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joe Johnson want Amare here! (ARTICLE)


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Hmmmm...fun with the Trade Machine:

That trade as constituted does not quite make the cap requirements. It does if we sub Lue for Johnson or if another trade precedes it to carve a little more cap space for us.

A Calderon for Childress swap nets the Hawks 500K in cap space (Toronto is also over the cap). That would allow us to include Johnson if we also sent Salim to Phoenix.

I would rather hang on to Pachulia and ship Wright and his expiring contract out. If we are going to give Zaza up I would press for one of the Sun's late 1st round picks.

Still Amare, the dude is only a year older than Shelden and he is already a force. It is hard to complain about.

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You're right about Lue. I'm a little hard on him because he pisses me off. It seems every time he doesn't even look to pass. Even when hitting shots he hurts the rhythm of our offense. But he does have value so I guess it is good that we keep him.

Lue/Salim could probably get us a good wing backup.

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It does sound like the owners are in the way here. I think you can make the argument that Amare brings in more cash than Yi, though. Amare is in the top 20 of jersey sales, and he will bring wins, excitement, and ticket sales immediately. I have a bit of a preference to the proposed Gasol/Calderon deals, but I'll take this deal in a heartbeat, as opposed to the significant chance of everything falling through.

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Its not Atlanta. Although at least two owners still want Yi only for the $$$ in China. The team holding this is up Phoenix trying to decide if they want to win a title with KG and Nash before Nash is washed up or they want to be just a second round exit with Amare. Just my two cents on the last part but its Phoenix holding this up. Minnesota and Atlanta have agreed to do this.

Thank You Soth. I think this is the kind of impact we have all been waiting for (if it goes down). The Suns need to make that push for a title because with all that talent they havnt done so and their is no sense bringing back the same exact team year after year, only to be stonewalled by teams like dallas and the spurs. Imo KG isnt a HUGE upgrade but they will be sitting pretty with all the picks they have comming up this year and next to get more pieces.

I think if that move gets done by us, we gotta figure out a way to get a pg like Jack (hopefully for childress) or sign someone for the exemption.

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You guys are a PG away from having the best nucleus in the East. Confused at why Amare welcomes the trade? Just look back at Duncan, Yao, Boozer, Oden, Durant, Randolph, Aldridge, Gasol, Kobe, KG, Dirk, Golden State, etc.

He knows he could get the Hawks to the NBA finals next season and it would be an added bonus if he could dismantle Phoenix when he got there.

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it's not that Amare isn't an very good player, he is. It's just a LOT to give up for him. His knee problems MUST be a concern for every fan of this trade. While he had a very good comeback last year, you just never know when an injury like that could end his career and our hopes in one shot. I'd rather throw in another player and keep the 11.

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Whoops - guess I spoke too soon.. information is flowing fast!! I can't believe that we could do this with Zaza and no Chill or Marvin or Shelden. That's even better than I imagined. PHX fans are in complete denial that Amare is going anywhere - they don't like this deal. Quote from a PHX board - "Atlanta would make out like bandits".

It's a big gamble, will Kerr risk his month-old GM career on his first move? I'm still doubting he will do this in the end. PHX does not need to sweeten the pot anymore by giving us a player or a pick, that's just ludicrous, I think.

Just think if PHX had acquired the 4th pick this year - they could have probably done this deal outright and retained Amare to boot. Damn are we getting lucky or what?

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