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Would you do 5 years in prison for MV?


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If you were one of Vicks' best friends and had been so for years and you could keep him and the rest of your boys out of prison by saying that Vick and the others had nothing to do with any of this would you do it knowing that you are set for life when you come out? I can't imagine going to prison for anyone that wasn't a blood relative and only then if I felt like they could do more for society out of jail than I could, but man that would be tempting to never have to worry about money again after a 5 year prison term. That sounds short but I can tell you that my 6 year Army term seemed to last forever while I was doing it and I know that had to be more pleasant than being in prison so it's not like 5 years would go by quickly for him ... although he would probably have all sorts of perks in there for doing what he did.

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You also need to add in the risk that you could get perjury charges if someone can prove you lied to cover up for Vick.

Following the Greg Anderson route and doing jail time to protect Barry Bonds is safer because Anderson is in jail because he refuses to kill Bonds' career by refusing to testify and therefore doesn't run the risk of perjuring himself.

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Absolutely agree with that!

One thing that really bothers me even more is the fact that they were doing this for pleasure, not for profit. I know that sometimes people do desperate things during desperate times but these guys weren't hurting for money and most of what I have read shows that at best they broken even but more than likely lost money. That means that these guys were torturing these dogs just for the thrill of it.

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Why is there more outrage against this than when an athlete beats up on his wife or girlfriend? Kobe was accused of rape and I don't remember this much uproar. Ray Lewis was accused of double homicide and there wasn't this much uproar. Jamal Lewis was accused of arranging a drug deal and I don't remember this much uproar. Why are we so callous to crimes against humans and yet so sensitive to crimes against animals? Or are we really??? What strikes me as odd is how the same people I work with can call Vick a "dog killer" during one conversation and then talk about the thrill they got over shooting/gutting deers, turkeys, raccoons, squirrels, turtles, ducks, doves, etc in another conversation. I KNOW that dogfighting is illegal, and deservedly so, but does this sound the least bit hypocritical to anyone else? Why is the line drawn at dogs? I can understand PETA, the Humane Society, and people who don't live in the "South" being outraged, but I don't get the outrage that a lot of Southerners are showing lately. Heck, to be honest I really don't get the outrage at all. Where's all of this "outrage" over things that REALLY matter? I mean Vick the most hated man in America? I can think of a lot worse people out there.confused.gif

NOTE: I make this rant knowing that this is one of the few "sane" places where there's actual discussion about the issues surrounding this case without it degenerating into something ugly. grin.gif

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Why is there more outrage against this than when an athlete beats up on his wife or girlfriend? Kobe was accused of rape and I don't remember this much uproar. Ray Lewis was accused of double homicide and there wasn't this much uproar. Jamal Lewis was accused of arranging a drug deal and I don't remember this much uproar. Why are we so callous to crimes against humans and yet so sensitive to crimes against animals? Or are we really??? What strikes me as odd is how the same people I work with can call Vick a "dog killer" during one conversation and then talk about the thrill they got over shooting/gutting deers, turkeys, raccoons, squirrels, turtles, ducks, doves, etc in another conversation. I KNOW that dogfighting is illegal, and deservedly so, but does this sound the least bit hypocritical to anyone else? Why is the line drawn at dogs? I can understand PETA, the Humane Society, and people who don't live in the "South" being outraged, but I don't get the outrage that a lot of Southerners are showing lately. Heck, to be honest I really don't get the outrage at all. Where's all of this "outrage" over things that REALLY matter? I mean Vick the most hated man in America? I can think of a lot worse people out there.

NOTE: I make this rant knowing that this is one of the few "sane" places where there's actual discussion about the issues surrounding this case without it degenerating into something ugly.

I agree with the majority, in that I believe that dogfighting and the torture of dogs is disgusting and wrong.

But I agree with you completely about the over-importance placed on this case when compared to crimes against human beings. Any crime against a human has to be more disgusting than a crime against a dog.

That is just how I see it.

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I agree with the majority, in that I believe that dogfighting and the torture of dogs is disgusting and wrong.

But I agree with you completely about the over-importance placed on this case when compared to crimes against human beings. Any crime against a human has to be more disgusting than a crime against a dog.

That is just how I see it.

Ray Lewis, Jamal Lewis, Mike Tyson, and Kobe Bryant were not on our team. I guarantee you, no mercy would have been displayed from me if they were.

Vick's crime, though a lot less criminal, is still a vile crime. I think the vocal outrage on this board is due to the fact he is considered one of ours. Ray, Jamal, Mike, and Kobe made national headlines; just as Vick has. Vick will get his day in court just as the others did. He was suppose to be our leader; if guilty good ridance, because no one needs that type of leadership.

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but man that would be tempting to never have to worry about money again after a 5 year prison term.

As AHF said, you get convicted of perjury, Vick goes to prison anyway. Vick's career is now over; and he has to give back his signing bonus for being convicted of a felony (its part of his contract).

Now exactly how much do you think Vick will be able to give you five years from now?

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