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We DONT need Yi! Will all of you idiots who want him get off his d!ck. At first i'm like "oh wow a foreign guy he could be really good" but looking at this logically and reading up on all the facts, and from what I hear about his type of game and all his question marks he is not the right pick.

1. But OMG we can have 500 extra chinese people at Philips every game and increased jersey sales! LOLZ LYKE OMG! HEHHEHEHEHEH. Like tons of native chinese people watch basketball???? Who wants a bunch of extra "fans" that are only there to see their 7 foot beanstalk countryman? That's like saying the Thrashers should draft a black player in the first round just to get a bigger fanbase. It's stupid unless he was the clear cut right pick for the team.

2. WE HAVE MARVIN. Jesus christ you guys are asking for it again. Do you not know that this #3 is the pick that the basketball gods graced us with and the one we can't afford to blow. Ok Horford isn't from overseas or a college freshman BIG DEAL. Look at people like Carlos Boozer, Brandon Roy, Deron Williams or whoever. We pass on people to draft Marvin and then [censored] about how he's not where he should be and how he's a bust. Horford has the value at 3 in a deep draft, Shelden had no value at 5 in a weak draft. So stop comparing.

3. Yi refusing to work out except vs a Harvard stiff and Salim (folding chair). Wow, what confidence he and his agent must have. This is a much bigger deal than somebody like Horford or whoever else is not working out, there's 3 years of film on the guy. We don't even know Yi's f***** age. Would you marry somebody if you didn't know how old they were? Same way I wouldn't draft somebody that could be 19 as opposed to 22. That's 3 extra years in the league, 3 more years which could have been spent improving, hulking up and learning the game.

4. WE MUST WIN NOW NOW NOW. Wanna hear a joke?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Answer: The Atlanta Hawks

We're the new Clippers and until we make the playoffs in the weak Eastern conference, we're not taking any steps in the right direction. Trying to develop some chinese bum with MIKE WOODSON, yea that's a great idea. Wait another 3 years for a maybe. It's about respectability right now,,,,with the way the conference is set up we can make some noise with the proper handling of these 2 picks.

Random Thoughts: Please don't trade the #11 for Camby. It's not worth it. We need the #11 pick to get Law. Like some people say "oh let's trade the #11 and Zaza for Camby its such a good deal!". Idiots, that just means BK would take Conley at 3. He's not smart enough to trade down and get value. So essentially just because we'd have the #3 pick, we don't get #3 value for it. We do need a defensive impact player like Camby at the 5, and I wouldn't mind the Cambyman if it was for maybe ZaZa and Speedy or maybe just JChill (I don't know the salary cap ramifications).

PLEASE BILLY, Get Jefferson, Biedrins, Gasol, somebody or draft Horford.

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Last thing we need is another PF on this team.

Particularly one who is going to get railroaded in the post.

oh man good point, I didn't even get into the positional particulars in my rant. Too bad that's not obvious enough for some people, especially the one's who still think he's our solution at center.

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Im not sure who we should select at #3 or #11.

Im not a professional scout or a GM. For those reason, im willing to reserve my judgment for a while. For now, im going to trust our GM because he knows better/more than i do.

but to play devil's advocate heres a few thoughts regarding ur concerns.

1) So whats wrong with 500 additional chinese fans filling up the seats? No one is basing this guy purely from a marketing perspective. You can market a player if he doesnt have skill. Im sure all GMs are looking at his talent before his race.

2) When you draft for potential, you're gonna win some and lose some. thats just the way it goes. but all because you lose one doesnt mean you should play it on the safe side from here on out. If you do, ull have bunch of mediocre drafts and may miss out on something BIG.

Marvin, bust or not, SHOULD not play a role in this draft.

3) Refusing to workout is part of the business/game. If you can only lose stock by working out, why would u take that risk? He doesnt benefit by working out against those players. He has more to lose than to win. People act like Yi is the first person not to work out against other players.

Who cares if hes 22 or 19. Its not that important and none of the GMs believe his age will play a role. Everyone in the draft is somewhere between 18-22. And Yi is no different. Now, if the question was whether hes 28 or 31... thats a different story. but 19 vs 22?

A 19 yr old rookie and a 22 yr old rookie BOTH HAVE POTENTIAL. both are nowhere near to their max talent/ability.


theres just as many reasons to select Yi as there to select Horford.

PERSONALLY SPEAKING, i dont favor one over the other. I just dont know much about Yi to make a proper evaluation.

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Im not a professional scout or a GM. For those reason, im willing to reserve my judgment for a while. For now, im going to trust our GM because he knows better/more than i do.---cyman

I'm not so sure he does :-)

"but to play devil's advocate heres a few thoughts regarding ur concerns.

1) So whats wrong with 500 additional chinese fans filling up the seats? No one is basing this guy purely from a marketing perspective. You can market a player if he doesnt have skill. Im sure all GMs are looking at his talent before his race. "---cyman

I viewed it from more of a Hawksquawk average fan armchair GM perspective than as a professional NBA executive one. I'm sure the Hawks would not draft a guy just to market him, unlike the reasoning of people on here.

"2) When you draft for potential, you're gonna win some and lose some. thats just the way it goes. but all because you lose one doesnt mean you should play it on the safe side from here on out. If you do, ull have bunch of mediocre drafts and may miss out on something BIG.

Marvin, bust or not, SHOULD not play a role in this draft."----cyman

Yea I agree, we won the Josh Smith one and lost the Marvin one. But i'm going to give Marvin one more year to shine, but I still wouldn't mind trading him this year and getting SOME value for him to improve the team. I mean his inability to finish at the rim is alarming... I'm not saying we need to play it safe 100%. If we had the #2 pick i'd be all over Durant in a heart beat. What he did in college for a frosh without any muscle was amazing. I'm a supporter of trading this pick....Yi could be great who knows (I seriously doubt it) but he won't help this team now. By the time he is mature enough to make an impact Joe's contract will be up.

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3) Refusing to workout is part of the business/game. If you can only lose stock by working out, why would u take that risk? He doesnt benefit by working out against those players. He has more to lose than to win. People act like Yi is the first person not to work out against other players.

Who cares if hes 22 or 19. Its not that important and none of the GMs believe his age will play a role. Everyone in the draft is somewhere between 18-22. And Yi is no different. Now, if the question was whether hes 28 or 31... thats a different story. but 19 vs 22?

A 19 yr old rookie and a 22 yr old rookie BOTH HAVE POTENTIAL. both are nowhere near to their max talent/ability.

theres just as many reasons to select Yi as there to select Horford.

PERSONALLY SPEAKING, i dont favor one over the other. I just dont know much about Yi to make a proper evaluation.

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Dirk has played center for the Mavs and was the MVP this past year. Yes he played on the perimeter but he guarded other teams center. Yi will be an all star within 2 years and hortford may be another safe pick for knight. I solid player who will start many years for the hawks and may make 1 or 2 all star games. Just because Yi isnt black doesnt mean he cant play physical, and is soft.

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Dirk has played center for the Mavs and was the MVP this past year. Yes he played on the perimeter but he guarded other teams center. Yi will be an all star within 2 years and hortford may be another safe pick for knight. I solid player who will start many years for the hawks and may make 1 or 2 all star games. Just because Yi isnt black doesnt mean he cant play physical, and is soft.

Dirk PLAYED center, and Dirk is also AN MVP and knows how to play the game. Just because he played center doesn't mean he is one, he played center against the run and gun Warriors when obv. Dampier couldn't keep up. "Yi will be an all star within 2 years." You've just lost all credibility making a statement like that buddy. "Will" is a strong word. You would have been better off saying may, might , could, possibly etc. You can't spell, you make awful points and you totally misinterpreted the whole jist of the post. I never said he's soft because he's Chinese....wow.

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"I never said he's soft because he's Chinese....wow. "

If he was black you would say he could play center and would be given credit for his great shot blocking ability and you'd say he could be our kevin garnett or chris bosh.

Also I only messed up one thing on my spelling and I put the letter I instead of A.

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