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Somebody, anybody...find Horford listed as NBA C

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter


are so very rarely ever right though, especially when it concerns a foreign player who could be anywhere from 19-24 years old and comes from an area that has only produced 1 star NBA player out of billions of people so far.

Horford is the more known player. He is by far the safer of the picks. He could be a monster of a player in the NBA. I honestly can't see him being any worse than very good (ie. a better scorer, lesser rebounder, equal defender than SW). I think that Yi has the potential to be an amazing scorer because he has shown that he can score inside and outside and being 7' tall it won't matter who that competition was against because nobody is going to block his shots with any regularity anyway. Yi has also shown that he is a terrific weakside defender and again that doesn't matter who the competition is because blocking a shot is blocking a shot, at least when you are 7' and can jump like he can.

If I am Woody I am thinking Horford. He can step in day 1 with Smoove and SW and anchor our team. We would have an amazing trio at the 4-5 with the three of them. 2 physical guys and 1 athletic freak. I love it!

If I am the ownership and BK I am thinking Yi. He would instantly sell tickets, jerseys, etc. He would bring a big time air of mystery with him. He is also versatile enough to play the 3-4 positions quite well, having major advantages over defenders at both positions. He could also play minutes at the 5, regardless of whether or not it's his natural position. Hell if Diaw as soft as he is can do it I see no reason why a much bigger Yi couldn't do it at times to create some offensive mismatches for us.

If I am Dolfan23 (which I am) I am pulling for Horford. I know what he can provide. I know that he can play the 5 for us because I have seen him do it. I have seen him run the floor like a 3, pass like a 1, and defend like a 5. I also know that he is a very smart kid, is extremely well grounded in the fundamentals of basketball, and that he has a high motor. He is everything you could want from a #3 pick. No he isn't the sexy mysterious pick like Yi would be, but he fills a major need for us and lets be honest, how many of us really want to see Zaza starting for the Hawks any longer? I love Z and all, but I would much rather see him coming off the bench or better yet traded for another draft pick or a SG.

Believe me I don't want ZaZa starting next year either. We all know this draft couldn't address our center position needs so too many are trying to make it do so like squeezing water from a rock. We need a trade for a center. I've always said we should consider JC, MW, and/or SW in a trade for a center (prospect) should we draft Yi. Fact is ZaZa might be starting with Horford next to him. Even if we draft Horford we need to make a trade with all these forwards, all of whom we cannot hope to resign. If we need to make a trade anyhow and a center can only be had through a trade, why not a trade for a center?


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Guest Walter


It's ALWAYS "the exception" when facts don't back Wally's reality.

Man, there sure are a lot of exceptions out there.

Is SW one of those "exceptions". You may not realize it because the failed attempts don't stand out at you, but many more exist. Take SW for one.


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Believe me I don't want ZaZa starting next year either. We all know this draft couldn't address our center position needs so too many are trying to make it do so like squeezing water from a rock. We need a trade for a center. I've always said we should consider JC, MW, and/or SW in a trade for a center (prospect) should we draft Yi. Fact is ZaZa might be starting with Horford next to him. Even if we draft Horford we need to make a trade with all these forwards, all of whom we cannot hope to resign. If we need to make a trade anyhow and a center can only be had through a trade, why not a trade for a center?


I keep hearing we need to trade for a center but I just don't see that many great centers in the NBA.

Duncan is probably the only real center that I feel is a difference maker and he can actually be considered a power forward.

Big Z is decent but doesn't carry the team.

Ben Wallace is good but has no offense and has a PF body.

Kaman is decent but regressed this year.

Shaq is declining and is once a decade player.

Bogut doesn't impress me.

Bynum is unproven and young.

Biedrens is improving but even he isn't a prototypical center.

I guess I just don't see where these magical centers are. If you have a great one(Duncan and young Shaq) then I can buy into your thought process but you just don't see those guys available. Horford isn't sexy to me, nor is Shelden but I have no problem rotating those guys with Josh Smith in the PF and C spots.

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Guest Walter


I keep hearing we need to trade for a center but I just don't see that many great centers in the NBA.

Nene, Daly, Milicic (resigned and traded), Camby, Biedrins, Bynum, even one of Seattle's 3 center prospects.

You don't need a "great center" if you have great talent and whatever Horford will be at Pf it does not equate to a "great center". I'd rather get the most talent and upside I can in Yi, draft a Pg, and get an average starting center through trade.

We do have three distinct needs here: TALENT, Pg, and center. Yi addresses the talent need ideally. Conley the Pg need ideally. Those two picks I can conceive of at 3. Horford addresses the POWER FORWARD need? Huh?


Horford isn't sexy to me, nor is Shelden but I have no problem rotating those guys with Josh Smith in the PF and C spots.

But they would and do have a problem with it and you should have a problem with it. This is the 3rd overall pick. Why go for unsexy AND out of position. Makes no sense. There is nothing safe about playing a player out of position so don't argue it's safer. It's not.


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Nene, Daly, Milicic (resigned and traded), Camby, Biedrins, Bynum, even one of Seattle's 3 center prospects.

None of those are scorers except for maybe Nene, and possibly Darko in the future. NONE would overpower him on the offensive end.


Horford addresses the POWER FORWARD need? Huh?

So does Yi. You act like Yi has all this talent that Horford doesn't, when in fact he doesn't. Would you rather have a player that can score inside, with his back to the basket, and with much higher efficiency, or a 7'0" WEAK perimeter player who can't play D?

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Nene, Daly, Milicic (resigned and traded), Camby, Biedrins, Bynum, even one of Seattle's 3 center prospects.



Of that list I like Camby and Biedrins but don't think either can stop Duncan. Daly and the rest are UNPROVEN!

I see no reason why a platoon of Horford and Shelden can not out muscle those guys in the post. They may give up a few inches but make up for it in strength. Utah's frontline should show you how size not necessarily height can be effective.

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