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Hawks fans = Stuck in mediocrity...


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The face of this draft is very simple...

Do the Hawks go for talent with Allstar potential...

or do they take Mediocrity that duplicates a skillset they already have...


Do they trade down for Mediocrity and take more mediocrity with the pick.

I have heard fans saying trading for Kendrick Perkins and taking Noah would be a good MOVE...


These people obviously don't know how sorry Perkins really is. He's a bust without saying the word.

But Hawks fans are happy to do it because somehow they feel that taking a mediocre player will fill the need at a position.

Then there's this obsession to take Horford. Aside from the fact that Horford is a subpar defender and he's not a volume scorer and really the only thing he has going for him is a prosized body (hello Micheal Olowakhandi)... the other thing is our plan to use him is no different in how we currently use Shelden. And he's not better than Shelden. I'm convinced now that One on one, Shelden teaches him why he's the landlord. I will say that Horford will be as big a disappointment as Marvin.. Maybe the next Sean May. Actually, Sean May had true post offensive skills.

The thing about Yi is that if we get him, he automatically becomes our best forward (offensively). The mixing of Yi and Smoove would be a sweet combination that this team needs. We were dead LAST in offense last year. We need another guy who can put points on the board. Against team USA, Yi played 2 games. IN both games, he never shot less than 50%. He didn't score less than 13 ppg. Brand, Lebron, and JJ sings his praise. Not to mention Coach K. and Del Harris. This guy will be allstar mark it down. IF we don't get him, we will miss the bus again!!

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YI duplicates what we already have.

We have one of the finest young PF's in the league...WE DO NOT NEED TO WASTE THE #3 PICK ON ANOTHER ONE!!!

Didn't you learn your lesson from taking MW over Chris Paul or Deron.

We need to take Conley or trade the pick...THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION!

Yi is a waste of a pick.

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Exactly, take Brewer the star of the draft. The guy who dominated losers like Conley in the champ game. The guy who always had a big game when one was needed. The guy who can defend and dominate a game with defense alone. Not to mention he can shoot very well and run the floor.

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Diesel can clearly recognize duplication unless it involves his beloved Yi. He somehow doesn't see the duplication there.

Yi has "superstar" potential but nobody else does. He knows this how?

Most informed fans know Yi is a dupe and he would come off the bench...for a long time likely.

If Yi had played college ball in the States he wouldn't even be considered by anyone on this board. He is a legend of the unknown. If we take him guys will be screaming for BK's head by December 15.

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Yi will be the Micheal Jordan of this draft. Oden has the pub as well as Durant, but it is Yi who will be the star in this draft. I have seen what Yi can do against NBA players; JJ, Lebron, Kobe are probably a better judge of NBA Talent than we are. Yao has even stated that Yi will be better than he is. We can not let a MJ type player pass when we can take him. I don't really care if it takes a year for him to start. We need Yi.

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we need a point guard, we need someone who can play center....I like Yi and the immense potential he seems to have but let's not get carried away on the Horford dissing...

let's fill in our holes instead of getting caughtup in the potential.

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we need a point guard,
we need someone who can play center.

There are no Centers worth the third pick in this draft. There's only Hawes.

There is nobody who can play Center in this draft who would be better than what we already have.

When you need a good red wine to go with a formal dinner because you don't have one... Do you just take grape juice instead? Or do you take Boone's farm strawberry blush? Or would you take an exceptional white wine that is rare and on sale for this day only??

Too many times, the Hawks have missed out on the best player in the draft because we were looking for Mediocrity. Saying you want Horford is voting for the Hawks to take a mediocre player who is no better than what we already have for that skillset.

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Remember the context is offense.

Yi is better than Smoove offensively.

Tell me, what position does Smoove play??

Does he have post moves?

Does he shoot well from range?

Can he shoot off the dribble?

What really scares people about Yi is that they see a 7 foot 250 lb player with definite offensive skills and speed... that will one day soon make Smoove or Marvin Obsolete. I have figured it out. It's the pantywearing faction of the Hawks fans who are so afraid of giving up their busted pick (Marvin) that they don't want a superstar talent.

Pete Newill, the best big man coach in the world is praising YI and saying that he will be the best big man to come from China. I guess Pete who is the world's best big man coach doesn't know what the hell he's talking about??

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Over and over again, you talk about your critique of Yi from the freely available video from Yi's playoff games.

I'm asking all Hawksquawkers to IGNORE EXODUS and go and see for yourself the tape of Yi's games.

Exodus says that Yi can't put the ball on the floor better than Smoove.... GO SEE THE TAPE FOR YOURSELF.

I think Exodus just spouts off his agenda for whatever reason. Let's end the BS on Hawksquawk... DON'T Take Exodus' word... GO SEE THE TAPE FOR YOURSELF. After you've watched the tape, then let's talk about who the Hawks should draft!!


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Remember the context is offense.

Yi is better than Smoove offensively.

There is no way that you can even begin to say, with any evidence to back you up, that Yi is better than Smoove offensively...That's just you talking out of your ass.


Tell me, what position does Smoove play??

Does he have post moves?

Does he shoot well from range?

Can he shoot off the dribble?

Power Forward.

And for the love of God, the kid is 21...Playing PF all last year, he averaged 16.5 ppg, 8.5 rpg, and 3 bpg...What else can you ask for from such a young kid??

He's working with Olajuwon to get his post moves working better and is also trying to nail down that outside shot...He's young, he's going to get EVEN BETTER!!!

Why take more minutes away from one of the leagues rising stars? He is going to have a great year in '07.


What really scares people about Yi is that they see a 7 foot 250 lb player with definite offensive skills and speed... that will one day soon make Smoove or Marvin Obsolete. I have figured it out. It's the pantywearing faction of the Hawks fans who are so afraid of giving up their busted pick (Marvin) that they don't want a superstar talent.

Dude, I wanted Chris Paul more than any other human being on this earth in the '05 draft.

Marvin is not relevant at all to this discussion, since Yi is not going to play the 3, he is going to be a power forward.

And we already have a player there who is going to be one of the best in the league soon enough, and honestly, could be the best player on our TEAM as early as a year in the future, IMO...Unlimited potential mixed with a great work ethic normally brings god results. wink.gif

Yi does not fit on this team, sorry...I don't want some p*ssy who's going to get knocked around in the post taking away minutes from our rising star.

PG and C...Those are our needs.

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IF we didn't have Marvin would he be a PF?

If we had Boozer instead of Marvin would he be PF?

Smoove is PF because of Convenience. He doesn't have an offense that says Pf... A lot of the times, he backed up to the three point line trying to shoot threes... Is he a Rasheed Wallace type PF?

Unlike Rasheed and Dirk, he doesn't have a low post offense.

We play him at PF, simply because we duplicated his real position when we drafted Marvin. If we were to trade Smoove, he would become a Sf just like Shawn Marion.

give me a break.

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