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How about using 11 to go for Barbosa??


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With Nash's nagging back pain, I think Barbosa is a valuable piece for Phoenix. They like him to spell Nash from time to time and letting him rest. They're so close to championship in their mind, I don't see them dealing such an important piece for a player who could be that same player for them, but it would take a few years to get him there possibly.

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I would definitely consider this but I don't think Phoenix would because:

(1) If we are better next season it is worse for them; and

(2) I am not sure who they could get at #11 who would be better than Barbosa.

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Again, another backup PG, just not as old. He is fun to play with in NBA Live, but his defense is atrocious.

every point guard we bring up people say their defense is terrible (except Jack)...

the real problem with him is that he's a comboguard...i would like a more naturaly point like calderon.

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Why is it, if a guy can score he is not a true pg. Capstone the reason he was such a scorer was because of phoenixs offense. anyone could score 20 at any given time on there team and he did play the off guard a lot with nash in the game. If you think just because he was a scoring option for phoenix and cant be a point guard you are wrong.

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The real problem is Barbosa is a chucker. He shoots at an unbelivable rate when he gets the ball. The Suns mentioned chemistry issues and I think he is a reason.

I charted his play against the Spurs to see how often he would shoot the ball and he shot the ball 6 straight times that it touched his hands.

PHX doesn't like the one on one stuff and if they are looking to move Barbos there is a reason why.

Having said all that he is a lear jet that can get to the rack. He can score in droves. I see him great on a second unit where he could just go to work.

He is certainly not a good lead distributor, that wouldn't work in any way.

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If we are thinking about drafting Law with the 11th pick, I think getting Barbosa instead would be a pretty good decision.

Barbosa would be a better scorer right off the bat, probably just as good of a distributor, plus he has a lot more experience and isn't that much older.

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You are completely correct. Barbosa is not a point guard but an undersized 2 guard. The Suns tried to use him as a backup point guard but that experiment failed (remember the marcus banks signing last year). Jack, Calderon, or Ridnour are all better fits here.

I agree. Barbosa is a sexier name right now but he's not a true point guard.

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How about this, and I know it's a stretch, but it works under the CBA.

Atlanta sends #3 pick, Marvin Williams, Speedy Claxton, and Shelden Williams for Leandro Barbossa, Shawn Marion and the #29 pick.






#11 pick

#29 pick






#3 pick

#24 pick

#49 pick

Phoenix would more than likely laugh, but it's a though. lol.

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I had NBA league pass and watched quite a few PHX games. I also had Barbosa on my fantasy team so I took quite an interest in him. I am not doubting his talent...he is awesome actually and fun to watch. I actually compare him to Ben Gordon. Instant offense from an undersized sg. He is perfect for a team that has a tall pg.

However, PHX brought in Banks because they needed a backup pg. It just so happens that he isn't that good at being a pg either so they are still looking for one.

A lot of times when Nash went out of the game, the team struggled. Barbosa had trouble acting as a distributor. Often the role of distributor had to go to Diaw as a result of this. That is why he would not fit here as a pg.

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