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Chinese Team Will Block Yi Going to Bucks


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What you might see is that Philly offer 3 players for Yi!

They may even take on the salary of Bobby Simmons in the process.

Something like Carney, Smith, and Miller for Yi and Simmons

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Maybe a trade of Chillz for the services of Yi.

Yep, his value goes down now because of the problem Milwaukee have put themselves into.

I'd do that in a heartbeat but I doubt Milwaukee would consider it.

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Zaza, Marvin, Filler for Gasol!

That's very attractive:






Of course with our versatility, we will have players playing differently, for instance, Chillz might be first backup at SF And Al may be first BU at PF.

But I think this would be a good team!

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Thinking about it, Yi for Marvin makes more sense, but I don't think it's enough value recouped on our end for Milwaukee's position.

Maybe Marvin for Yi and a conditional first round pick.

We can't totally bail them out.

A front court of Shelden, Smoove, Yi or Al, Smoove Yi, would be just awesome.

But Gasol is more attractive.

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LOL you are CRAZY!

I would consider trading Childress for him only if Negative Nancy is right about his foot being a problem if he plays more than 20 minutes a night.

I think any reasonable person would agree the hype job that was put on about Yi through the media was masterful.

diesel is all about bashing the 'hype-mobile' unless it's a player he likes

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Chuck Diesel Says:

Yi and Gadzuric to Atlanta for Marvin Williams and Zaza Pachulia

I say:

Yi, Gadzuric, and 2008 1st rounder (top 3 protected) to Atlanta for Marvin Williams and Zaza Pachulia

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Best post in the thread...


Chapter29 wrote:

-= original quote snipped =-

We will not trade him for .50 on the dollar for starters, in fact we likely will not trade him at all.

Well we are kinda in agreement, my point was that you'd only get 50c on the dollar, hence my recommendation was not to trade him unless you absolutely have to. Unfortunately, given today's comments from Guangdong Tigers chief, Chen Haitao, calling his bluff is looking a much riskier proposition, and at some stage you may be forced to either cut your losses, or make a statement, forego the pick and keep Yi out of the league for a season.

Chapter29 wrote:

If we put out there that we wanted to trade him, many teams would be interested and create a competitive atmosphere for his services. Perhaps the initial offers may be low ball attempts, but they are simply offers and we don't have to accept them, competition for him will drive that value right back to where it should be.


Firstly remove all the non-Yi-approved teams from the list. Then remove the teams that aren't high on Yi, or are totally lowballing you, or would be too loaded at F to give Yi enough burn to satisfy his keepers. This will leave a handful of teams, but even those will know you're in the corner, that
it's a buyers market, and no way in hell they offer more than 66c to the dollar

Chapter29 wrote:

We aren't dumb and will certainly be patient. We can afford to be patient.

I'm not saying your dumb, and I agree you must be patient. Even now following the comments from Guandong. But the way things are going I can see him kept out of pro-ball for at least the first month of the CBA season, and very possibly its entirety. It's hardly like the CBA is such a great league it would make or break him, plus he'd be a guaranteed fixture of the national team, whose pre Olympic preparation could be ramped up leading into the Olympics to compensate.

I still think you should wait, I'm certainly not suggesting giving up yet. I'd like to know the starting date of the CBA and also when Yi becomes free from his MIL obligation before advocating when to cut your losses and take the best offer you can get. I'm merely pointing out that, even before today's comments from China, Yi's market value is considerably less than his draft position or supposed talent level, and that under the circumstances a realistic trade offer should actually be a lowball offers, and not a fair or balanced one. All This talk of Yi for Iguodala, or Yi and Gadz for Biedrins and Wright, or Yi for Tyrus Thomas is retarded given the situation, and that you'd likely not get that back even with Yi signed.

That's the harsh, cruel slap of reality.


There is obviously a huge disconnect, between Bucks fans perception of Yi's value and other fans.

Buck fans are expecting the same value as if Yi is already guaranteed to be the next Dirk. Case in point, Andrea Bargnani who is a more promising prospect wouldn't even get that type of value.

On the other hand, other fans can't expect a bag of chips and a pylon is enough to land Yi.

A few guys that I think would be fair value for Yi would be:

Marvin Williams

Josh Childress and maybe a future 1st round pick

Devin Harris

Hakim Warrick and a couple of picks

Rudy Gay

Jameer Nelson

I would put it this way, the Bucks are most likely to get a slightly lower calibre player along with draft picks.

Yi's value is going to be lower, because of the baggage he comes along with. Its not quite the same as the Steve Francis situation, as you inherit the Chinese government in this deal. However, likewise, the Grizzlies got Michael Dickerson anda few spare parts and picks in the deal.

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HYPE Is...

A 6'9 Sf who will take three years to become the next James Worthy.

Hype is not..

A 7'0" Foward who has allstar potential because of his speed and agility and ability to score.

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The last thing we need is a guy who can't play defense at even a basic NBA level. We will not be going after Yi in any case because we have no place to play him and would not want to keep answering to the Chinese why the kids butt is nail gunned to the bench.

Woody is hard on rookies anyway. Woody is 10x hard on rookies who can't play a lick of defense.

This is the reason why you don't take players from Communist governments who control their players.

For all those who think the Bucks got themselves into this you need to think again. The league has to protect all of its teams, not just the big markets. The moment the players start dictating where they will play and where they will not, its the end for the small teams in cold markets.

The Bucks had every right to take this kid and his wishes should mean nothing. If Yi will not play for the Bucks the NBA should step in and ban him for several years because the punishment needs to disuade players from pulling this crap.

The kid is a myth anyway. There are only a few left who defend him here now. This was a Chinese con job where they have controlled and manipulated this situation for awhile. The NBA should tell the Chinese to kiss their ass, he plays by the rules or he stays in China.

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We will not be going after Yi in any case because we have no place to play him and would not want to keep answering to the Chinese why the kids butt is nail gunned to the bench.

That was hilarious. You and Walter kill me with the one-liners.

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For all those who think the Bucks got themselves into this you need to think again. The league has to protect all of its teams, not just the big markets. The moment the players start dictating where they will play and where they will not, its the end for the small teams in cold markets.

The Bucks had every right to take this kid and his wishes should mean nothing. If Yi will not play for the Bucks the NBA should step in and ban him for several years because the punishment needs to disuade players from pulling this crap.

The kid is a myth anyway. There are only a few left who defend him here now. This was a Chinese con job where they have controlled and manipulated this situation for awhile. The NBA should tell the Chinese to kiss their ass, he plays by the rules or he stays in China.

you're right on this but you think the nba would do that? the nba is only after money. one thing i don't understand, why would the chinese government let yao play in a not so large(comparing to la or the bay area) chinese population city and not let yi play for the bucks? wasn't yao a more popular player than yi is?

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China's position makes no sense at all. If they think the Bucks have a logjam in the front court, what were they seeing with our front court?

Here is the bottom line: The Chinese want him in a top 10 market for marketing purposes. That's it. The Bucks play in like the 35th largest market and that is no good in their view.

The league needs to step in because if they let this continue, more players will do this in the future. Once players can start dictating where he will play, the league is in trouble.

I do not expect Stern to do anything because he is a lame commish. He loves the discipline stuff but never steps in and addresses real difficult "other" issues.

He could end the Belkin dispute today if he just told Belkin that he didnt have the votes to be an owner and even if he wins, he will not be an approved NBA owner. He could also get involved and try to mediate this mess. Instead, he acts lame, like he doesn't have any power. He holds all the power because of the way the league is structured.

Stern is lame. he won't do anything about Yi and the Chinese but he should. When it comes down to his individual teams, he sucks.

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Bastard commies.

Because they're different, they're bastards?

What? No, they're bastards because they're commies. Wake up! Bueller? smile.gif

It is a tragedy that the government of Yi's nation has a veto over whether or not he plays here. It's truly an iron curtain and it's disgusting that it still exists.

There's nothing xenophobic about what I said. If we can't criticize oppressive dictators, who can we criticize?

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You TRIED to propose a trade that din't include Marvin but in the end, you just couldn't quite do it could you?

I would trade Chillz for Yi's potential but I wouldn't even CONSIDER trading Marvin for him. Right now, Chillz is CLEARLY a better player than Yi but I would gamble that Yi will actually live up to some of that potential. He is by no means a sure thing though and he has a LONG way to go.

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I think BK and the Chiese officials would get along great. BK is "so politically correct" ha that he's have them eating out of his hand.

I am sure there is an element of the ownership that would love to have a piece of Yi. He's got to be dollar signs for them. Still think Kings or LA might be a possibility.

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I do not expect Stern to do anything because he is a lame commish. He loves the discipline stuff but never steps in and addresses real difficult "other" issues.

I think this is bull. I think the truth is that Stern is smart enough to know what he can and can't do, and when it helps or hurts to try to force someone's hand. The Chinese government isn't Billy Hunter. You don't want to get them mad at you. I think that Stern knows how important it is for draftees to go where they are drafted, but that things should sort themselves out here. There are 4 possible outcomes here:

-1: Bucks trade Yi

-2: Yi agrees to go to Bucks

-3: Yi plays nowhere for a year then goes to the NBA

-4: Yi returns to play in the Chinese league

Options 3 and 4 strike me as highly unlikely in the long run. It is a game of chicken. Either Yi or the Bucks will buckle. Stern wouldn't help anything by telling the Chinese that they are in the wrong. It is more likely to increase their stubbornness (?) than anything else. He can give them advice (this will hurt China in the long run), but he has no real power over this. The rules are well set up and do the work. Is Yi really prepared to not play ball for a year? Will he give up on the NBA? Highly doubtful.

I think the best possible scenario here is the most likely one, which is that after a while Yi and the Chinese will give up and he will go to Milwaukee. He has more to lose than the Bucks, and China wants Yi in the NBA more than the NBA does.


He could end the Belkin dispute today if he just told Belkin that he didnt have the votes to be an owner and even if he wins, he will not be an approved NBA owner. He could also get involved and try to mediate this mess. Instead, he acts lame, like he doesn't have any power. He holds all the power because of the way the league is structured.

Again, he has no real power. When he had a chance to get some power (in court, where it matters), he stepped in and backed the Spirit. We don't know if he's had any discussions behind closed doors to intimidate Belkin into leaving, but the truth is that he can't make Belkin leave. If he tells him he would not be approved and sticks to it, that would mean that if Belkin wins the lawsuit and the other owners have to sell to him, he fails to get the NBA to approve the sale, and we are still at square one which is the AS and Belkin co-owning the team.

There is the NBA side of this in which Stern knows his power and wields it often. But there is the other side which is that the NBA franchises are big business entities governed by law, and you can't force someone to sell his multi-million dollar investment if he hasn't done anything illegal.

So long story short, I just think it's easy to look from the outside and say Stern isn't doing enough when you don't really know what he has done and what he can do.

We've seen this before with Kobe, Eli Manning and others in a number of sports. It's a game of chicken where both sides stand to lose, and the commissioner usually can't do much. One side will give in.

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