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Elton Brand just blew his Achilles out...


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In a terrible development Elton Brand blew out his left Achilles during a workout today. This is a terrible blow for the Clippers who just became the Clippers again.

Usually it's a season ending injury. And many guys don't make it back to 100%. I hope Brand beats the odds. First Livingston and now Brand. Cassell is 38 and can't play...

The Clips had one good year in the last 20.

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In a terrible development Elton Brand blew out his left Achilles during a workout today. This is a terrible blow for the Clippers who just became the Clippers again.

Usually it's a season ending injury. And many guys don't make it back to 100%. I hope Brand beats the odds. First Livingston and now Brand. Cassell is 38 and can't play...

The Clips had one good year in the last 20.

From this, I conclude that the Clippers have a terrible GM.

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He obviously didn't see the same injury reports that BK does because BK would have never picked Brand.

There is an art to looking at an MRI and our GM has it. I'm calmly waiting for Chris Paul, Deron Williams, Deng, Iggy, and Brandon Roy to have a career threatening injury. BK will have the last laugh...BK's motto is "The Eye in the MRI don't Lie".

The man is crazy like a fox.

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That is really horrible. I hate to see something like that happen, especially to a guy as classy as Brand. That type of injury can be a career ender, Dan Marino never made it back to the player he was before after blowing his out. I really hope for the best for Brand.

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Brand is now Sheldon Williams.

The so call sarcasm that many of the posters here use to communicate with on this board is just weird at times. You would think that at some point they would realize that they are just not that funny or witty! But I guess that some guys never do! scratchchin.gif

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Why's this stuff always happen to the class guys... Grant Hill, Jason Kidd, Elton Brand....

I think he'll be ok though. He's the kind of guy that will work his ass off in rehab, and while he might never get back to the 25-10 he used to be, I'll be he'll get close.

When did wife beaters become class guys?

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Why's this stuff always happen to the class guys... Grant Hill, Jason Kidd, Elton Brand....

I think he'll be ok though. He's the kind of guy that will work his ass off in rehab, and while he might never get back to the 25-10 he used to be, I'll be he'll get close.

When did wife beaters become class guys?

And adulterers.

So what? 2 easy W's for us.

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Sterling: What are we going to do? Our best player is gone. I don't know what we're going to do.

Baylor: I have a player that will make you forget all about Elton Brand.

Sterling: Surely you don't mean Brevin Knight. I know he's a hometown hero and all, but he's short and always injured and now he's a little old.

Baylor: NO! I have an allstar who wants to play for us!!

Sterling: Really... WHo is it? It can't be KG.. It can't be Bosh.. Oh I got it, it must be Jermaine O'Neal!

Baylor: Jermaine O'Neal? Would I waste your money like that? I got a bonafide superstar that will keep the fans coming back for more.

Sterling: Don't keep me in suspense. Who is it?

Baylor: Let me introduce to you Sir Elton John!

Elton John walks into the room.

John: Good Day. I'm the Connie Francis of Basketball. I heard you needed somebody who can bring it every night. Well, nobody does it like me.

Sterling: Elgin, you have truly lost your mind this time. No disrepect Mr. John....

John: That's Sir Elton John!

Sterling: Well Sir Elton John. But what makes you think you can play basketball!

John: Basketball is a kids game. I'm a legend. I can manhandle all the children that play this game.

Baylor: See boss, i told you. I told you he's the replacement that we need. He'll get us 20/10 easy.

John: 20/10... My doctor told me that I was good for 20/20. You guys are embarrassing me with your easy requirements.

Baylor: 20/20... Whew. I told you, this is the best man for the job. Plus, he's named Elton too. People will forget the other Elton when they see him play!

John: Forget the other Elton is right. He was named after me. You can never be better than the original. Was new Coke better than Coke Classic? Was Microsoft Vista better than XP? Was the Cameraphone better than the Camera and the Phone? Was the newer Temptations better than the older ones. Were Shaq and Kobe better than Magic and Kareem? YOu can't beat the original!!

Sterling: OK. How much is this Charade going to cost me.

John: It works out to $65,000 a night.

Sterling: Are you kidding that's 5.3 million a year plus your agent fees.

John: Do you see any agents here? An agent is a person who is sore because a player gets 90% of what they make. The great thing about basketball is that someone like me can be a star.”

Sterling: You may be a star in rock and roll but basketball is different.

John: About Basketball: Although it hasn't been a commercial success, it has been a critical one. We love playing it.”

Sterling: I see. How is that worth 5.3 Million to me?

John: Players today have to learn their craft by putting the hard work in that we did when we were young performers. I have put in the hard work, I am ready to go out and show the world what I have. Lonely boy, get up and flym Lonely boy, get up and try. Everyone knows you got what it takes. All you need is one or two good breaks.

There's still time for me

With just a little help from you

There's still time for me

There's still time for me


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