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Ridnour seems to be creeping back on the radar...


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I don't think he's worth the #11 pick, but what would it take to get him?

Would 11 for Ridnour/Wilcox work?

Would Salim/AJ get him???

Horford at 3

Nick Young at 11

Trade for Ridnour

Call it a day! smile.gif


JJ/Nick Young




Nick Young would give us some GREAT energy and scoring off the bench.

That is a nice looking young team, isn't it?

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Marvin for Ridenour and 2008 first top 8 protected, top 3 in 2009.

This would kinda clear up some things for both teams.

I think Lewis is traded and Durant may be a future PF.

Wilcox is nice, but I don't think we need him with our draft fortunes...

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We could have had Ridnour for Indys pick last season and it was worth far less than today. The pick turned out to be 11 instead of 15 so why would we spend it on him now when we thought it was too much back during the season? It makes no sense and I'm not believing the rumor.

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One thing about Ridnour that BK might be thinking is could Woody's PG rotation be a Speedy for defense and Ridnour for offense? Speedy is your typical, no offense (bad jumpshot)-good defense PG while Ridnour is a great scorer and distributor but poor defensive PG. I know you'd like to have both qualities in a PG, but that might be the logic behind the desire to have him here. I don't know, it's just a thought. My logic goes out the window here, but what if we traded Marvin Williams, #11 pick, Speedy Claxton and one other player for Luke Ridnour and Rashard Lewis in a Sign and trade? We could still draft our pick of Yi/Horford




Smoove/Yi or Horford/Jones


It would probably take more to get that deal than that, but just a crazy thought. lol

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When you go back and look at the two games we played against Seattle, it looks like there was not THAT much difference between Ridnour and Lue. Ridnours stats are slightly better for those two games but not that much. So why are we so hot after him? Is he really the answer to our PG woes or just another in the line of Speedy, Lue, AJ?

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They've played four games head-to-head in their careers.


Ridnour --> 21.4 ppg, 7.5 asts., 3.3 rebs., 3.7 to's, 1.9 fouls

Lue --> 14.1 ppg, 7.2 asts., 2.9 rebs., 1.4 to's, 4.0 fouls

Both players have some major warts, IMO.

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