk about here on the boards though. munching_out.gif

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If BK drafts Knight he will be the biggest moron on the planet !

Wright over Hoford, Yi, or Conley is ridiculous.

I am sick to my stomach after reading that. Bk is officaily a moron !

At least Woody has it right. A coach must have sometingto work with !


Woody has suffered enough. If BK screws him in the draft and picks Critt and Wright (2 guys who are years away from playing) Woody should walk out and leave BK high and dry !

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I wouldn't give that much up for Jermaine O'Neal, considering that he hasn't played in more than 60 games in each of the past three years. He's an injury waiting to happen.

Kevin Garnett, I would do.

I still favor Al Horford with the pick.

In the end, it will probably be Yi Jianlian, and the Hawks will have to make some changes to make it work with Yi Jianlian, IMO.

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I can understand what Soth is saying. With the litigation ongoing, Belkin would want to bring in his guys if BK/Woodson is run while the ASG has someone else in mind. Of course, that isn't a secret; who in high regard would dare take on either job, knowing that their job security lies more on what goes on in a courtroom than on the court?

And while I wish/hope/pray that this is a smokescreen, I haven't seen much from BK over the last few years to indicate otherwise. Wouldn't it be so BK to get his way like he did before? If Wright is indeed taken with the 3rd pick, Philips Arena will resemble the CNN Center in 1992 when slow-footed, 0.000000049 inch vertical leaping Adam Keefe was picked ahead of Horry, Sprewell, Stith, Peeler, Minor, and Hubert Davis (trust me, it wasn't a pleasant scene). Even mild-mannered guys like Jeff Hullinger and Bill Hartman were going off when the cameras weren't on them.

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The problem regarding getting rid of BK and Woody is the litigation that the team is going through. There are so many handicaps to this situation that the owners probably can't find anyone to agree to come here. Think about it from a candidates angle:

1)The Spirit group could literally loose the teams any day now, depending upon when the ruling comes down.

That would lead to Belkin owning the teams and firing everyone. Not great for a potential new GM and coach

2) The Hawks can't go over the cap nor can they sign anyone to more than a four year deal.

This really limits what the franchise can do.

In essence, the Belkin law-suit has complete tied the hands of the ownership as to how they really want to run the franhise.

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Guys on the bright side atleast BK is making this draft interesting. But I don't have any faith in him since the Shelden promise. But maybe he maybe learned his lesson and is using smoke screens and he seems to be less stubborn from what i'm hearing. I think I read somewhere maybe from Sothron about how he'd let the draft play out...which is good.

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What the Hawks need to do, is decide RIGHT NOW who they're going to build this team around. If it's going to be JJ, Smoove and Marvin, then you don't need star players at the 1 and the 5 to maximize their talents. You just need SOLID players at those positions in order to compliment what they give you. If they have doubts about one of the three guys, then go get a potential star at the 1 or the 5.

This team will need 2.5 good to great players before we start winning. ( 2 all-star caliber, 1 good player = 2.5 ). That's why I'm all for taking Horford and Law, if we can't make a trade. At least one of those guys are going to be a good player, if not both.

Why do you want to shoot for a singles? We can get singles type of players in free agency or trades.

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Couple points:

1. I think we should trade for Jack and draft Crit. Maximize the local GT interest. One vet and one rookie.

2. Curious about "getting permission to post it." I wonder if your sources are aligned with BK? Woody? AS? All? Paired up? They have to have some risk leaking this unless they have approval. And if they do then there is a motive behind it? What is it? Misinformation? Very curious.

3. If BK drafts Wright he has a death wish.

4. If AS allow him to draft Wright they've lost control and have a death wish. They will be around long after BK is gone. And everyone knows it.

Getting the info gets the juices flowing. Love it.

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3. If BK drafts Wright he has a death wish.

4. If AS allow him to draft Wright they've lost control and have a death wish. They will be around long after BK is gone.

If the owners and BK draft Wright, they know that they have lost the court case and they just want to give a shaft to Belkin.

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2. Curious about "getting permission to post it." I wonder if your sources are aligned with BK? Woody? AS? All? Paired up? They have to have some risk leaking this unless they have approval. And if they do then there is a motive behind it? What is it? Misinformation? Very curious.

I am thinking it would be the least risky for someone in the ownership camp to leak this stuff - after all, BK can't fire the owners or their associates.

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2. Curious about "getting permission to post it." I wonder if your sources are aligned with BK? Woody? AS? All? Paired up? They have to have some risk leaking this unless they have approval. And if they do then there is a motive behind it? What is it? Misinformation? Very curious.

I am thinking it would be the least risky for someone in the ownership camp to leak this stuff - after all, BK can't fire the owners or their associates.

And what is their motivation????

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Every time I hear trade talk it really gets me upset. No-one will trade a star big man and we only need a star. We have enough role players and bench players. A little better than what we have is not good enough. We need a step change and we won't get it in a trade because we KNOW what we are getting. The only real hope we have is to draft two players and hope one develops into the star we need. We can talk trades next year when we don't have a pick.

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