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Are the Hawks on the trade out...


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  • Premium Member

Thursday is rapidly approaching.

Two rumors caught my eye.

1 NY to get a lottery pick for David Lee and Jamal Crawford.

AT FIRST thought, you'd think that was Chicago trading out.. because they were said most likely to trade out. However, they wouldn't want Crawford because they traded Crawford to NY... I don't think they would want Lee either.

Could it be Atlanta?

The Second rumor:

2 Phoenix obviously has a Lottery pick on the line

To me this screams that either Marion or Amare is traded. They have worked out Yi and are looking at Brewer and Noah today. I think it's Boston. The fact that Phoenix is looking at those guys tell me that they will probably trade with Minny or Boston and some how end up a lottery pick.

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I can't fathom a team actually trading a lottery pick in a deep draft for players like Lee and Crawford. Neither player will ever be a main cog of a successful team but I guarantee a few players that are chosen after Oden/Durant in the lottery will be.

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I think if Billy does a trade, we get screwed. He has two chances to get a future star, versus 100% chance of getting another damn boring role player in a trade. By trading Billy is just avoiding the criticism and reacting to the "win now or be fired" crowd. It is really obvious in listening to Woody, he's more concerned with keeping his job and getting a "veteran" than in the long-term success of the franchise. A typical Billy trade will be the equivilent of Billy crawling under the bed and wetting himself.

Use the picks, get the best players and move on.

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My opinion is Amare is barely a PF... (Just kidding).. He's a prototypical PF. He loves to finish at the goal which is excellent.

believe it or not, I think we can have him easily. Here's how I see it...

Amare doesn't get along with others well.

One of the reasons we might not won't Amare... Remember JJ left a winning team that was willing to give him as much money as he's making with us because he was rumored to be tired of playing with Amare. I would think long and hard before acquiring Amare.

However, all of that being the case, I think we can get him for #3, Marvin or Chillz, and Filler. Sure he's an allstar PF, but He's had microfracture surgery (are there any true success stories with this) and he and Marion don't get along (history of not getting along). I think we can leverage that. However, if BK is doing the deal, we might end up giving up #3, Smoove, Marvin, AJ, LUE, LO, and 2010 1st for AMare and Diaw.

Say No to Amare.

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Although it doesn't necessarily fill a need (well, other than talent) I would also consider a #3/Chillz/Wright/AJ for Marion trade. I think Marion is VERY underrated and he and Smoove would form the most athletic SF/PF combo in the NBA.






With #11, I'd take the best available player between Conley, Yi, Noah, Law, Crittenton or Stuckey. You could also try to trade #11/Zaza for Camby.

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