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Hawks' pick yet another forward!

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter

That's the headline if we pick Al Horford.

The focus if we pick Yi, even though he too is another power forward, is his ethnicity and his intrigue as a super-skilled, super tall, long, quick, skilled player.

An immediate 15% increase in ticket sales with Yi? Merchandise? 35%? Horford? What 3-5% for both. If that. Talk about unsexy.


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An immediate 15% increase in ticket sales with Yi?

You expect a bunch of people from China to fly over and buy season tickets? Yi will make no difference in our ticket sales. Probably merchandise, but not ticket sales.

And I could careless about merchandise sales and ticket sales (although it would be nice), I want a winning team, and soon. Screw waiting on a guy who has played against D2 caliber talent his entire career.

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Guest Walter


Ticket sales.

If Horford gives us a better chance to win, that is all that's important.

This post along with your tanking BS really has me believing you DON'T want us to win.

Do you care more about ticket sales and public perception than our record??

We're not trying to draft for the 6th seed in the EC are we? If so, Horford is ideal. If we want to contend, GDit, we have to swing for the fences. We can't afford anymore doubles with our picks. JC = double, MW = double, SW = single maybe double. We can't have anymore of these doubles. WE NEED A HOME RUN! Yi is the ONLY player with the talent and skill to equate to a home run after Durant. ONLY one. It's our last pick. We have to swing for the fences.

I don't care about sales, etc. more than winning, but I do know it's a reality and frankly it's not a bad one when you realize we also GET THE MOST TALENTED PROSPECT that doesn't all but mirror SW.


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That's the headline if we pick Al Horford.

The focus if we pick Yi, even though he too is another power forward, is his ethnicity and his intrigue as a super-skilled, super tall, long, quick, skilled player.

An immediate 15% increase in ticket sales with Yi? Merchandise? 35%? Horford? What 3-5% for both. If that. Talk about unsexy.


Do some of you not think this is important? Regardless of the actual %s, this can't be denied. If we want to be a championship-caliber team we need three things:

1) More Talent

2) More Revenue, any way we can get it

3) A new coach

Yi solves 2 out of 3 - not bad!

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After Yi gets dunked on a few times his ticket presence goes down the drain.

Yi would be a major mistake. Which is why we will probably pick him.

Oh, and if Horford is taken it will not be another forward, it would be the consensus 3rd best pick in the draft.

Walter, you were touting Sene last year so your track record is worse than BKs.

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ahahaha. Yeah Sene is a COMPLETE BUST Walter. Give me a break. He was a friggin lottery pick and doesn't even know how to play basketball. You cry and cry about Shelden Williams being a bust but he is leaps and bounds better than Sene could ever be. What a blown lottery pick for Seattle. I watched one game last year where Sene actually got a few minutes to play and he had 3 consecutive turnovers for traveling, defensive 3 sec call and illegal pick. He immediately was taken out of the game of course and never played the rest of the season to my knowledge. He doesn't even know how to play the game. Hilarious!

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Drafting Yi would be a slap in the face to Hawks fans...trust me...90% of Hawks fans barely know who he is so they'll just see it as another BK blown pick...Yi would do more harm than good.

On the Hawks website they have a poll asking fans who the Hawks should draft at 3. Of over 15000 votes cast Yi is second at 25% so i think Hawks fans know who he is.

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This argument really makes no sense. Why does everyone think just because Yi's on the team people will buy more merchandise or buy more tickets? If Yi's on the team and the Hawks still lose nothing will change. No one's going to watch the Hawks lose just because a Chinese player is on our team. And that's assuming he's not a bust. Also, no one will even see Yi. There's not enough playing time to go around at the forward spots. The Hawks will still lose because Yi fills no need, and if he turns out to be a bust, still no one will care about the Hawks except us Hawks fans. HORFORD PLAYED CENTER IN COLLEGE. YI IS A POWER FORWARD, HE SAID SO HIMSELF. DRAFT HORFORD.

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Horford is not really all that talented. I saw most of his games at UF. He did dominate against less talented teams, but he was a no show when a talented team played the gators. Seriously, Horford got beat bad by FSU and they did not have a center. Horford is good when you have other playmakers to take the heat off of him. In the NBA, all of the teams have talent. Horford will be bad. trust me on this. Yi should be our choice at 3. I have heard that the asian population in Ga. has already started to ask about season tickets if we draft Yi. I could see us playing with Yi, Smooth, Marvin, JJ and Crit. talk about matchup problems for other teams.

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Guest Walter


Walter, you were touting Sene last year so your track record is worse than BKs.

I wanted Roy! Said it a million times. Again, I chose TALENT over stretching a player to fill a need poorly.

I did say that I-F we were intent upon getting a defensive post presence it didn't make a lick of sense to draft for the Pf position and that Sene had the most upside of any of the potential centers. I'm curious to see what Sene will be doing in 2 years as it will at least take that long to judge given he only had 4 years of basketball under his belt. I may not be right about him, but I guarantee you, it will not be because I chose to play it safe and thought I could single and double my way to an NBA championship. You can't do it. This is a big hitter league. Stars win championships. Horford ain't one.


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I watched one game last year where Sene actually got a few minutes to play and he had 3 consecutive turnovers for traveling, defensive 3 sec call and illegal pick. He immediately was taken out of the game of course and never played the rest of the season to my knowledge. He doesn't even know how to play the game. Hilarious!

Yeah, but hadn't he only played basketball like 3 or 4 years out of his entire life? Not that I'm trying to defend that pick- it was obviously a terrible one. But it was one based much more on his 'measurables' and future possibilities rather than his experience level or actual play. And you see that happen a lot in the NBA....teams are *so* desperate for a classic, old-school type center, that they make terrible blunders in judgement in trying so hard to find them. And that's why they reach so badly in drafting them, or overspend so grotesquely in signing or trading for them- you see it happen all the time.

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