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If BK drafts Wright


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I voted no, but only because I'm a robotic homer. I would still be interested in the Hawks.

If your poll said, "... would it seriously diminish your trust in BK?" I bet most people would say "no" because there's nowhere to go below complete distrust.

If your poll said, "... would it seriously diminish your ability to refrain from wanton acts of violence?" you might get some more interesting answers.

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How do you think I feel? I was in the stands when Maravich and Lou Hudson were here...

Now we get to sweat out another project with long arms in Wright? It really doesn't surprise me because BK is an utter idiot.

If you have hope for these picks DON'T. It would be better to be pleasantly surprised.

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You do know what the word diminish means, right?

I voted no. I would still be just as interested. But BK would never get another kind word from me. You think I went ballistic after the Shelden pick? He takes Wright and I will be calling for his job every time I come to the Squawk.

More consistently than Diesel and his trade MWill post if you can imagine that...

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How do you think I feel? I was in the stands when Maravich and Lou Hudson were here...

Now we get to sweat out another project with long arms in Wright? It really doesn't surprise me because BK is an utter idiot.

If you have hope for these picks DON'T. It would be better to be pleasantly surprised.

I've been a fan since, hmm.. about the JT draft. I'm a noob.

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WOW! More than Diesel's trade Marvin posts? You mean business bro. And for the record I'll be right with ya.

BTW, Bruce Levenson's email is public knowledge. Maybe the kind folks at HS should all send him a message. Not a begging for Yi or Conley message.

But a strong anti Wright message in unison. I will now consider anyone but Wright a plus. Give me Hoford, Yi, Horford's aunt Martha, anyone but Wright.

What is it about long arms that gives BK such a damn Woody? (no pun intended)

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You do know what the word diminish means, right?

yes, but i also know what the word seriously means

it will not seriously diminish your interest in the hawks

it will seriously diminish your hopes for us in the next 5 years

it will seriously diminish your confidence in bk (unless it's already too low to be seriously diminished)

but your interest will remain; and u know it

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I voted "yes," but honestly I would still watch the Hawks and I would still root for them, but I'd WANT to root for someone else. I wanted to change teams before after years of stupidity, but it's just not in me to change loyalties...

But for the love of God, I'd want to have the ability to push the Hawks aside and follow a different organization. If Knight drafts Wright, and the ownership lets him do it, I'd want every one of them out the door yesterday...

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for most of those saying 'yes' it is all talk

they wouldn't actually stop following the hawks, and they know it

the question was Diminish Your Interest.....not, stop following the Hawks..

It would definitely diminish my interest if i feel that we are going to keep making mistakes. There is no reason to be all into it if this is going to continue. I would still follow them, but not like I do now.

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