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Chad ford just said on espn radio that Minny


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Wants are 3 and 11 pick. ..(NOT A NEW RUMOR)

Thats what they want to Move KG to Phx.

He said that the Suns may have to send Amare to us

in a 3 way deal for them to get KG.

He also said that Amare does not have a good realationship with the Suns coach, and some of the other players on the team..Thats the reason they may move him.

If we get Amare, i hope that he and JJ have worked out there diffrences.

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This is just me spitballing here but I have to wonder if Amare was one of the reasons why Joe left Phoenix. I do not think that we would trade for a guy that we know has problems with our own star player player however.

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One of the users on here said yesterday that he visibly say JJ and Amare laughing and joking around during the two teams' game at Philips a few months ago.

I'd SO TAKE Amare over Gasol or any of those guys though. The fact that he is only making about 14 mill a year, we have so many choices.

Sothron, if this 3 team trade were to happen, do we and PHX just send half and half to Minny to balance out the trade? Does PHX send anything to Minny?


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one would hope that they would consult with JJ first

before getting Amare

if he could be gotten for just 3/11/fillers, that'd be amazing






i'd try for amare+our first back next year

of course amare makes a lot, so we'd have to see what works under the cap; maybe 3/11/lo/lue/slim/aj? then we'd have no pgs other than speedy/ivey, so we'd have to trade for one or try to sign the spanish dude or one of the free agent pgs

maybe we'd have to give speedy to make the contracts work; i'm too lazy to look up the cap details

i hate not getting a pg by giving up 3/11, but amare is the man if not gonna be chronically injured and jj doesn't hate him

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My only concern is that if we do this deal our roster is going to be gutted...How are we going to have any depth at all?

Say we trade Chill for Calderon, and 3, 11, Lo, Lue, Speedy, (more???) for Amare...Our starting 5 is amazing, but what about after that??



Marvin/ ????



Back-up SF/SG is a MAJOR concerns...If we got our draft pick back next year in the Amare trade, we could leverage that for a pick this year, and hopefully end up with someone like Derrick Byars.

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Back-up SF/SG is a MAJOR concerns

I am not worried about the backup at sf since Smith and JJ can easily play there. Backup SG is definitely an issue though.

I am just in wait and see mode now. I am not going to speculate too much on what we will do if this or that happens.

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In the other thread it was said that we wont make one trade

...unless another trade happened first.

I'm no detective.. but, i'm pretty sure that meant that we wont trade for Calderon , unless we got Gasol first.

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Please, oh please Lord make Pheonix give Minny our number #1 next year to consumate this deal. That would be perfect to keep #11 this year. And make those bastage holes wait until the 14th minute when we are the clock to do it.

Make it hurt BK, payback is a [censored]. If Pheonix wants the NBA championship handed to them - then they should pay retail to get it. mischievous.gif

On another note. Does any one else here worry about Amare's knee?

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This is just me spitballing here but I have to wonder if Amare was one of the reasons why Joe left Phoenix. I do not think that we would trade for a guy that we know has problems with our own star player player however.

Maybe I'm thinking too hard about things, but if I remember correctly you seemed to suggest that one big move depended on another move going down first. I wonder, then, if we would acquire Amare and then trade him to someone else? I hope not, because I would love to have Amare and I'd have a hard time with the idea of having a chance at him then trading him. Of the top of my head, though, it might be nice to get Pau Gasol plus the number 4 pick in exchange for Amare - or maybe Al Jefferson and Boston's 5th pick.....

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If our biggest worry after this offseason is backup SG then I consider us blessed.

haha.. exactly. All these people that worry about depth need to understand that sacrificing the quality of your seventh and eigth men to get a 25+ 9+ is a good thing.

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Amare WAS a big reason JJ left PHX. Amare undressed JJ publicly in front of his teammates in the locker room of a playoff game at half time.

JJ was stung by his comments and made up his mind to try to get away from that whole deal and Amare was a big reason.

Steve Nash hasn't been happy with their chemistry for the most part even mentioning it when they were winning 18 in a row.

The Suns are trying to make it look like business as usual but I do believe that Nash would love Garnett in his place.

How would Amare enjoy Woody's slug it out half court offense with no decent PG? Food for thought.

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