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Billy Knight's Vision Is Complete!


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All these years of bad management are finally over

Billy Knight aka BK aka The Knightmare has done it

Through poor play, crafty trades, and luck of the draw we have somehow built arguably the most promising young roster in the NBA

In fact outside of playoff teams this is probably how they rank:



Acie LawSpeedy

Joe JohnsonSalim Stoudemire

Marvin WilliamsJosh Childress

Josh SmithShelden Williams

Al HorfordZaza Pachulia



Jarret Jack/Sergio Rodriguez

Brandon Roy/Rudy Fernandez

Travis Outlaw/Martell Webster

Lamarcus Aldridge/Josh Mcroberts

Greg Oden/Joel Przybilla



Ray Felton/

Jason Richardson/Matt Carroll

Gerald Wallace/Adam Morrison

Sean May/Jake Voskuhl

Emeka Okafor/Primoz Brezec



Mike Conley Jr

Mike Miller

Rudy Gay/Hakim Warrick

Pau Gasol/Stromile Swift

Darko Milicic


New York

Nate Robinson/Mardy Collins

Demetrius Nichols

Renaldo Balkman/Wilson Chandler

Zach Randolph/David Lee

Eddy Curry/Randolph Morris



Luke Ridnour/Earl Watson/Delonte West

Jeff Green

Kevin Durant/Damien Wilkins

Chris Wilcox/Nick Collison

Robert Swift/Sene



Maurice Williams

Michael ReddCharlie Bell

Charlie Bell

Yi JianlianCharlie Villanueva

Andrew BogutGadzuric

8 )


Louis Williams

Andre Iguodala/Derrick Byars

Rodney Carney/Thaddeus Young

Shavlik Randolph/Herbert Hill

Samuel Dalembert/Jason Smith

We rank #1 in the NBA in terms of a young core outside of the current playoff teams.

Remember those bad decisions to take Childress and Shelden Williams? Well guess what? Because of those decisions along with a few wise decisions to land players like Zaza Pachulia and Solomon Jones, we edge out Charlotte and Portland for best core in the league because those "mistakes" and wise decisions combine to give us a talented young bench.

And that bench edges out both Portland and Charlotte giving us the more promising overall future.

If you still think one of those teams are better right now, the bottomline is that we have one of the brightest young cores in the league.

BK has done it.

All those interchangeable parts?

He has them! And he has them at just about every position.

All those long, athletic pieces capable of playing offense and defense.

The future for the first time in a decade looks bright.

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Guest Walter




Jarret Jack/Sergio Rodriguez

Brandon Roy/Rudy Fernandez

Travis Outlaw/Martell Webster

Lamarcus Aldridge/Josh Mcroberts

Greg Oden/Joel Przybilla

I'd have to put them significantly ahead of us. Bobcats ahead also.

Nothing like being one of the best of the worst.


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Nothing like being one of the best of the worst.


It's not saying we are one of the best of the worst.

It's saying 3-5 years from now we are a team that has one of the greatest chances of being elite.

As far as the Blazers "SIGNIFICANTLY" ahead of us, you must be joking.

None of those teams are "SIGNIFICANTLY" ahead of us in any single position let alone an entire roster

Acie Law = Jarrett Jack

Joe Johnson > Brandon Roy

Marvin Williams = Travis Outlaw

Josh Smith = LaMarcus Aldridge

AL Horford

Acie Law = Ray Felton

Joe Johnson > Jason Richardson

Marvin Williams

Josh Smith > Sean May

Al Horford

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There's no need in putting ANY rookie on this list...we can talk about potential all we want...bottom line is they are ROOKIES and you don't what you're going to have until at least the end of year one...sometimes not that soon..

With that said, I do believe we have the roster with the most young talent...which means we're not quite ready to win..

What BK has done is set the team up to be consistently competitive year after year...which is commendable..

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Until BK's "vision" wins some games it is kind of hard to praise him.

Realistically, if you are bad enough over long enough a period of time such that you are in position to accumulate 7 first round draft picks, including 5 lottery selections and 4 top 6 picks in a five year stretch you better have some good young talent on your roster.

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New York

Nate Robinson/Mardy Collins

Demetrius Nichols

Renaldo Balkman/Wilson Chandler

Zach Randolph/David Lee

Eddy Curry/Randolph Morris

You left out the Knicks starting backcourt.

Jamal Crawford is a straight up baller and Marbury is finally starting to play like an unselfish PG. They have a really goood back court.

However, I don't know if Curry and Randolfph will work together. It os quite a luxury to ALWAYSE have one competent post scorer on the floor. The 18 -20 MPG Curry is getting a breather or is foul trouble, Randolfph will be getting his points. Randloph will allow Curry to get away with being a below average rebounder b/c he is a rebounding beast. If Thomas can get Marbury to mature into areal leaderthis team could go some where. They definatly got the talent but do they have the talent and can Randolfph stay out of trouble in the Big Apple ?

Their problem is post defense but they do have 120 $ effort guys like Balkman and Lee off the nech that will give teams fit.

A great coach could make this team great. Hmmmm, wondering if Phil Jackson may just have a return to the Big Apple in mind where he played in the 70's. Their owner definately has the money to pay him.

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I'd take Portland's roster over ours all day long. I wouldn't even doubt that decision for a split second.

I like our roster, but I love theirs.

Luckily we're in the more watered down conference, which is the only thing that could get us into postseason action before them.

That pretty much says it. Nobody has a better young nucleus than the Trailblazers.

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Yep, the Blazers have to be #1, and I think us and the Bobcats are similar (but they might have us by a little).

I dont know though. It's a team game, not a game of individual players evaluated in relation to eachother on paper.

Let's see how it plays out on the court. wink.gif

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Portland is a trainwreck waiting to happen under the correct circumstances.

Oct 21 Roy's foot becomes inflamed. it bothers him off and on for the better part of 3 seasons.

Dec 10 Oden reinjures his hand. during a routine physical examination it is also learned his bulging disks in his back (supposedly common for big men) will require surgery.

Feb 21 (this is where I'll lose some people) Lamarcus Aldridge drops while running the floor. it is later learned he has suffered a heart attack. anybody remember that episode of Arliss back in the day where he got that kid a huge payday and he never played a single game?

All I'm saying here is everybody has their weaknesses, especially the Blazers.

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Portland is a trainwreck waiting to happen under the correct circumstances.

Oct 21 Roy's foot becomes inflamed. it bothers him off and on for the better part of 3 seasons.

Dec 10 Oden reinjures his hand. during a routine physical examination it is also learned his bulging disks in his back (supposedly common for big men) will require surgery.

Feb 21 (this is where I'll lose some people) Lamarcus Aldridge drops while running the floor. it is later learned he has suffered a heart attack. anybody remember that episode of Arliss back in the day where he got that kid a huge payday and he never played a single game?

All I'm saying here is everybody has their weaknesses, especially the Blazers.

I guess the Spurs can't be said to be better than the Hawks because their team bus could be hit by a Spinal Tap touring bus causing everyone to die in a hideous fireball...except the drummer for Tap who would then spontaneously combust while giving a report to the police.

I am not saying that Portland is a finished product without flaws or without potential for injury. I am saying that with the best center prospect in a decade, with a studly PF, with several young point guards, with a stud SG and with a few prospects at SF that this is the best collection of young talent in the league.

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every one of those injury possibilities is a preexisting condidition as of this very minute and all are well documented.

you are trying to make an anology using a freak occurence. all 3 situations outlined above are plausible.

It is also plausible that Shelden's should breaks down, JJ goes down hurt again, Childress retires from chronic foot injuries, and that we go nowhere next year.

The point is that while your hypotheticals are plausible, it doesn't change the fact that Portland clearly has better prospects than we do.

Oden is a bigger injury risk than Horford but he sure as heck is still a better prospect.

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every one of those injury possibilities is a preexisting condidition as of this very minute and all are well documented.

you are trying to make an anology using a freak occurence. all 3 situations outlined above are plausible.

It is also plausible that Shelden's should breaks down, JJ goes down hurt again, Childress retires from chronic foot injuries, and that we go nowhere next year.

The point is that while your hypotheticals are plausible, it doesn't change the fact that Portland clearly has better prospects than we do.

Oden is a bigger injury risk than Horford but he sure as heck is still a better prospect.

you are correct outside of Joe as that is less likely a chronic problem as opposed to the other 5 players in question.

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every one of those injury possibilities is a preexisting condidition as of this very minute and all are well documented.

you are trying to make an anology using a freak occurence. all 3 situations outlined above are plausible.

It is also plausible that Shelden's should breaks down, JJ goes down hurt again, Childress retires from chronic foot injuries, and that we go nowhere next year.

The point is that while your hypotheticals are plausible, it doesn't change the fact that Portland clearly has better prospects than we do.

Oden is a bigger injury risk than Horford but he sure as heck is still a better prospect.

you are correct outside of Joe as that is less likely a chronic problem as opposed to the other 5 players in question.

Really, Oden and Horford epitomise the two teams to me. Both have very good young talent. Portland's on the whole is higher injury risk but that is outweighed by even higher potential. Just like Oden over Horford.

Frankly, any young team with a monster prospect at center (not Eddy Curry but someone regarded as highly as Oden, Ewing, Duncan, etc.) is way ahead of the game. Add in stud prospects in Roy and Aldridge and they are in fantastic shape. With the Sergio, Jack, etc. list of young points they also have better balance, IMO. Just overall a clearly better group of prospects even though there is certainly a real chance it doesn't work out that way.

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