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Hawks fans = Stuck in mediocrity...


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He would still be a power forward...Maybe his first 2 years in the league he played more like a SF, but last year his game definitely was moving toward that of a PF.

He is WAY too athletic for other NBA PF's to guard in the post...Man, he can just move right past them with his quickness.

He is a great, great weapon, and it would be a SHAME to be forced to play him out of position at SF because we draft some p*ssy that will not be able to play any kind of defense whatsoever in the post.

First worry about a getting a PG, then worry about getting a C.

After reconciling those two things...This team is in the playoffs. cool.gif

We don't need another unproven forward on this roster...We need to fill our holes.

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All I suggest is that people don't lean on either my nor your conversation about Yi being that they can go and see for themselves.

You have been acting like you are the only holder of information here. Anybody can go and see the same footage that you did and make up your own my. I happen to believe that your "reports" on Yi are very biased against Yi and they do not share the whole truth or atleast not the truth about the games played.

You want a direct challenge though... so here goes, I directly challenge you on the fact of Yi's off the dribble game.

Without having to load up the playoffs games which shows his off the dribble game, anybody can go to Youtube (USA) and see him blowing pass Gasol or blowing pass members of team USA to see his off the dribble game.


Try punking somebody who hasn't seen the playoff games and who don't know why he was the MVP. And who doesn't pay attention to details like footwork.

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Anybody can go and see the same footage that you did

which you haven't done.


Without having to load up the playoffs games
which shows his off the dribble game, anybody can go to Youtube

So instead of finding JUST ONE GOOD MOVE off the dribble you instead fall back on Youtube.

Basically you have been talking out of your ass the whole time. You haven't watched any of his playoff games. In fact you have been using my reports to hype him up. When i came out after seeing him the first time and said how fast he is, all of a sudden you start posting about how fast he is. Fact is you never watched any games at all.

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I watched all of his playoff games that are available I think there's 9 of them. Slow download but I was patient.


Like I have said..... for truth, don't consult Exodus... I didn't want to come out and just call you a liar, but you have been spreading lies on this site from the beginning. From the beginning you talked out of your ass about his size and his strength.. Then you finally watched a tape and saw he had speed, agility, size, and strength.. now YOU want to campaign about his shot and his off the dribble?? What the hell are you talking about. He definitely has an off the dribble game. Most of his points come from him dunking because he goes off the dribble vs. his man or he goes backdoor. Again, What are you watching?

Moreover, I never said or insisted that he was a 3 pt shooter... I haven't seen that and I have stated that often... but you Make believe that he's a Sf until what??

Let's go back and see how much your opinion has been constantly evolving about Yi... Probably because you haven't watched or you've just flat out lied about what was there.

I suggest that a person who is really interested go and see for themselves like I have. However, you come on the board with your BELIEVE ME Speech... Give it up exodus.. Why don't you want people to see for themselves... Would it prove you to be A LIAR? I made reference to the Gasol strip and the team USA strip because that's the easiest thing a person can do to disprove your silly sentiment that Smoove is a better off the dribble... BUT I ENCOURAGE everyone to go to the tapes for yourself. Exodus is floating a lot of BS.

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Then you finally watched a tape and saw he had speed, agility, size, and strength..

Talk about lies. I never said anything about him having strength. I said he had a lack of it right from the beginning.


Again, What are you watching?



Let's go back and see how much your opinion has been constantly evolving about Yi...

My opinions are there for all to see. You are free to quote any of them WHICH YOU CHOSE NOT TO. I wonder why.


Why don't you want people to see for themselves

Where did i say i didn't want people to see for themselves? THAT IS JUST YOU MAKING UP LIES AGAIN. My challenge is open to anyone. Show me one good move Yi made off the dribble for a score.

Give me the game, quarter and time on the clock.



















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I realize that most folk who have nothing to say usually are insulting to something factual simply because you can't deny facts. Booth, you fall into this category. Seeing that you can't deny the facts, your only out is either to LIE (like Exodus) or to insult the poster.... Like you have just done.

I don't care about what you say about me... I'm right and you and I both know it. The discussion on the merit of how Yi plays is the only thing that matters in this conversation. Too bad you're too much of a coward to try to address that fact. Maybe next you can move on to Lying like Exodus... At least then, you would have tried to stay on topic?

Have a victorious day!

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Horford went thru the "Dieselputer" and he came out Mo Taylor. Yi ran through the "Dieselputer" and came out like Dirk...only better. Conley went through the "Dieselputer" and came out a poor mans TJ Ford.

I'd say something is seriously wrong with the Dieselputer.

You can't have logical dialect with Diesel. He is now off the Marvin hate for the moment and is now into the Yi propaganda. He can't just be pro-Yi, he has to blast all of the potential rivals of Yi. This has been, and will be an 18-hour a day job through the draft.

Then, he will go back to his original programming and start trading and hating on Marvin.

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LIE (like Exodus)

Where did i lie?

Again you are just making up nonsense. You usually post people's old quotes when arguing against them but you never use my old quotes against me. The reason is that allows you to make stuff up and pretend that i said it, like you are doing here. I never lied about anything. You lie like a rug.

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Sure he is a good slasher, but that isn't a pressing need for this team.

I'm glad you were honest here... unlike exodus... but let's talk about this need for this team:

1. We don't presently have a slasher. Smoove should be, but his ball handling is not good enough. Marvin gets blocked over and over again. Shelden is not. Sometimes, you might see Zaza try and when he moves with the ball is really when he's most effective. However, our team is the worst FG% and Scoring team in the NBA. What that really means is that we don't get volume points and we don't get easy buckets. We are also horrible at getting to the line. These are all the facts, check them. While Slashing is not guaranteed points, having an agile slasher can either create easier bucket or get us more points from the free throw line where he shoots 80%.


The only reason I could come up with for picking Yi is to try to gain more revenue/publicity.

That's one good quality about YI, but not the only good reason for taking him. He's 7'0, 240+. Strangely enough, with his agility, his long wingspan, and his speed, he can be a very very good defensive player. If he were a finished product, he'd be ranked #1. But Defense is taught and perfected based on skillset.. there's nothing about Yi that suggest that he can't play defense. He is a shotblocker. He blocked 3 shots in one of the meetings with team USA... Is that good enough competition... He also got 9 rebounds.

Time to end the hate and the lies and go with the best player with the most potential (YI)...

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"I realize that most folk who have nothing to say usually are insulting to something factual simply because you can't deny facts. Booth, you fall into this category. Seeing that you can't deny the facts, your only out is either to LIE (like Exodus) or to insult the poster.... Like you have just done."

lol Diesel, i've been a member here since 2002, reading on and off for years but never really posting...and I had always taken mental notes of the jist of every post of yours. They are pure retardation and speculation. I don't mean to attack you, but when you have a fetish like with Yi, you lose all rationale and become in love with the player. I think you ARE Billy Knight. Folks we have found our general manager, BIG DADDY COOL DIESEL!

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From Hawkmaniac..


Sure he is a good slasher

After all this talk from Exodus about Yi not having a good ball on floor game, there's another who agrees with me... I again ask everybody here.. GO SEE FOR YOURSELF... Let's prove Exodus for the person he really is... See how Exodus commentary stack up to the truth!!!

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I'm glad you were honest here... unlike exodus... but let's talk about this need for this team

I think what he is talking about is finishing on the break, which Yi is good at. But in a half court set he is garbage off the dribble.

Hawksfanatic is free to point out a good move that Yi made of the dribble as well. The challenge is open to the entire board but nobody, INCLUDING YOU, has tried to silence the crickets.

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