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If BK drafts Wright


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I started following the Hawks in 1993.

During the 03-04 season i didn't watch one full game all season. I am not a blind supporter. If they keep making mistake after mistake i won't continue to follow them.

exactly....i've been a fan since the nique days but live otu of town and cannot afford the season ticket tv package all the time...bought it last year...will buy it next year, unless wright is drafted.

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Well, I've been a Hawks fan since I came to Atlanta in 1980 and I've always stayed a fan, no matter what foolishness went on in the Hawks FO (it's the homer in me). However, as you ALL know, it has been very hard for the last few years, especially watching Babcock and Knight do their respective things. My interest increases and decreases with each year, depending on the drafts, FAs, and key injuries. I have had season tickets a couple years and not known when the Hawks were playing a couple of years.

The Rider experiment was the low point so far (other contenders: 'Nique's random in-season trade, the Chris Washburn experiment, and the Hawks' draft picks--name most of 'em). None of that eliminated my interest. Drafting Brandan Wright won't either, but it will drop my interest lower than it is right now. I haven't posted for a long time, although I have been reading. The draft and FAs are what interest me most. I'm throwing this note in because I read Sothron's info about BK still being interested in Wright. It's pretty confusing, trying to decide the best use of the Hawks two picks, but this draft and its immediate aftermath will determine what the Hawks will be like for the next five years, so it bears more weight that some of those other mistakes (wasn't Koncak about a five-year mistake, too?).

Huge Tar Heel fan here and Wright is a great prospect--no doubt--but he is 2-3 years from having an effective NBA game. He is light, has limited offensive skills, seems to rely on his left hand exclusively, is not a plus at the free throw line, and really wouldn't push the Hawks higher probably until JJ decides he's had enough and leaves. I've seen Wright do some amazing things but not against players with the strength of most NBAers. Some have even questioned his intensity--no opinion here, but that talk worries me. I thought he was the perfect case to stay in school one more year.

I share Sothron's attitude, that I would probably pretty much ignore the Hawks if they drafted Wright until Knight was fired. They would have the same place on my sports radar as the Force, and I actually care a little about them.

Some here might actually remember being "disappointed" that we were winning 50 games and not getting past the first round (Nique and Doc's Birds). I'm not satisfied that we have progressed until we are back in the playoffs in a fairly woeful EC. We will have to have some defense and a PG to do that. I don't think drafting Wright, with no intention of making trades to get the personnel we need, gets us very far towards making the playoffs. That would just cement the idea that BK is really a buffoon rather than the man with the plan.

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I voted no only because Wright's one of my favorite recent Tar Heels, so my interest in the Hawks could possibly increase.

But my confidence in the decision makers would continue to drop and my hope for a better team will diminish as well.

Wright is a really bad fit for this team as it's currently structured. If we found some way to trade pieces we have right now to get a high level vet PG and C without giving up number 3, then I would still prefer Yi and maybe Horford, but I could get excited about Wright.

CLEARLY we're not going to put that kind of deal together before the draft, so Wright makes absolutely no sense for us.

It would be a disaster.

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As long as we get Acie Law or Javaris Crittenton at #11, BK can take whoever the hell he wants at #3 out of Yi, Noah, Wright, and Horford.

There isn't a wrong pick in a draft so deep that we weren't supposed to have a pick in.

Brandan Wright, a guy who was regarded for the longest as the 2nd best prospect in one of the deepest drafts ever is a helluva lot better than nothing.

I'd start a frontcourt of Wright and Williams over one with Zaza pachulia anyday.

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