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Thoughts on trading for a star veteran (long)


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Reading that post about what Bernie said, specifically the part about him referring to Speedys' injury possibly being permanently fixed got me thinking. I know that BK really likes Speedy and I know that he is a vastly underrated PG when he is healthy. If he is truly healthy BK won't be looking to unload him after 1 year in which he didn't earn his money because I believe his ego is too big for that. Personally I hope that's the case because I was psyched when we signed Speedy and I still think he has a great future with us.

Assuming that Speedy is here to stay that takes away our largest dollar item as far as potential players to be included in a trade. At almost 7 million that is a huge chunk. That leaves our only logical trade options at:

Anthony Johnson $2,640,000

Tyronn Lue $3,500,000

Zaza Pachulia $4,000,000

Lorenzen Wright $3,250,000

I included ZaZa because I think he may be required to be included in a deal by the other team. I'm sure that as his age, production level, and salary he is a very coveted player in trade talks with us.

Even if we sent out all 4 of those players in a deal that only adds up to $13,390,000 but only leaves us with 8 players under contract for next season. If you take out Z that reduces it to $9,390,000.

We have $4,870,901 in available cap room right now so using those players available to us that means we can take back anywhere from ($14,260,901 to $18,260,901).

Taking a look at the salaries of potentially available bigs around the league:

Kevin Garnett $21,000,000

Jermaine O'Neal $18,084,000

Samuel Dalembert $09,464,307

Amare Stoudemire (BYC) $12,455,000

Pau Gasol $12,364,000

Andrew Bynum $02,030,280

Marcus Camby $08,800,000

Dwight Howard $04,806,720

LaMarcus Aldridge $04,027,320

Unless we get a 3rd team with cap room (which I think is only Charlotte) involved we cannot acquire Garnett or O'Neal because of their salaries without severely gutting our team and including Speedy. I just don't see a deal for either of them as being possible or likely. I doubt Garnett would agree to play here either.

Dalembert would be an ideal big for us because he is young and very talented defensively, however his offensive game is lacking and that would mean we would have to take Horford at #3 because he is the most talented big we can add to the team that has a post game and send them SW in the trade since he would be sent to the bench if we made this trade and drafted Horford. This deal would have to be something like SW, Lue, and Childress which is $9,316,760 for Dalembert. I think that they would take that deal. We would possibly start Speedy/JJ/Smoove/Horford/Dalembert or maybe Speedy/JJ/Marvin/Smoove/Dalembert.

Stoudemire may or may not be available. We would have to send out something like Marvin, Childress, Lue, and the #3 which would be $10,538,720 for Stoudemire. That would eat up 2 million of our remaining cap room. It would leave us with 11 players under contract after drafting someone at #11 which I assume to be Law at this point. We would likely start Speedy/JJ/Smoove/SW/Stoudemire.

We could make the same offer for Gasol as we did for Stoudemire except I would take out Marvin and send them ZaZa instead. We would possibly start either Speedy/JJ/Smoove/SW/Gasol or Speedy/JJ/Marvin/Smoove/Gasol.

We probably aren't interested in Bynum which is fine with me.

Camby probably isn't available and even if he is I don't know that he is what we are looking for due to his age and injury history.

With Howard we would have to take back a garbage player in order to get the total incoming from the Magic to equal the talent we would have to send out something like Marvin, Childress, Lue, and the #3 which would be $10,538,720. The Magic could include Battie at $5,746,000 and be close to $10,500,000. The trade would be Marvin, Childress, Lue, and Horford for Howard and Battie. I think that is a very fair trade for both sides and works perfectly salary wise without us compromising our remaining cap room. It also works legally because neither Howard nor Battie has more than 4 years remaining on their deals. Obviously Howard would have to be re-signed within the next year but I doubt that would be a problem. It would leave us with 11 players under contract after drafting someone at #11 which I assume to be Law at this point. We would likely start Speedy/JJ/Smoove/SW/Howard.

Aldridge could probably be had for the #3 alone.

I would like to hear some thoughts on this.

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We simply cannot include the #11 because we won't have enough left to either sign or trade for a quality starting PG and putting all of our eggs into the Speedy basket again is a huge mistake. I like Speedy a lot, don't get me wrong, but we need a young talented PG behind him in a big way.

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If I remember right it might go up to #3, #11, Marvin and Chill.

wow, that's a little much. i understand he's a rare big man but gosh, i'd hate to give that up....i want marvin to stay, cuz i really can't wait to see him this year play....if bk has any way of keeping marvin, jsmith, and joecool, i don't care how he makes that trade but keeping marvin would be lights out for us in that deal.

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I have to disagree. If we could trade #3, Marvin, + future picks/filler and keep Childress, that's good. GM's around the league are seeing Childress can do a little bit of everything, and that'll be useful come trade deadline when we need another piece. A Shelden, Dwight Howard, Smoove front court is SICK. a Howard, Smoove, Marvin front court is smaller and not as intimidating. If Marvin is on this team at the start of the season (which I am sure he will), I better see some fire out of this kid. No more of this AWOL Sh!t every game where he makes his FT's, bricks all his shots, and just stands on the wing.

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I guess we'd have to make sacrifices to have that situation work out...I'd love to somehow be able to keep Smoove at PF.

Maybe could we sign Stackhouse and give him a chance to start at SF??

Heck, maybe even Matt Barnes wouldn't be a bad option.

We'd figure out something...I think we need Josh at PF.

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Stackhouse had some high regards for our team after the last game we played at Phillips.

I think his asking price will be too much. Matt Barnes is an intriguing idea. I'd keep Marvin / Childress out of the trade, and start either one of them. I'd also look at a Morris Peterson-type player

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Sothron, if we were able to lure Dwight Howard here, do you think Smoove would resign with us for less so he could be with his best friend for years to come? I hope BK is all on this trade on draft night. This could be the killer trade on draft night if we do all the right things. Just thinking of three all-stars on the same team that gets no love or respect would be incredible for this city.

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We simply cannot include the #11 because we won't have enough left to either sign or trade for a quality starting PG...

Well it doesn't matter because it isn't going to happen but:

Can you imagine if the Hawks had the chance to get one of the top young centers in the league - but deciding against it because we didn't want to also throw in the 11th pick in the draft?

If word got out BK would be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.

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I'd trade Josh Smith over Marvin in a heartbeat. Marvin is coachable, and Josh Smith is about to turn into an $80 million dollar headache if he keeps barking at coaches and airballing jump shots and the end of the game. At that point, Smoove really does become untradeable, just for the wrong reasons.

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That rule only affects 1st round picks that haven't been taken yet. So, they couldn't trade both picks before the draft, but they could trade who they pick at 3 along with their 11 pick right after they make the 3rd pick.

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