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Chad Ford on Sportscenter confirmed my report?


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I’m easily amused…

I’ve been looking at Ron saying “He called this and he called that.” And I’m wondering what exactly did he call??

When the Harlem Globetrotters would come to town, they would always do the trick where they threw the bucket of water into the crowd. I would tell my friends “somebody is going to get wet today… and you know what… Somebody always did.”.

Anyway, look with me…Help me see what Ron Called?


I was just notified that two of the scenarios I outlined in my last "latest information" post have been given the green light by the Hawks FO and one other teams FO in one of the scenarios. We have in fact notified the remaining teams in both scenarios that whoever agrees to the trade first will win. Knight is actively prodding them at this point going into the draft tomorrow.

Since both scenarios use some of the same trade resources both are impossible to happen. So whichever team bellies up to the bar (I am told) is going to get the deal done. All that needs to be done is for the other parties to agree to make it happen.

You guys can probably extrapolate which scenarios I am referencing and which players are involved.

So then I say… well what did he say in his last “Latest information”?


Hi my name is Sothron and if you read my sig you will know that I have been a fan of the Hawks and all Atlanta sports teams for a long time.

Why do I mention this? I do so because I have been given tonight the most likely scenarios to take place on draft night and I fully expect on Thursday to be given the scoop on what we are actually going to do.

The problem? I am not Chad Ford who has no allegiance to a team and would happily spill the beans if he could. I am a Hawks fan first and foremost. It should be obvious that if I post in a public forum what exactly we are doing, knowing full well other teams and media types like Ford are checking this board, that I would be compromising the Hawks ability to make trades or conduct a draft.

If you do not understand that or disagree please back "Back" on your browser button or the big green arrow and disregard this post. Just pretend it is not here. Because it will make you feel better and trust me...trust me...it will make me feel better.

For those of you remaining (hello!) I *have* been given permission to present some likely scenarios that we will be doing. Note that "likely" does not mean "absolutely will do". I *can* say that I absolutely will NOT under any circumstance repeat what we are actually doing to anyone.

So that being said let me turn your attention to what I *have* been allowed to say:

1. DO NOT stop watching the draft until it is over. In fact you may have to wait for a couple of days after the draft to know what exactly we are doing. Due to the vagaries of the salary cap and next year's draft (we won't have a pick) we may very well be drafting two guys for other team(s).

2. Reread number one. There is a very good chance that the people we draft are not going to stay here.

3. If we keep the picks for real then nothing I have told you has changed over the last few weeks: Horford, Yi and Conley as a dark horse at #3 and Law, Critt or Stuckey at #11. If Conley fell to #11 I do believe he would be drafted there over the other point guards.

4. On the trade front out of the scores (and I mean scores) of offers Knight has received the most likely (stress that word) trades to happen would bring the following players to Atlanta:






Andre Miller


Jermaine O'Neal





Dwight Howard






And pretty much all of the off the wall scenarios you may have heard. Orlando will be faced with our offer for Howard again tomorrow night and while they will consider it they will most likely NOT sign off on the trade. Why? Because they value Howard as a big man, a face of a franchise and the fact a major trade with a division rival by its very nature is extremely unlikely to happen.

I only elaborate on that deal because it was something I was told specifically we were pursuing and while the FO would love to add him we're (probably) not going to land him.

While the above two lists are things I *can* tell you guys the players and other teams in those deals are things I can *not* tell you. I can tell you that at least two of those trades are mutually dependent on each other. That means if one trade will not go through then we will not do the other one. It should be obvious which two players fit that scenario.

I realize most (if not all?) of you guys would love for me to tell you right now what exactly we are doing but I hope you can understand why that would be disastrous for the team not to mention my sources trust in me would dry up faster than a rainstorm in Georgia's drought. I am not sacrificing years of trust, let alone friendship, over this. If this site had a private board for hawksquawk supporters only I would ask them for permission to reveal that information but even then I don't think they would.

If I receive any more information between now and draft night that they sign off on my being able to post I will update you guys then.

It couldn’t be this… This is like throwing Speghetti up on the wall and seeing what sticks. Also notice the the unlikely guys are not even on the blocks? I guess that means us trading for Junior Harrington is unlikely too? For good measure, we need to say that it is unlikely that we will be trading for the right for Fran Vasquez. I think it's also unlikely that we will be trading for Yao Ming.


So I looked deeper…

Found this..


I hate to say this but those questions are just too specific. Out of the three scenarios one absolutely requires more than two teams and it would involve a NBA superstar being moved. That's honestly all I feel comfortable saying about that part.

I think we all know the package deal that requires one trade happening to enable the second trade and its one of the other likely scenarios. I actually consider that one of the options not two options for those keeping score.

Absolutely will not comment on the last one. I can't see anyone being disappointed by it if it went down but as I write that and pause writing...it could really piss a few people here off. But I doubt it.

And that's all this little birdie can sing on those questions.

Still so vague it could be talking about anybody.

Unfortunately though.. when word of Amare coming hit… here’s ron’s response…


I am not opposed to Amare and while I do think he can play center (same with Horford) he really is not that good of a defensive player. I also hope if we do get him that his microfracture knee can actually hold up over a career.

Now does that sound like a man who knows that we have a deal in place for Amare? Maybe he’s still working the silence angle… Perhaps, he was still holding on to the rumor that he said was “LIKELY, PROBABLE but not 100%... You remember Pau and Calderon”…

But then he said


we traded #3 and #11 we would be forced to trade
Chill or some other part for a veteran point
or we'd go into next season with the three guys we already have and hope its enough.

You mean to tell me that Inside man told Ron about the superstar moving on Tuesday but Ron was clueless on Wed?? I mean, what happened to the quality of the rumor.

Boy it’s a long time to Thursday…

Oh. Wait..

We might trade for Amare and have to wait til July 1st… before the draft is over.

Maybe we will be getting Pau and Calderon like the less than 100% probable said!


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You're really making yourself come across as nothing more than a prick in these anti-Sothron posts.

This is such an exciting time for the Hawks and their fans, and here you are sullying the whole atmosphere here with this idiocy. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and get off it.

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Not to go off on a tangent, but I'm a Christian too and I gotta' say it's great being able to share that with people on here. There's a thread on Bill Shank's site, The Brave's Show that a pastor is going into an indepth discussion on the book of Revelations. Nice to get a break from the reality of sports to focus on what's really important in life.

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I'm still waiting for you to respond for the list I gave you earlier about all the things I "called" that were later reported. Amazing that the only thing you can attack are things where I specifically say I can't discuss it.

Wow Jason wasn't kidding when he said you were about six feet under and digging deeper of death from jealousy. tombstone.gif

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The funny thing is we don't have long to wait to see if "your sources" were worthy of the talk...

It's not Jealousy at all. I really hope that one of the 7 possible deals you vaguely mentioned hits!

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I'm still waiting for you to respond for the list I gave you earlier about all the things I "called" that were later reported. Amazing that the only thing you can attack are things where I specifically say I can't discuss it.

Wow Jason wasn't kidding when he said you were about six feet under and digging deeper of death from jealousy.

There is no need to take shots at Diesel. You have put alot out there with your "sources". You know that old I know a guy that knows a guy stuff. Give the board something solid that is fact and you get full praise. Right now you are all over the place. It is not my place to say that you are lying or not but you know that the bullsh*t meter is pretty high on in these kind of forums. Some of these guys seem to believe anything that they read while some choose to take it with a grain of salt.

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Practically every thing I have posted has been picked up by other media outlets. I don't know how much more "proof" is needed than that. Other than taping a private conversation with Knight and the staff what else is there? :eye-popping:

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Practically every thing I have posted has been picked up by other media outlets. I don't know how much more "proof" is needed than that. Other than taping a private conversation with Knight and the staff what else is there? :eye-popping:

I want you to go find me one post where you stated we were involved in a specific deal involving Amare and KG. Not the one were you list 20 or so players we may go after but one were you said we were involved with this specific deal.

A three team deal involving Amare and KG. Go find it. And if and when you do find it; check the date. I am sure we will be able to google the same rumor a day or so before you posted your rumor...

I find it hillarious that last night you would not "confirm" anything and now you want to confirm this. I guess you do not care so much about your inside guys job anymore...jeez oh pete.

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