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Name the last top 5 pic not named Shelden Williams

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter

...drafted for the intended purpose of PLAYING OUT OF POSITION.

I posted this at realGM, and while the Amare trade rumor has this place buzzing, it seems KB and the like still have "SW all over again" on their brain.

KB recently,


Al will give the Hawks a young, physical, interior presence that will fill the center spot even if he is considered to be undersized by those with an antiquated view of the center position.

"Fill the center spot" is code for a [censored] stupid top 3 pick. We're not draft THREE to simply "fill" anything. I can "fill" something with a lesser trade. "Filling" = "settling". It's a far, FAR, F-A-R cry from the KB of 1 year ago before the BK promise to SW leak where KB was first pissed as hell about SW and our "filling" the center position, then flip/flopped.

Anyhow, from my post at realgm:

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Guest Walter


Walter, Seriously, no one cares about you and your anti-Shelden, anti-Marvin propoganda train. Shut up already.

Probably not.

Thank you for playing.


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Has everyone else noticed that Walter hasn't said a thing in any of the big Amare threads about what Stoudemire would bring to the Hawks??

Everyone has known for some time that Walter doesn't care about the Hawks or doesn't care if they get better or succeed, he only cares about his little anti-parades and the hope that they one day become true. But the fact he hasn't given any analysis or thoughts of the Hawks possibly landing an all-NBA 1st-teamer proves that he doesn't concern himself with things that are good for the Hawks.

Who's the bore again, Wally??

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Guest Walter

That's not an endorsement IMO although I never saw Gordon as anything other than an undersized SG. I guess I don't agree that Gordon was drafted to play out of position (he plays Sg). I believe he was always drafted to be an undersized Sg (with the specific baggage that comes with that). Hinrich was already their Pg.

Frankly, SW is significantly more of an undersized center than Horford. Between the two SW played the college post more like a center and blocked more shots like a center.

Nice attempted example, though.


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Guest Walter


Has everyone else noticed that Walter hasn't said a thing in any of the big Amare threads about what Stoudemire would bring to the Hawks??

If you read the post I did comment on Stoudamire, and I just posted my FIRST post since HS went down. MY VERY FIRST POST! After ONE post (and a response to your attitude) you ask me this? What a lame attempt at an attack on me personally if I EVER saw one? Kelston, I don't know what exactly I ever did to you, but quit being ignorant and attempted insulting.

I would do the Amare deal more than any other, BTW, although I doubt someone being as big a jackass as you is seriously asking the question. I also find it hard to believe thta Pheonix will do it. There are risks involved for us. I don't see amare as a center or even better defender than Gasol. Amare has some suspect knees (do a thurough physical!). We'd HAVE to play Amare at center and hope the talent made up the difference since without any of our picks any trade would likely be made for a Pg prospect.


Everyone has known for some time that Walter doesn't care about the Hawks or doesn't care if they get better or succeed, he only cares about his little anti-parades and the hope that they one day become true. But the fact he hasn't given any analysis or thoughts of the Hawks possibly landing an all-NBA 1st-teamer proves that he doesn't concern himself with things that are good for the Hawks.

What a bore of a d*ck you sound like.


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Guest Walter


To be a SG...That is out of position.

No doubt he has Pg height, but don't confuse Pg-height with being a Pg. Gordon was NEVER a Pg in college, nor was he EVER projected as one in the pros. He's just a short Sg.


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Oh, Wally. You're such a blowhard.

Everyone's wise to your drivel. You're the master of revision history, two-years-later armchair quarterbacking and the like.

You've never been interested in seeing BK proved right. Your only concern is if you're proved right.

So spare me the "I'm so offended at your attack" bull and get back to what you do best. Criticizing Marvin. Criticizing BK. Criticizing SW. Just plain criticizing. You have me riveted.

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Guest Walter



I always saw Dwight as a center, same with Oak...what position exactly is Aldridge playing because I saw him as either depending upon the big next to him.

Unfortunately, NOBODY has suggested Horford is an NBA center outside the Hawk yearly "desperate for a big, will call him a center and figure it out later" crowd.


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Guest Walter


You're the master of revision history, two-years-later armchair quarterbacking and the like.

Nothing revisionist about my history. I stated very clearly that I wanted Diaw, Deng (for trade value if nothing else, then Iggy), JS, Deron (then Paul), Roy, and now Yi. It's not like I'm witholding an opinion now or ever have so how can one who is open about his opinion revise them on this website. Certainly, if you really believe your own drivel you can prove it.

I've always stated my pick and preference and stood by it. In the infrequent (unlike you) instance I have been incorrect about who we SHOULD have picked I have admitted it. That really hasn't occured recently thanks to some accurate player evaluation and the little bit of luck that goes into all of this.

Do I mind me being right about these guys? No. You do, though. Very much it seems. I DO mind being right and our GM getting it wrong. I would trade being right about ALL of them for just ONE ideal draft success (Roy, Deng, Paul or Deron). Frankly, you are a little childish and just plain [censored] up to really think that any Hawk fan here wouldn't. We all love the Hawks. It appears you also love to hate Hawk fans that love the Hawks differently than you do. Very infantile.


You've never been interested in seeing BK proved right. Your only concern is if you're proved right.

I assume you do care that BK be proven right, the Hawks be d@mned. You seem so interested in his wellfare, but not the Hawks.

I couldn't give a d@mn about BK. Yes, I think he is an impediment to the Hawk's success. Believing that should I root for him to keep his job? WTF?


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Guest Walter


Did you really just say "cad?" What's next, pistols at dawn? Rousing the constabulary?

You just did.

"Rousing the constabulary"? Love it.

You win.


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To be fair, didn't you advocate taking Roy last year to play at PG even though he is a natural SG? I agree with you on that but that is still playing him out of position.

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