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Let's respond to "THE LIST".....


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That source about Indiana only cares about Indiana Pacer basketball. And he is at the mercy of his friend on the training staff for anything he gets. He used to run pacernation.com actually. The only time I've turned to him for information about the Pacers is back when the Harrington fiasco took so long to finally happen.

What he has to do with anything my Atlanta sources tell me about Atlanta just mystifies me. I did in fact ask my sources about the Harrington situation. Due to the delicate nature that we almost had to hand Harrington away I was not allowed to repeat anything about that trade. I said from the very beginning its not until recently that they were comfortable with me repeating things.

Let me first start by saying: IF you have a “TEFLON” Source like you say you do sitting right under BK’s nose, then why do you need a Pacer source to tell you what happened? In your previous post, as I showed, you talked as if there was a bit of doubt about the Al deal? How could there be if you had the Teflon source.


If you really want to dig up the past go to realgm.com and find out some of the things I posted about Belkin. That was the only thing for a long time they were willing to let me make public: Belkin is evil and wanted to run the team on the cheap while the other owners wanted to spend more to actually compete. And they were (are) right.

Just off the top of my head here are things that I broke first here. I do not have time at work to look at any other site besides Hawksquawk and skipping songs on my Yahoo radio station. So if some rumor site is running with something I have no idea. Believe that or not, I don't care.



But here's a short list:

I said BK received a phone call from Portland about trading for #3 right after the lottery. Four or five days later a report on realgm confirmed that Pritchard said he had called Knight for a brief conversation. I even said what the converation was like: Knight wanted Aldridge and Jack and they wanted to dump Randolph. End of conversation.

This “report” cannot be confirmed. There was a whole lot of speculation after the draft….I think Exodus was the first to mention a trade for Zach and Jack on 5-21-2007. However, no trade has been made… How can it be justified.

That’s like if I were to say: My sources told me that were about to trade #3 and Shelden to Houston for Yao Ming, but BK said he was too tall and nixed the deal? How in the world could that be verified??


I said Ellis was being offered to the Hawks. We didn't want him. We wanted Biedrins and they said no. Chris Mullin recently (today, yesterday?) said that we rejected that trade. I already knew we turned him down so I put it on my "unlikely" list.

This is the point of contention. I actually went back and looked at what you said. You said we were asked to trade #3 for Ellis/#19 and we turned it down and we countered with #3 for Ellis and Biedrins and they turned it down and we left the table. Well, wait a minute. Tuesday morning the Contra Costa times read ELLIS ALMOST TRADED and inside it said for #11 pick. Nowhere in your spill did you say anything about #11. Moreover, you said we walked away because we couldn’t get Biedrins. The Contra Costa Clearly said that We had signed off and the only hitch was Mullin and at the last minute he had a change of Mind. Now how can we be so CLOSE to trade 11 for a bonafide score like Ellis (Who is from GA) and your Teflon inside man miss it?? One stroke of the pen and Ellis would have been here and I guess then you would have said “ See.. I told you we were trading for Ellis”…


I made a "latest information" post that gave a "what if?" scenario if the three factions on our team (Knight, Woodson, owners) had their total way with the draft. Two or three people called it "BS". Today yahoo sports runs a story talking about how trading for Amare would avoid a showdown between Knight/Woody and the owners over Yi or Horford. And just like I said several days earlier it was over $$$.

Here’s what I found at Yahoo… Actually it contradicts what you have said before…


The deal hinges on Atlanta general manager Billy Knight saying yes, as well as Hawks ownership, which is mired in lawsuits, being willing to increase payroll. It is believed that star Hawks guard Joe Johnson talked to his former Suns teammate on Wednesday and that the 24-year-old Stoudemire, a first-team All-NBA choice, told him that he'd welcome the trade.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you say the Phoenix , Minny deal was hinging on Phoenix?? Here, Yahoo says it hinges on BK?


Now, you can either admit that your source was wrong or that Yahoo is not the best place to go after facts.. I think I know which way this is going to go? Anyway… It’s a no brainer to think that BK wants to do what he always have done and that’s go for 6’9-6’10 with potential in the draft, Woody wants what he always wants Experienced players, and the Spirit wants what they always want Cheapness.


I said that Knight was serious about Yi and that he was definitely in the mix for us. It took two weeks or more but Ford, Bucher, realgm, draftexpress, ndadraft, whoever, all finally acknowledged we had a legit interest in Yi. I remember you did not have a problem when I reported those news since you yourself are high on Yi.

Hello… Knight took a flight to LA to see Yi workout. Knight has scouted Yi about 3 times this year personally. Of course Knight is serious. Knight didn’t even work out our last draft pick.. and he took s--- over it all year long. You can guarantee that anybody he works out this year, is somebody he’s serious about.


I said that Knight was serious about Critt and it took time but the same media outlets reported the same thing.

Knight didn’t even work out our last draft pick.. and he took s--- over it all year long. You can guarantee that anybody he works out this year, is somebody he’s serious about.


I said that we were looking at Gasol with #3, Chill and Lo Wright as the pieces. Later on the same media outlets reported that trade and our interest in him.

On June 14th, you were asked what do you think it would take to get Gasol… You said :


I think
it would take #3, Shellhead or Chill and Wright and possibly the 11th pick to get it done. Memphis needs a good young PG as well and they could use that 11th pick to nab Law, Critt or Conley if he fell that far.

I think?

Not My sources say.

Not I’ve heard.

But I think.

Mind you that many people had thought on that same trade and had come up with their own rendition. In fact, earlier that day, Dragitoff made the following rendention:


I wish one of our local salary experts could show us what we'd have left if we traded for Gasol with both scenarios..



There was a few threads talking about Stuckey being a possible Chillz replacement, but I was looking at some of the 'vet' free agent SF/SG type players and there are a few decent ones that might be had pretty cheap. Here's a few and their 2006 salaries

Jason Kapono $1,188,000.00

Jumaine Jones $744,551.00

Jalen Rose $1,540,000.00

Derek Anderson $617,539.00

None of these guys are game changers and only Kapono averaged double-digit scoring last season, but at least something to look into.

Now, can someone get those salary figures posted? I'm curious just how much room we'd still have left if we did get Gasol. What is the league minimum these days for like an undrafted rookie?

Is Dragitoff your source? He also mentioned Stuckey before you….


I said that Knight was high on Horford while everyone else was saying "Conley or bust". Now everyone has us taking Horford if we keep that pick.

On June 5th, you said


Horford, Wright and Conley either equalled or mildly surpassed (Horford) expectations from the front office. Still getting a strong Horford/Wright feeling for #3 pick if we stay there and Critt at #11 if we stay there. Law did help himself with his numbers for those curious.

I bring this up here because joke or not to some Brandon Wright is most definitely high up on the list for the third pick if we stay there.

Edit: above information garnered from email from source this morning in response to my questioning said source over the predraft measurements.

I won’t begin to talk about Wright.. but I just wanted to get that date in there…

On 5-29… Horford was already being discussed…



I said that Stuckey was in the mix at #11 as well as Law and Critt and that got picked up.

So did Dragitoff, well before you.


I said that Chill was probably going to be traded and he has been in I believe in almost every single reported trade scenario for us to anyone in any trade.

When we traded Al last year, I proclaimed that Chillz would be next. That’s because it’s the logical conclusion. He’s not the superstar that Smoove is and we might not want to extend his contract to be a BU.. Wow..


I said that I believe both picks would be traded from the very start. Bill Shanks confirmed that today.

BK has hinted at this in conference. He said that he wants a veteran and he thinks he will get good players with the picks.

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  • Premium Member

D, you're being obtuse. Sothron never claimed to have connections with Knight himself. He's simply passing information along about trade and draft proposals.

Do you not understand the simple difference between claiming something will 100% happen, and claiming something might happen?

If it bothers you, don't read his threads.

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MrH, Big Daddy D is just playing his part, and we're an enabling, participatory audience. Just enjoy the show and don't let it bother you so much smile.gif

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Dude, you're right. This is comical..

I'm reading Ron's post and thinking up my next punchline...

In fact...

My Sources tell me that Cleveland had agreed to send us Lebron James for #3, #11, and Marvin Williams but Billy Knight wouldn't sign off on the deal sighting that Marvin was only 20 and full of potential.

Wait, Wait...

My Source just called me back and said Cleveland was willing to throw in their 2008 first rounder.... We will have to wait to July 1, 2009 to see if the trade went through. Apparently, Lebron has too many years on his contract so what we will do is we will pick whoever Cleveland advises us to and we will hold on to them until Lebron has only 4 years left on his contract. So really, the person we pick this year is not really our player... We're just holding him until we can trade him and Marvin for Lebron!

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Dude, you're right. This is comical..

I'm reading Ron's post and thinking up my next punchline...

In fact...

My Sources tell me that Cleveland had agreed to send us Lebron James for #3, #11, and Marvin Williams but Billy Knight wouldn't sign off on the deal sighting that Marvin was only 20 and full of potential.

Wait, Wait...

My Source just called me back and said Cleveland was willing to throw in their 2008 first rounder.... We will have to wait to July 1, 2009 to see if the trade went through. Apparently, Lebron has too many years on his contract so what we will do is we will pick whoever Cleveland advises us to and we will hold on to them until Lebron has only 4 years left on his contract. So really, the person we pick this year is not really our player... We're just holding him until we can trade him and Marvin for Lebron!

Diesel, just shut the F up already! You're the one ruining this forum for everyone else right now, not Soth. F Off!

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Sources say:

Danny Ferry and Billy Knight have come to an agreement.

The Hawks will trade Marvin Williams, Salim Stoudamire, and #3 pick to Cleveland for Lebron James and the 2008 1st round pick. The deal will be placed on hold until July 1, 2009 so that Atlanta Ownership can work out an agreement that is in compliance with their current Law Suit. Ferry has already requested that the Hawks use the pick to select Josh McRoberts. When asked why he would trade Lebron after having Lebron lead the Cavs to the finals, Ferry said McRoberts is the steal of this draft and he reminds Ferry of himself. He also said that Marvin Williams has a lot of potential and he's only 20. Mike Woodson was seen running around Philips arena Kissing everybody.

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  • Premium Member

Sources say:

Danny Ferry and Billy Knight have come to an agreement.

The Hawks will trade Marvin Williams, Salim Stoudamire, and #3 pick to Cleveland for Lebron James and the 2008 1st round pick. The deal will be placed on hold until July 1, 2009 so that Atlanta Ownership can work out an agreement that is in compliance with their current Law Suit. Ferry has already requested that the Hawks use the pick to select Josh McRoberts. When asked why he would trade Lebron after having Lebron lead the Cavs to the finals, Ferry said McRoberts is the steal of this draft and he reminds Ferry of himself. He also said that Marvin Williams has a lot of potential and he's only 20. Mike Woodson was seen running around Philips arena Kissing everybody.

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The latest news from my sources say that Ainge heard about the Lebron Deal and he wanted to have a piece of the action. The source said that Ainge will take the package of Marvin, #11, and Salim and he will give O.J. Mayo and Al Jefferson in 2009.

Knight questioned the trade of Mayo being that Mayo can't be in the draft til the 2008 season and Ainge immediately stated, "I know we will suck, I have a feeling we will get the first pick". So while BK is considering the Lebron deal, he is also considering Jefferson and Mayo which is contingent upon Danny Ainge's Gut feeling coming to past.

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Anyone who has a Barry Bonds quote as his signature is a dolt automatically.

You aren't funny. This is so sophomoric. Can someone close this?

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