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This is encouraging about Marvin...


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I remember an Al Jefferson that was a scared dork that I couldn't believe Boston wasted its pick on. Last year he turned a corner and got some mojo.

I'm tired of all the Marvin crap. The truth is that if people want to slam a 20 year old who put up 13.3 in his scond year they have the right.

But I've been around this game a long time and you will be proven wrong. Is Marvin a hall of famer? No.

But Marvin by age 22 or 23 will be a 18-20 ppg/8 rebound guy. He won't have to be a 20+ guy every night because of his supporting cast. He will be with JJ/Smoove/Gasol Type and he will not have to have huge numbers. But he will always be a threat for a big night, some nights will be his to get it done while others he will play a more supporting role.

We don't depend on one guy and that will be the teams strength in the end. I would rather have a team of B+ players than have one A+ player like Kobe or LeBron.

I have never in my life seen more unjust BS headed to a guy that young. He wasn't Deron and we should have taken Deron but we didn't. That won't change. Marvin will pan out over time and most here will eventually appreciate him. The hardest part with him is over.

Diesel will never accept him and that is actually a sign for Marvin that better things are ahead. Marvin will get magically more aggressive as his confidence rises. His confidence will magically increase as he gains experience. If you doubt it, I won't try to change your mind but time always wins.

BTW, when your actually in the building at the game you see things in Marvin that those who rarely watch but comment anyway...don't see. I'm in the arena almost every night. Marvin does try hard on defense. He generally plays hard. He runs Woodys lame offense, passes, cuts, rarely gets the ball when JJ and Smoove are in the game together. He tends to get his touches in the first half when we have a semblance of ball movement...before Lue and JJ start shooting their jumpers with the shot clock winding down.

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It would be very interesting to see Marvin with a PG who could set the table and a post player that can open up the floor.

It is hard to be aggressive offensively when everything is standing still before you.

I think that this year the Hawks will address both the post and PG in the draft, having an impact on Marvin...if he is up to it.

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We only have to look as far as our current All Star to see a shining example. JJ is FAR more aggressive now than he was when he came into the league. LeBron and Vince Carter are examples as well. So is KG.

That said, whether or not Marvin becomes more aggressive remains to be seen. I thought he made tremendous strides last summer and then he broke his hand. He came back from the injury fairly aggressive and then he re-injured the hand in a fall. After that, he was not aggressive at all for about 2 months before getting some of the aggressivenss back in March and April. I think that Marvin CAN become more aggressive and he has shown the ability to do so.

Actually not one of the players you mentioned was ever tabbed as soft or not aggressive. Joe Johnson played in a system in Phoenix were he was asked to be a spot up shooter and one of the main reasons he left was to establish his complete game here.

Marvin has had chance after chance at UNC and in Atlanta to be that complete aggressive player and he refuses to do so. Lebron has never lacked for aggresion, ditto with Carter dating back to his UNC days. Garnett was asked to be the man in Minnesota as soon as he was the starter. So again, no lack of aggression in any of those.

Um...not to be argumenative, but Lebron vanished for halves at a time and entire games this year. Even in the playoffs, he would coast and defer. Plus, Vince Carter mailed in an entire season and a half with Toronto.

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