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Who wanted us to draft Yi at 3?


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Please sign-in here if you were campaigning for Yi to be our #3 pick.

I can't wait to bump this for about the next 5 years to show how stupid that would have been...

Off the top of my head, here are some Yi supporters:


-Troy McClure



-JohnnyBravo (I think?)

Anyways, please post here to go on record.

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I supported drafting Yi. Less for his on court impact and more for the economic impact. When his team gains about $50-75M in incremental revenue during his rookie contract (from sponsorships, advertising, co-ops, etc), then his on-court production will be meaningless. That team can simply acquire more productive players and not sweat the luxury tax because they know that Yi will more than cover that expense over the life of his rookie contract.

By the way, it would be really interesting to get bloggers to sign up for using 2-3 summer league games to predict the future of players. I'd love to see who is willing to use 2-3 glorified pick-up games to forecast a player's NBA career.

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Anakin Joe, I supported drafting Yi for reasons identical to yours, PROVIDED however the expected comparative 'on-the-court' contributions of he and Horford (to the team) was a toss-up. If the on-the-court decision was a toss-up, then the off-the-court decision most certainly needed to be driven by economics, and there Yi wins hands down. If Horford is clearly the much better on-the-court choice (which apparently Billy and the ASG thought to be true), he has to be the selection. Over time we'll see, won't we.

By the way, isn't it interesting to have heard Danny Ferry (Cavs GM) say a few days back that the luxury tax wouldn't be a factor in Cleveland's pursuit of pieces to surround LBJ as the Cavs seek the title this coming season. Imagine that sort of statement - and intent - coming from BK and current Hawks ownership.

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I was enamored with those highlight videos of Yi.


I was enamored with his measurables.

Thank goodness BK didn't buy any of that. Perhaps he would have if he wasn't on the hot seat.

Bottomline is that this guy is going to take 3-4 years to develop and he may never be that great defensively.

Thank you Billy Knight for A)Not falling for Yi Mania and B)Standing your ground against upper management

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By the way, isn't it interesting to have heard Danny Ferry (Cavs GM) say a few days back that the luxury tax wouldn't be a factor in Cleveland's pursuit of pieces to surround LBJ as the Cavs seek the title this coming season. Imagine that sort of statement - and intent - coming from BK and current Hawks ownership.

And as you know, LBJ has delivered almost $160M to the franchise since entering the league. So when you have that type of revenue infusion, then you can ignore the luxury tax. I think Yi could defintely bring in about half of what LeBron has brought in economically (in the right market). And with the number of Fortune 500 companies doing business in Atlanta, we would be the right market (as opposed to Milwaukee).

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My want for Yi was different.

The economics and the visibility is great... However, Yi has so much potential that it's foolish to pass up him to take mediocre. I'm laughing at how these guys are dissecting how Yi plays every game.. I wonder if we will see the same for Horford? I doubt it. More than likely, we will get excuses.

Still, When the games means something, let's see what happens!

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My want for Yi was different.

The economics and the visibility is great... However, Yi has so much potential that it's foolish to pass up him to take mediocre. I'm laughing at how these guys are dissecting how Yi plays every game.. I wonder if we will see the same for Horford? I doubt it. More than likely, we will get excuses.

Still, When the games means something, let's see what happens!

Trust me we will see the same for Horford if not more from you Yi lovers/Horford Haters

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Dude though, the problem with you is you won't aknowledge Yi's struggles, but then will point out every little thing Horford does wrong, EVEN IF HE OUTPERFORMS YI BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS.

I mean, I'm all for critical reflection, but the problem with Hawksquawk is this: People develop strong agends/points of view (from both sides), and then try to defend it to the death. Rational perspectives get thrown out the window in the process.

It just makes you (and everyone like you) foolish when you go so overboard to show you're correct, that you no longer are making quality basketball arguments.

Anyways, I'm glad we dont have Yi. I went Horford and Stuckey, and I don't regret that (if anything, I think we might regret NOT taking Stuckey).

And I wouldn't trade Yi for Marvin straight up. Marvin has much better handles, shot, etc than Yi.

Yi will not be Dirk (that was the comparison right?). He can't dribble or shoot as well.

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Busy, I'm just wondering what rock you will be hiding under come February!

Because if you think your words are not cemented in time... think again.

My prediction is that Busy will stop posting and we will see new post from "The Artist" and "The Artist" will be a YI fan.

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Last time I check, Horford hasn't played a game.

And in SL, I don't ever use that as any sort of basis... It's meaningless play.. Check my history.

However, give it 20 games and then let's re-evaluate... That's what I say every year.. check my history.

Still.. the fact that some of you are so excitable over SL games, I hope you hold Horford to the same standard.

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Busy, I'm just wondering what rock you will be hiding under come February!

Because if you think your words are not cemented in time... think again.

My prediction is that Busy will stop posting and we will see new post from "The Artist" and "The Artist" will be a YI fan.

February will be a good month as Michael Vick, Acie Law, and Al Horford prove a lot of people wrong.

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Nah, I agree. SL isn't important.

The thing is, I would FULLY expect you to start pointing out every little thing Horford does wrong in SL just to make your point, even when you don't do that to Yi. Maybe you'll surprise me.

I wanted Horford before the draft, but I have no "agenda" to prove myself "correct." If he performs badly, then no excuses here. Hopefully you can be the same way about Yi (but I don't see that as likely).

From what I have seen from Yi in summer league, he is not much further along than Marvin in his first summer league. Also, Yi has not had good handles in SL (or any clip I've seen of him). This is why he is overrated IMO, and why I would never trade Marvin for him. He is a perimeter player who can't dribble! Maybe he gets better with that, we'll see.

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Dude though, the problem with you is you won't aknowledge Yi's struggles, but then will point out every little thing Horford does wrong, EVEN IF HE OUTPERFORMS YI BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS.

I mean, I'm all for critical reflection, but the problem with Hawksquawk is this: People develop strong agends/points of view (from both sides), and then try to defend it to the death. Rational perspectives get thrown out the window in the process.

It just makes you (and everyone like you) foolish when you go so overboard to show you're correct, that you no longer are making quality basketball arguments.

Anyways, I'm glad we dont have Yi. I went Horford and Stuckey, and I don't regret that (if anything, I think we might regret NOT taking Stuckey).

And I wouldn't trade Yi for Marvin straight up. Marvin has much better handles, shot, etc than Yi.

Yi will not be Dirk (that was the comparison right?). He can't dribble or shoot as well.

Well said. I hope the vocal minority of Deisel and Walter take note and take a more mature outlook.

It is fine to have opinion but after more then a year of bitching let it rest.

Walter on Sheldon

Diesel on Marvin

We are all sick of it !

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Last time I check, Horford hasn't played a game.

And in SL, I don't ever use that as any sort of basis... It's meaningless play.. Check my history.

However, give it 20 games and then let's re-evaluate... That's what I say every year.. check my history.

Still.. the fact that some of you are so excitable over SL games, I hope you hold Horford to the same standard.

Am I wrong in assuming that you want Horford to be a flop?

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