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Baseball Tonight: Braves


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They just mentioned Dontrelle and Texiera as possibilities for the Braves to trade for. They mentioned Salty for Willis and didn't go in depth about Texiera, but Steve Phillips believes Schuerholz will make a big move before the deadline.

I don't really know if moving Chipper to 1st would help him stay healthier, but if it did then I think Escobar at 3rd and Chipper at 1st, with Salty being moved for Dontrelle would be huge. I like Salty a lot, but a rotation including Smoltz/Hudson/Willis would be pretty nasty, particularly in a 7 game series.

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I used to be big on Dontrelle, but I don't know anymore. He really isn't as dominating as he once was. He's a flashy player that occasionally shows signs of being that dominant pitcher, but I don't think he's worth trading Salty for, especially now that he's going to be making big money. The only pitcher I'd trade Salty for is a proven #1 starter that is still under control for a few years.

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Doing a Willis /Salty deal is a no brainer...You get a guy in Willis who's 25, still in his prime, and a couple of years removed from a 22-10 regular season. Imagine him around Smoltz and Hudson on a day-to-day and how much of a better pitcher he would become...plus he has postseason experience too. The left handed Willis would add symmetry to the starting rotation...

Imagine a rotation of Smoltz/Hudson/Willis/James/Carlyle... that's definitely a blast from the past.

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That's exactly what I was thinking with Willis. Texeira, on the other hand, I don't really see the need for him. I don't know where Steve Phillips came up with that one.

Our worst everyday hitter is at 1B (or CF, depending on which Andruw is playing). Teixera would be a HUGE improvement over Thorman.

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I agree with you that he would be a huge improvement over Thorman, however I would rather keep Salty at first than give him or Escobar up for Texeira. I guess it all depends on what they would have to give up to get a guy like Texeira.

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Texiera rumor has been going around since before the All-Star game. Mark gives the Braves a consistant #4 hitter. It moves Andruw down to the 5 or 6 hole where his inconsistant bat won't be as problematic.

Texas won't budge off wanting Salty IMO. A switch-hitting, power-hitting, left-handed catcher is a very, very rare commodity. Every team in the majors wants Salty. I like the idea of Mark, but the price, is too high considering Salty can gives us the the same thing over the next few seasons as Mark would give us.

Willis is not going to go to the Braves, IMO. The Braves would have to give up Salty or Yunel. So, the Braves pitchers would be faced with a terrific offensive player 18 times a season, while the Marlins would only have to face Willis 3-5 games a season. This is a bad move for the Braves in that sense. If Dontrell was in the American League then I would consider it.

Another pitcher the Braves should look at is Harang who pitches tonight for Cinncy. Very good ERA, good k-bb ratio. A solid pitcher that won't cost Yunel or Salty. It will take a top prospect, but we can afford to give-up one of those.

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