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Has Hawk improvemnt been outpaced by EC improvemnt

Guest Walter

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50% should be a complete, utter slap in the face.

I agree 100%. BK absolutely sucks and I have no reason to defend him. We should be talking what seed we'll get and not IF we'll make the playoffs, especially given the amount of draft capital and cap space he has been given. I do believe BK did much better in this draft even though I hate many of his past decisions. Even though you bash Horford incessantly, you'll quit when you see Yi suck all year. I still think Horford can play center so we'll see.


Regardling Toronto, I don't think they are a good example for us but whatever.

I'm not saying our team is similar to them in terms of player vs. player, I'm saying they were also a primarily young team who hadn't made the playoffs in years and basically had one star player. They were also expected to suck and ended with a 3 seed. Taking Bosh and JJ off of our respective teams, IMO ours is WAY better.


The Bulls in 04-5 simply had used their draft capital better,

But before the season they were expected to suck. Curry had a good offensive season, and Chandler had a defensive one. Both were considered complete busts before then. Hinrich was an average PG, and Deng/Gordon were complete unknowns. They also started 0-8.


weren't capped out like us, and had more draft capital coming...they also have considerably better coaching, a better designed team, and could anticipate retaining their players.

Who have they retained other than Hinrich? Curry/Chandler are gone. From what I've heard, I'm not even sure they're going to keep Gordon. Coaching and better designed team I'll agree with.


I disagree. I think there is. It's not a perfect science but NY's, Boston's, and Charlotte's improvements are significant, better than ours in terms of the next 2 years.

NY sucks, they're going nowhere with that horrible defensive frontline. In actuality, they'll probably be the worst defensive team in the league. Boston doesn't have KG yet. Charlotte has yet to prove anything and they have tons of injury prone players. Praising Charlotte over us is simply a case of the grass being greener on the other side.

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Guest Walter

Chill, you say...


If you think that we haven't improved, as you do (shocker)

The title (I wrote) of this entire thread...


Has Hawk improvemnt been outpaced by EC improvemnt

Chill, you were simply trying to start something by making a completely false statement about my position. This isn't merely an error on your part AS MY STATEMENT WAS CLEAR AND THE TITLE OF THE ENTIRE THREAD and could not be overlooked or misinterpreted. Please be more responsible as you do this quite often with my posts and frankly it makes you look rather bad to be so directly contradicted.


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Chill, you say...


If you think that we haven't improved, as you do (shocker)

The title (I wrote) of this entire thread...


Has Hawk improvemnt been outpaced by EC improvemnt

Chill, you were simply trying to start something by making a completely false statement about my position. This isn't merely an error on your part AS MY STATEMENT WAS CLEAR AND THE TITLE OF THE ENTIRE THREAD and could not be overlooked or misinterpreted. Please be more responsible as you do this quite often with my posts and frankly it makes you look rather bad to be so directly contradicted.


W, putting it nicely, you "take the cake."

About as disingenuous as one can imagine a person to be.

It isn't like some cryptic code we have to decipher... your motives are clear to anyone who's read your diatribes for any length of time, even as they are dark.

So while you did happen to find a question worth posing (albeit a little prematurely where I'm concerned until we see, for a fact, the players involved and thus if BOS actually gets the better of the deal), it's not like your history doesn't precede you

...and as if we haven't a clue that this is just the same argument you pursue regularly, just with a new angle.

Particularly embarrassing to you ought to be that what you claim chilz has done to you, by his alleged act of presumption, you just did to me even more blatantly (see complaint registered above)... hypocritical, to say the least.

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You asked the question and I answered it. You made it very clear in your post how you feel about our lack of improvement, just as you've made it clear in the past. You went to great lengths to fill your post with your negative opinions of our progress, or lack thereof. I avoided responding to all of that and managed to trim my response to its most basic components. Considering how much I truely dislike the persona you present around here, I feel I was quite respectful in my reply. Was it an afront to your manhood for me to express my surprise that you feel we haven't improved much at all? You have made that position quite clear, as others will attest.

So for the record, Walter, no, I had no desire to start anything with you. Your post just happened to be one of the few that I've had any desire to respond to on this forum in quite some time. It was a legit question, despite being slanted with your own bias and I gave a brief, honest answer.

So that's that. I've given you the basis for my reply. Do know that I won't waste my time replying to you if you try to argue or tell me that my intentions were beyond what was stated above. If you really feel wronged you can message me and we can discuss it in private.

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Guest Walter

You stated I did NOT think the Hawks had improved.

In the heading of the thread I stated that "the Hawks HAVE improved".

You either can't even read a thread heading OR you can't even quote accurately what the thread heading indicates. You are either ignorant or intentionally misleading. No inbetweens or other options here. The fact that you intentionally did it and wont' acknowledge it makes you an ass-hole as well.

So, to sum up. You are ignorant O-R lie AND you are an ass-hole based upon your choices demonstrated in this thread. Fine by me.


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You did indeed ask if Hawk improvement had been outpaced by EC improvement in the heading of this thread. You then proceeded to bash BK and talk about how poor his draft selections had been based on the draft capital he had available. While you may have stated that the Hawks have improved, it is clear that the POINT of your post was that any improvement we have made was not NEARLY enough.

Chillz could have just as easily said "I feel that the Hawks have improved significantly more than you do," however he said:


If you think that we haven't improved, as you do (shocker), then yes, we've been outpaced.

Bottom line, the point of your post was that the Hawks' improvement has been outpaced by other teams in the EC and Chillz disagrees with that assertion. There was no intent by Chillz to "mislead" anyone. He simply disagrees with you. Time will tell who is right.

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here's your "header"

Has Hawk improvemnt been outpaced by EC improvemnt

you pose a question that would seem to indicate that you think there has been some sort of improvement, but in the exposition that followed you bashed the team in every way imaginable. Which along with your daily spewage would clearly indicate that you don't think there has been much if any improvement. To top it off you have the balls to accuse me of twisting your words when everyone here knows exactly what you said and think..

I tried to be nice to you. I went out of my way to respond to your post in the least inflammatory way possible so as to avoid a situation such as this one and what do you do? You come back calling me a names and acting like a punk. As I said before, I had no desire to start anything with you. YOU are the one that pushed the situation to where it is now:


I'm going to wait 24 hours before actually doing it and I'm going to give you the opportunity to be a man and apologize for acting like a jackass. If you feel you can do that, message me privately and that will be the end of it. A simple "I'm sorry" will suffice. If you can't do that then have fun talking about the Hawks elsewhere.

UPDATE: After thinking on it I decided to make the ban for two weeks, but I hope it doesn't come to that.

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Haha! Just this morning I was laughing at


Polls are much easer and not nearly as long winded..

thinking to myself it takes a special kind of jackass to get the guy who runs a message board to ask you to post LESS content and just use polls instead. Then I decided I'd be the bigger man, but this is even funnier!

Carry on...

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Haha! Just this morning I was laughing at


Polls are much easer and not nearly as long winded..

thinking to myself it takes a special kind of jackass to get the guy who runs a message board to ask you to post LESS content and just use polls instead. Then I decided I'd be the bigger man, but this is even funnier!

Carry on...

*here's a 10 foot poll*

you touch this


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As someone who is nearly always infuriated with Walter's posts, I think banning him is kind of extreme. He's an important, passionate part of the Hawksquawk landscape.

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Furthermare, until Wolter is unbonned, I will be switching every single "a" ond "o" in my pasts in hanar af haw Wolter olwoys spelled "droft copital."

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Furthermare, until Wolter is unbonned, I will be switching every single "a" ond "o" in my pasts in hanar af haw Wolter olwoys spelled "droft copital."

DrZ does that mean you will have a new member name? And change your signature?

I om foirly certoin thot moking on olios is on affense far which yau con be bonned.

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I tried to be nice to you. I went out of my way to respond to your post in the least inflammatory way possible so as to avoid a situation such as this one

My reaction when i read the post you are referring to was

"wtf happened to chillz? Is he trying to turn over a new leaf? Maybe his new wife has him more in touch with his feminine side."

I thought it was kind of odd to see you respond so politely. and then to get called an a-hole... that was pretty bad.

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here's your "header"

Has Hawk improvemnt been outpaced by EC improvemnt

you pose a question that would seem to indicate that you think there has been some sort of improvement, but in the exposition that followed you bashed the team in every way imaginable. Which along with your daily spewage would clearly indicate that you don't think there has been much if any improvement. To top it off you have the balls to accuse me of twisting your words when everyone here knows exactly what you said and think..

I tried to be nice to you. I went out of my way to respond to your post in the least inflammatory way possible so as to avoid a situation such as this one and what do you do? You come back calling me a names and acting like a punk. As I said before, I had no desire to start anything with you. YOU are the one that pushed the situation to where it is now:


I'm going to wait 24 hours before actually doing it and I'm going to give you the opportunity to be a man and apologize for acting like a jackass. If you feel you can do that, message me privately and that will be the end of it. A simple "I'm sorry" will suffice. If you can't do that then have fun talking about the Hawks elsewhere.

W, not holding my breath, and I'm likely not helping to persuade you by saying anything, but I really hope you'll swallow your pride on this one, and grab the olive branch extended your way... while your aggression can be too much at times, you do bring something worthwhile on occasion to this board, and I'd hate to think your voice would be totally absent. Please resist that urge to privately write to chilz and just make things worse by dumping on him further... be better than that. Try to see things from his shoes here, see where there's a chance that that's a legitimate perspective on the exchange, and acknowledge that. Otherwise, this is a lose-lose. The ball is in your court to do the right thing.

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here's your "header"

Has Hawk improvemnt been outpaced by EC improvemnt

you pose a question that would seem to indicate that you think there has been some sort of improvement, but in the exposition that followed you bashed the team in every way imaginable. Which along with your daily spewage would clearly indicate that you don't think there has been much if any improvement. To top it off you have the balls to accuse me of twisting your words when everyone here knows exactly what you said and think..

I tried to be nice to you. I went out of my way to respond to your post in the least inflammatory way possible so as to avoid a situation such as this one and what do you do? You come back calling me a names and acting like a punk. As I said before, I had no desire to start anything with you. YOU are the one that pushed the situation to where it is now:


I'm going to wait 24 hours before actually doing it and I'm going to give you the opportunity to be a man and apologize for acting like a jackass. If you feel you can do that, message me privately and that will be the end of it. A simple "I'm sorry" will suffice. If you can't do that then have fun talking about the Hawks elsewhere.

W, not holding my breath, and I'm likely not helping to persuade you by saying anything, but I really hope you'll swallow your pride on this one, and grab the olive branch extended your way... while your aggression can be too much at times, you do bring something worthwhile on occasion to this board, and I'd hate to think your voice would be totally absent. Please resist that urge to privately write to chilz and just make things worse by dumping on him further... be better than that. Try to see things from his shoes here, see where there's a chance that that's a legitimate perspective on the exchange, and acknowledge that. Otherwise, this is a lose-lose. The ball is in your court to do the right thing.

I doubt the offer is to apologize in lieu of staying.

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