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OT-A Question for 790 the zone fans!!


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Trace, come on man. It is widly known the Stews' are not on the air for their intellect and sports insite. I didn't say a thing that no one else already knows.

They are there to entertain a niche' market with light hearted comedy /commentary, rarely if ever looking into actual facts. They may not lack intellect personally but their SHOW lacks intellect in comparison to their sports radio competition where facts and reality are brought into the "debate."

To go on to say they have the best radio show in all of Atlanta in your personal taste but definatly not mine.

Sorry, if I dissed your favorite radio show. Doesn't mean you can't still enjoy it all you want.

Have fun with your Stews and I'll have fun with my county boy show Buck & Kinkaid. They have the best Braves insite and college foot ball insite of any one in Atlanta... Bill Shank's Braves show is pretty darn good too ! They atleast give REAL insite & informative talk.

I like hearing the little details that don't make ESPN and the news. That true, relative info is something rarely gotten from the Stews.... is it not ?

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When somebody makes a living as a professional "talker" it is highly relevant how they communicate. I do agree that a lot of intelligent people have trouble communicating because that is not their thing. But, go off and do something else. Solve poverty, run a company, run for office.

But stay off the radio or TV and leave it for those who possess talking skills. Chuck's intellect wasn't the problem, it was his communication skill.

FWIW, I have been around the executive suites of small, medium, and large companies in my career and they all have one thing in common. No matter the color, NOBODY has ever spoken Ebonics. So, when you see where the money in this country is made outside of sports, and you want a piece of that action, I wouldn't lead off with Ebonics. Like it or not, that is the way it is and the way it's going to stay.

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They are not professional talkers, they are professional entertainers. I can't really take the Stus but it's because of how gimmicky they come across to me, not their accents. Their only job is to get people to listen and entertain them. According to the numbers, they do a great job at that. I'd still take them over any other talk show in town, even though they know as little about the NBA as all the other shows in town. The barking and other gimmicks get old though.

This is highly different from trying to make it in the corporate world. It doesn't matter for the same reason that it doesn't matter if joe blow doesn't understand the words to a rap or metal song. If it sells, it sells, period.

Certainly a person who wants to succeed in the corporate world should speak proper english, not ebonics, and not a super-southern (white) english either. But that's not the issue here.

Or are you suggesting that guys like Barkley should also quit what he does because he's not the most articulate person? He also does a great job as a commentator.

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I used to work and play a lot of ball with Jamie Dukes brother. He was definitely an Ebonics professor and could get very loud with it. He used to embarrass me a lot at lunch talking really loud about the strip clubs that he liked so much. i would look around and see everyone trying not to bust out laughing.

But he knows his business and was the senior accounting manager there when i left. In fact he is seen as something of a cop, the kind you hide your dirty laundry from. the other managers would try to keep him from poking around in their business too closely. He had no tolerance for the type of wasteful spending that is common in big companies.

It was funny watching him lumber into managerial meetings with his loud sweaters while everyone else had on their business attire.

Jaime acts very corporate by comparison.

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I don't have any trouble understanding Barkley. I love Charles and used to play a ton of pickup ball with him at Auburn when I was a walk-on. I hung with him a few times and am amazed at what he has done. Charles used to come to my defense and the defense of a few others, when Chuck Person was a d*ck. Which was every day. I knew then he was great, felt sure he would have an NBA career, but never a Hall of Fame career.

Charles is great because he speaks his mind and never holds back. He acts the same way on camera as off. Most guys (99%)have a TV persona and an off camera persona. Charles is not noted for his deep analysis, he is known for being funny and not holding back. He's letting everybody see who he is and he doesn't give a crap about professionalism in the traditional buttoned up way. Few guys can pull off his schtick.

These guys may be entertainers but they are also in the communication business. Guys who have trouble articulating don't last very long and most poor communicatators never get to first base. Other than the Stews, come up with another guy (local or national) who doesn't communicate at a high level. Their show does well in syndication but does not do well head up with Buck and Kincade. The Zone sacrifices local for national because the station makes more money.

Matt Turnoff is just obnoxious and likely never even played checkers. I can't stand that dude.

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Personality aside and going strictly on communication skills, I don't see a significant difference between the Stus and Charles. I don't have any trouble understanding either one, but I do note the heavy accent and realize that some people might have trouble understanding. Plenty of ex-pros who communicate poorly do great (financially) as commentators and analysts because of their experience and insight. I would say that the stews speak English more clearly than Magic Johnson.

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They are all gimick driven. Weather it's Jim Rome, The 2livestus or even buck and Kincaid. The Market dictates the product... Right now, the Market is high on it's comic relief in Sports. In fact, i don't see a problem with a little comedy. It's much better than Rome bitchin all the time. I was listening to a commentary on the radio the other day and the guy said "Hank Aaron, you and Bud Selig get your bags, get your tickets and get your ass out there to the game to see Barry tie and break the record." And the thing about it is that it was given comically but it depicts the way I feel about it.

As commish, Selig should be there to honor Barry the same way he was there to honor Big mac..

"There's something in the pursuit of records that only baseball can deliver," said Bud Selig, the game's commissioner.

It's funny to me that when Baseball ratings were slipping and along came McGwire and Solsa that Selig turned a blind eye.. but Barry gets to the point when he's about to overturn the biggest record in the sport and no commish... Just like the commish in Hank Aaron's day had a very important Cleveland Indian Booster club meeting he had to attend when Hank was about to past Babe Ruth.

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I would probably agree with you about the Stews in that they aren't hard to understand. My problem with them is that the show doesn't seem that tight. Look, they have a very targeted audience and I'm not in it. I get that.

Charles and Magic are also talking specifically about basketball which is something they know a lot about. The Stews talk about everything and there is plenty they talk about that I feel they don't know a damn thing about. Magic is there because he was an amazing player who understands the game at a greater level than everybody else. He has rings and knows exactly what it takes. He could not carry a broad national show but in a strictly basketball context he is great.

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Personally I don't see the difference between the Stews who sometimes speak Black lingo and Jim Rome who does the whole surfer guy schtick (Rack him)

Chuck Smith just stunk. Listening to him was like someone scratching a chalk board. He could never put a coherent thought together. I hope that they give Brandon Leak an opportunity to have a show. The show should be Hometeam running point with Chernoff and Chuck Oliver.

I think the most entertaining show they have is between 10 and 2 on Sat and Sun with Brandon Adams and I can't remember the other guy.

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you are not the world's greatest speller but you imply that Chuck and the Stews lack intelligence because they use "ebonics." My point is that in my opinion, you should not listen to HOW someone talks but rather to WHAT they say.

I work with a lady from outside Baton Rouge, LA and I can barely recognize the words she says as english but she is very smart and very good at her job. One of my agency's best IT guys can barely speak english but he knows his job and he knows how to communicate the things I need to know. Bottom line, listen to the CONTENT of the message, not how the message is delivered.

I agree. I make this argument all the time, often regarding "nucular."

Capt. Tenille: Simpson, as you have experience in a nuclear power plant, you can serve on a submarine.

Homer: It's pronounced 'nucular'. Nucular.

lmao, I'll never forget that episode. Those were the days when the Simpsons were actually worth watching. The new ones aren't bad but they aren't like they used to be, and I hate some of the characters new voices.

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you are not the world's greatest speller but you imply that Chuck and the Stews lack intelligence because they use "ebonics." My point is that in my opinion, you should not listen to HOW someone talks but rather to WHAT they say.

I work with a lady from outside Baton Rouge, LA and I can barely recognize the words she says as english but she is very smart and very good at her job. One of my agency's best IT guys can barely speak english but he knows his job and he knows how to communicate the things I need to know. Bottom line, listen to the CONTENT of the message, not how the message is delivered.

I agree. I make this argument all the time, often regarding "nucular."

Capt. Tenille: Simpson, as you have experience in a nuclear power plant, you can serve on a submarine.

Homer: It's pronounced 'nucular'. Nucular.

lmao, I'll never forget that episode. Those were the days when the Simpsons were actually worth watching. The new ones aren't bad but they aren't like they used to be, and I hate some of the characters new voices.

They lost it years ago. Now there are only occassional moments of hilarity and lots of mediocre writing. Pretty sad.

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I'm certainly not comparing the stews to barkley. And I agree that the show is not tight. But that is quite different from your earlier argument that someone who speaks like the stews (or barkley) should "go off and do something else." It's about the quality of the entertainment.

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My "argument" was not related to Barkely or the Stews. My argument was more for guys like Chuck Smith who are terrible communicators. I can't listen because he can't string together a cohesive thought. He isn't cut out for broadcast media period.

If you are going to entertain it greatly helps if your audience can understand what your saying. Or, doesn't fall asleep waiting for your thought to make it out of your mouth.

I said that the Stews problem was the show wasn't tight, not that they were that hard to understand. In fact, I understand them fine. I'm a middle aged white male. That is not their target demo. Therefore, it isn't surprising I don't care for their show.

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I understand the Stews just fine and I find their show to be highly entertaining. So do a lot of other people which is why they have a nationally syndicated show.

The Stews have a broad appeal that goes beyond just sports talk. I am sure that their show doesn't appeal to everyone and that is okay. The Stews have introduced a whole group of folks to the sports talk radio genre who never even listened to sports talk radio until someone recommended the show to them.

As for the "urban slang" they use during the show, that is part of their appeal to their core audience. It is no different than hearing Buck use some of his many Southern colloquialisms such as "he's tougher than a pine knot" or "that dog won't hunt." I would suspect that a significant portion of the Stews' audience wouldn't have any idea what Buck was talking about when he used those terms.

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found your ebonics comments offensive. It would be like me referring to Buck's speech pattern as that of a backwoods, redneck, peckerwood hick because he speaks with a heavy Southern accent.

You certainly don't have to like the Stews but you don't have to insult their intelligence simply because their show does not appeal to you.

I think Buck does a good job with the Braves and GA football but his knowledge of the NBA and NFL is average at best. Kincade seems to know hockey pretty well and he does a decent job with pro football, he is just such an a-hole most of the time that I can't listen to him for very long.

You stated that "relative info" is something that you rarely get from the Stews but I disagree. I have heard a lot of little interesting tidbits revealed on their show. They have some great guests who tend to be willing to "keep it real" with those guys when they won't do that with others. I always love it when they have Michael Irvin on - that is GREAT radio.

By the way, I agree that Bill Shanks is the man. He does a terrific job with his coverage of the Braves.

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Fair enough. I thought you had included the Stews but apparently I was mistaken. Mea Culpa.

I still maintain that all that matters is entertainment value. Depending on your act, poor communication can send your entertainment value down to nothing or through the roof.

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not be recording artists. There are a lot of "vocalists" out there who can't sing a lick but their songs are cool. The Stews are entertaining to me and many others whether they speak proper engish or not.

As for "ebonics" not being spoken around the "executive suites" you have been around, obviously you have never worked for Magic Johnson Enterprises, Bad Boy Records or No Limit Enterprises. That said, obviously, it can only help your opportunities in the business world if you can effectively communicate with a broad range of people and that is where being able to speak "proper english" is a tremendous advantage.

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I don't care what you think of a guy with a Ga., southern bow accent. If you think Buck is a red neck, I don't care and I doubt Buck cares either. It's your right to call any one you want a red neck, I couldn't care less.

Have no idea why you would be offened that someone does not like ebonics in sports radio. People are so darn touchy these days.

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