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Somebody, anybody...find Horford listed as NBA C

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter

I am seriously asking for anyone to find Horford listed distinctly as an NBA center prospect anywhere. I understand that the Horford-ettes are hot and bothered over any big they can stretch into a center, but I simply want some proof that someone outside of the confines of HS or realGM agrees with them and projects Horford as an NBA center. Just one, maybe two. Anyone?

Even Roy last year had his college coach calling him an NBA Pg. Later the Trailblazer's GM and coach despite their having two Pg prospects already. Does Horford's coach see him as an NBA center prospect? How about Horford himself? Noah? Brewer? Anybody in the media?

Seriously asking. I've never and I mean NEVER seen it written or documented. It would be nice to know that at least ONE person with some knowledge outside of desperate Hawk fans would document this.

You would think so if it were true, right?


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DraftExpress has it, surprised you missed it.


Collegehoops.net's draft profile

Sports Illustrated mock

That wasn't hard, it's not so far-fetched Walter. Those are all respectable sites. And like I've said, I don't think he's a full time center, but I think he can handle 15-20 minutes there.

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Guest GHook4

Didn't you post this already like a week ago?

I know you want Yi man but Horford's a C and Yi's a PF. You'll feel better when you accept it.

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I am seriously asking for anyone to find Horford listed distinctly as an NBA center prospect anywhere. I understand that the Horford-ettes are hot and bothered over any big they can stretch into a center, but I simply want some proof that someone outside of the confines of HS or realGM agrees with them and projects Horford as an NBA center. Just one, maybe two. Anyone?

Even Roy last year had his college coach calling him an NBA Pg. Later the Trailblazer's GM and coach despite their having two Pg prospects already. Does Horford's coach see him as an NBA center prospect? How about Horford himself? Noah? Brewer? Anybody in the media?

Seriously asking. I've never and I mean NEVER seen it written or documented. It would be nice to know that at least ONE person with some knowledge outside of desperate Hawk fans would document this.

You would think so if it were true, right?



I wasn't impressed with the Shelden Williams pick last year (and still not), but I if the Hawks pick Horford, I believe he would be an upgrade over the current frontcourt players we have now.

Horford may not have the prototypical size, but he is competitor, he is more athletic than Shelden, and I believe his transition will be easier than most NBA rookies.

His father was a former NBA player. even though that is not a 'guarantee' that he will be good, but I beleive you will be pleasantly surprised in the way Horford plays in his first full year. Horford grew up around the game so I don't think his 'learning curve' will be as long.

The only thing I really worry about is his free throw shooting.

Other than that, in today's new NBA, being seven foot tall is not a necessity..

Ben Wallace or Amare Stoudamire proved you don't have to be 7 ft tall to compete on a nightly basis.

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Horford played a lot of Center in college and a lot of people see him as a Forward/Center. Is he a pure Center? No. Could he be a great Power Forward? Yes. Is he probably better suited to be a Power Forward? Yes. But can he play Center in today's NBA? I think he could. Are true 7-footer C's who are worth anything becoming a very rare commodity? Yes.

There are now 30 teams in the NBA, whereas not too long ago there were only around 15 or so. So yeah...not every team can have an ideal athletic seven foot post player as their starting Center. That's why teams are going a different route these days...and a 6'10, strong, skilled, athletic postplayer who is considered by most to be the third-best player in this draft really isn't the worst way to go.

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Give me a 6'10", 244 lbs athletic post player that can defend his position, brings toughness to the game, and rebounds like a mad man over the 7'0", 230 lbs soft, face the basket types that you get from the International level.

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Guest Walter

I simply don't see why you draft a player (one I believe is not as talented as Yi and who does resemble SW more than any other palyer in this draft) top 5 specifically to play a position he isn't wholly suited for. Yes, I've seen the 'tweener Pf/C label listed. Hell, DREW GOODEN was listed as that! For every Pf/C listed that becomes a good to great center there are 5 that never do. I mean come on. Where's the center?


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Come on Walter I know you are better than to base your argument over whether or not Horford can play C in the NBA on what some draft websites have listed, right? Hell Stoudemire was listed as a PF out of HS and he has shown that he can be a very effective C. Unless you are joining the Diesel camp and believing that the days of the lumbering 7' C's are coming back I can't honestly believe you are making this as your base argument against Horford.

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Not that it matters, because the Wally blinders don't allow facts or other people's opinions to penetrate his always-right projections, but Al Horford is widely recognized as being the 3rd best player in the draft.

I could find you 10 scouts or experts who say that very thing for every 1 who say that about Yi. In fact, I'm not sure I've even seen one scout or expert claim that Yi is the 3rd best player in the draft.

But of course, Wally only needs 100 minutes of YouTube clips to be able to definitively make that claim.

And where would Yi play?? Is he not duplicating a position we already have filled?? Poor Wally.

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are so very rarely ever right though, especially when it concerns a foreign player who could be anywhere from 19-24 years old and comes from an area that has only produced 1 star NBA player out of billions of people so far.

Horford is the more known player. He is by far the safer of the picks. He could be a monster of a player in the NBA. I honestly can't see him being any worse than very good (ie. a better scorer, lesser rebounder, equal defender than SW). I think that Yi has the potential to be an amazing scorer because he has shown that he can score inside and outside and being 7' tall it won't matter who that competition was against because nobody is going to block his shots with any regularity anyway. Yi has also shown that he is a terrific weakside defender and again that doesn't matter who the competition is because blocking a shot is blocking a shot, at least when you are 7' and can jump like he can.

If I am Woody I am thinking Horford. He can step in day 1 with Smoove and SW and anchor our team. We would have an amazing trio at the 4-5 with the three of them. 2 physical guys and 1 athletic freak. I love it!

If I am the ownership and BK I am thinking Yi. He would instantly sell tickets, jerseys, etc. He would bring a big time air of mystery with him. He is also versatile enough to play the 3-4 positions quite well, having major advantages over defenders at both positions. He could also play minutes at the 5, regardless of whether or not it's his natural position. Hell if Diaw as soft as he is can do it I see no reason why a much bigger Yi couldn't do it at times to create some offensive mismatches for us.

If I am Dolfan23 (which I am) I am pulling for Horford. I know what he can provide. I know that he can play the 5 for us because I have seen him do it. I have seen him run the floor like a 3, pass like a 1, and defend like a 5. I also know that he is a very smart kid, is extremely well grounded in the fundamentals of basketball, and that he has a high motor. He is everything you could want from a #3 pick. No he isn't the sexy mysterious pick like Yi would be, but he fills a major need for us and lets be honest, how many of us really want to see Zaza starting for the Hawks any longer? I love Z and all, but I would much rather see him coming off the bench or better yet traded for another draft pick or a SG.

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are so very rarely ever right though, especially when it concerns a foreign player who could be anywhere from 19-24 years old and comes from an area that has only produced 1 star NBA player out of billions of people so far.

Horford is the more known player. He is by far the safer of the picks. He could be a monster of a player in the NBA. I honestly can't see him being any worse than very good (ie. a better scorer, lesser rebounder, equal defender than SW). I think that Yi has the potential to be an amazing scorer because he has shown that he can score inside and outside and being 7' tall it won't matter who that competition was against because nobody is going to block his shots with any regularity anyway. Yi has also shown that he is a terrific weakside defender and again that doesn't matter who the competition is because blocking a shot is blocking a shot, at least when you are 7' and can jump like he can.

If I am Woody I am thinking Horford. He can step in day 1 with Smoove and SW and anchor our team. We would have an amazing trio at the 4-5 with the three of them. 2 physical guys and 1 athletic freak. I love it!

If I am the ownership and BK I am thinking Yi. He would instantly sell tickets, jerseys, etc. He would bring a big time air of mystery with him. He is also versatile enough to play the 3-4 positions quite well, having major advantages over defenders at both positions. He could also play minutes at the 5, regardless of whether or not it's his natural position. Hell if Diaw as soft as he is can do it I see no reason why a much bigger Yi couldn't do it at times to create some offensive mismatches for us.

If I am Dolfan23 (which I am) I am pulling for Horford. I know what he can provide. I know that he can play the 5 for us because I have seen him do it. I have seen him run the floor like a 3, pass like a 1, and defend like a 5. I also know that he is a very smart kid, is extremely well grounded in the fundamentals of basketball, and that he has a high motor. He is everything you could want from a #3 pick. No he isn't the sexy mysterious pick like Yi would be, but he fills a major need for us and lets be honest, how many of us really want to see Zaza starting for the Hawks any longer? I love Z and all, but I would much rather see him coming off the bench or better yet traded for another draft pick or a SG.

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good lord man....i posted a list of current NBA centers a week or so ago....do you deny that in the CURRENT state of the NBA that centers are not true centers as they have been in the past?

Yao Ming, Shaq, Curry and..........well that's it..that's all i can think of whose size could overpower Horford in the post....Horford has the game to play center so what exactly about him do you beleive is not center-worthy?

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Guest Walter


Come on Walter I know you are better than to base your argument over whether or not Horford can play C in the NBA on what some draft websites have listed, right?

I'm not basing MY argument on it. I know he's not an NBA center. However, I would expect a clear indication that that is what he will be from those who want to draft him. All I get is more of the same half argument. Even SW's was listed as a Pf/C. Great. Now we have two.


Hell Stoudemire was listed as a PF out of HS and he has shown that he can be a very effective C. Unless you are joining the Diesel camp and believing that the days of the lumbering 7' C's are coming back I can't honestly believe you are making this as your base argument against Horford.


That is the exception, not the rule. You do not draft a playertop 5 to play them OUT OF POSITION. If they are somehow later forced to and manage (through extreme talent in Amare's case) to play well out of position, fine, you have a success you did not count on. But drafting them for the intended purpose of playing them OUT OF POSITION is...insane.

Again, would you draft a TE in the 1st rd to play Left Tackle? Would you sign

a 3rd baseman to play shortstop? There are a few examples of both working in the NFL and baseball but most wouldn't or don't work. There is NO WAY IN HELL you draft top 5 to experiment whether or not your player will be a good or bad example of the prototype Pf turned center.

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