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Chillz should be applauded . . .


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. . . for banning Walter for 2 weeks.

As a former moderator on the ESPN Hawks boards during the 05 - 06 season, I kind of know what it is like to try to maintain some sort of civil order on a message board. Of course, ESPN back in those days was much worse than Hawksquawk is now.

For those of you who question the Walter ban, let me ask you this: If Chillz shouldn't ban a guy for calling him an a-hole, when should a moderator exert his "power"?

( for the record, he called him an a-hole twice in the same post, not once. And the second time he called him one, he was definitely looking to get a rise out of him. )

Sure, Walter brings tangible arguments to the table and can passionately defend his point, even if the majority of the board thinks he's dead wrong on certain issues. He's the type of guy you would want on your side, if you were on a debate team in high school or college.

But we all on here know that when you DON'T agree with him, he goes into attack mode. And he doesn't attack by stating additional facts to back up his initial claim, he attacks by calling people names, like we're in high school at a lunch table. So a poster only has two choices 1) ignore the attack . . or 2) respond to the attack, most of the time, with more viciousness. That's when threads get out of control.

At ESPN, I had to deal with not only a bunch of kids and adults spamming the board, I also had to deal with people who's sole purpose in life was to say something negative about the Hawks, without any possibility of tangible discussion. Most of the time, I deleted their posts. When they'd keep doing it, I had to ban them.

Kind of like this current post on there right now:

Your franchise is such a joke. Why do you guys invest the time and money to support such losers? I would rather watch a cow p00p then go to a Hawks game. Please spare me about your rookie picks. You have been lottery bound for how long and apparently NONE of them have ever worked out for you. What a ridiculous team.

With a post like that, I would just delete it, and move on. If the guy came back, and posted something else similar to that, plus complained about his original post being erased, I might ban him for 24 hours, just to let him know that ish like that wouldn't be tolerated.

Sometimes, that's the only way you can get people's attention . . by flat out banning them.

Bottom line is that you just can't go around disrespecting people all the time when they don't agree with you, especially not a board moderator. If we're not all mature enough to argue our points, without personal attacks being waged against people, then you need to be dealt with . . one way or the other.

Here's the test all of you should use. Don't type anything on this board that you wouldn't have the guts to say to people face to face. The internet protects people, because you can type just about anything you want without reprocussions. LOL . . that's why mods are created . . to keep boards from turning into the Wild, Wild, West.

It's like a fan in the stands who think he has the right to say whatever he wants to at a game, just because he paid good money to see the game. No you can't say what you want. If the people around you have a problem with how you are acting, you can and will be dealt with by arena security.

I don't know how many basketball and football games I've gone to, when I see and hear fans constant cursing at players, coaches, and refs . . then have to see the faces of parents at that same game in that same section, with their 8 - 12 year old kid beside them.

I personally don't have a problem with Walter. I see right through the cat most of the time. He's a great debater and is great at pushing people's buttons. But as far as talking about basketball go, and the nuances of the game, he hardly speaks on those topics. And he rarely posts on topics that he doesn't start. So I see right through him. Maybe by next week, he'll be a better poster, that talks more about basketball/Atlanta Hawk issues, than his own personal agendas against coaches and/or players.

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I don't think that the question is weather or not calling somebody an a--hole is an offense worthy of banning. Indeed it is. However, that's not the first time a--hole has been tossed around on this board.

A simple search shows that a--hole has been used 15 times on HS before this offense. This is just the first time it's a violation.

Now, I'm not saying Chillz is wrong, he can do what he wants. And Indeed to keep peace, he can do what he deems is best. And I'm honestly glad that he's making some ground rules because for the most part, the discussion is what drives the board and not the pettiness. However, maybe a warning would have been more fair.

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If Chillz simply warns him for his remarks, he comes off as weak. It's time to show the squawkers that cannot take the heat to get out of the kitchen. It's high time that somebody take control around here and show that irresponsible behavior will not be tolerated. Zeig heil, Chillz!!! Zeig Heil!!!!!!!

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If Chillz simply warns him for his remarks, he comes off as weak. It's time to show the squawkers that cannot take the heat to get out of the kitchen. It's high time that somebody take control around here and show that irresponsible behavior will not be tolerated. Zeig heil, Chillz!!! Zeig Heil!!!!!!!

Let me first say that the ESPN forums are a mess. It appears the mods are on vacation over there. You can't talk anything Falcons over there without it turning ugly and offensive. I don't want that to hapen here. On the other hand, the recent banning sets a precedent that makes me a bit uncomfortable. I can't help but think that a lot of posters here gloated over the banning because Walt's opinions differed from their own. What's strange is that I've seen worse behavior on this board before. I don't want to see this place degenerate into another garbage forum like ESPN, but I'm not sure this is all that cool either. There has to be a way to keep things civil without banning people.

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I think everyone needs to keep in mind what the punishment is. Come on. He was banned for two weeks from an internet message board. I mean, Eddie, you mention giving him a warning. Isn't THIS a warning!? If he were permanently banned or given a year or something, I would be part of the outcry. But, this is no big deal.

Still, Walter is interpreted wrong on this board. He is a great yin to the kool-aid drinking, tripping in daisies fans that talk about how Josh Childress will be in the 6th man hall of fame. Walt is a bit too negative but others go way too far in the other extreme.

Welcome back, Walt.

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I've had my round-a-bouts with quite a few posters and realized that spent way too much time hitting the "refresh" button. Considering that my opinion has a 0% effect on what BK, ASG, or anyone in the NBA does...I had to reevaluate the way I interacted with the board.

That being said, I understand debate mechanics and board balance and why it's so great to stop by the Squawk (or just message boards in general). However, I believe there is just far too much personal warfare going on in here. Little quips and snips here and there are to be expected ( and I have done my share); however, there needs to be a line drawn and someone will need to be made an example of. Fair or not, it's how things get done.

I've go no issues with anyone in here, and I am far less concerned about any specific thing that happens to any specific person. I will say though, that the Squawk is to precious to allow good opinionated debates to degenerate into unbridled personal warfare. Do what you have to do Chillz and do so with an iron fist and steel resolve.

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I thought it was a good idea. I've butted heads more than a few times with The Arrogant One but that's not why I'm for it, I've butted heads with others before. The reason is because he takes it personal with personal derogatory remarks. Sure a lot of people here do it on occasions, but not consistently. It's ok, if someone goes overboard occasionally, but not ok to do that on a regular basis. It makes the messageboard just that much more unfun (yes i know this word does not exist). Plus how can you take someone seriously who keeps doing it?

Walter, slow your roll. Stop attacking so much about the same things. And never never never never challenge or insult the moderator.

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I missed this drama so I don;t have an opinion on whether a 2 week banning was heavy or light. But I at least do like seeing some boundaries set on the board. From time to time I enjoy the freedom allowed to posters on this site, the fact that you can be a lot less guarded than you can on more heavily trafficked and intensely moderated boards like Inside Carolina. It can be a lot of fun with such a loose forum, but it also leads to a lot of unnecessary juvenile behavior.

I miss the mutual respect factor that you find among posters on boards like Inside Carolina. Granted, threads will deteriorate into bit(h fests on IC like anywhere else, but posters know the boundaries and for the most part posters don't get nearly as personally offended or offensive as they do here.

Posters are wary both of being banned and of developing a poor reputation on the board. Poor reputations are sometimes worn proudly on the sleeve at Hawksquawk.

I like the arguments. I can't stand the long winded diatribes between two posters that accomplish nothing.

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I've had my round-a-bouts with quite a few posters and realized that spent way too much time hitting the "refresh" button. Considering that my opinion has a 0% effect on what BK, ASG, or anyone in the NBA does...I had to reevaluate the way I interacted with the board.

That being said, I understand debate mechanics and board balance and why it's so great to stop by the Squawk (or just message boards in general). However, I believe there is just far too much personal warfare going on in here. Little quips and snips here and there are to be expected ( and I have done my share); however, there needs to be a line drawn and someone will need to be made an example of. Fair or not, it's how things get done.

I've go no issues with anyone in here, and I am far less concerned about any specific thing that happens to any specific person. I will say though, that the Squawk is to precious to allow good opinionated debates to degenerate into unbridled personal warfare.
Do what you have to do Chillz and do so with an iron fist and steel resolve

It's the lamest thing in the world to do this, but I am going to have to...

...add nothing to what he said.

Good post, Wretch. I too had to reevaluate my role on the message boards.

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I don't think that the question is weather or not calling somebody an a--hole is an offense worthy of banning. Indeed it is. However, that's not the first time a--hole has been tossed around on this board.

A simple search shows that a--hole has been used 15 times on HS before this offense. This is just the first time it's a violation.

Now, I'm not saying Chillz is wrong, he can do what he wants. And Indeed to keep peace, he can do what he deems is best. And I'm honestly glad that he's making some ground rules because for the most part, the discussion is what drives the board and not the pettiness. However, maybe a warning would have been more fair.

calling someone an A-hole is punishable by a suspension. calling a MODERATOR anything deragatory is completely insane! pillepalle.gifpillepalle.gifyou're out of here without question.

along with the Squawk I post on two falcons and one panthers site. these sites are important to me as they pass some time at work. Some give you more slack than others but I know on these sites I have to behave myself. be assured if this happened on any of those sites we wouldn't be having this discussion. Wally would be IP banned, a warning would have been pinned when the first question of that decision arose telling anyone and everyone a public discussion about it would not be tolerated. The threads wouldn't have been locked, they would have been removed.

As Kudzu let me know one time Hawksquawk does not belong to me or anyone else here. it belongs to him. Wally is lucky he must be on a long vacation.

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I think everyone needs to keep in mind what the punishment is. Come on. He was banned for two weeks from an internet message board. I mean, Eddie, you mention giving him a warning. Isn't THIS a warning!? If he were permanently banned or given a year or something, I would be part of the outcry. But, this is no big deal.

Still, Walter is interpreted wrong on this board. He is a great yin to the kool-aid drinking, tripping in daisies fans that talk about how Josh Childress will be in the 6th man hall of fame. Walt is a bit too negative but others go way too far in the other extreme.

Welcome back, Walt.


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I don't disagree with what you're saying.

I'm saying I hope we get to the point where calling anybody something derogatory is completely insane.

I agree. You and I have had a fair share of name calling aurguments in the past. But nothing big in a year or so. I did a quick take on myself after the Shelden pick last year and just decided that type of behavior did no one any good. Least of all me....

I also got a two week suspension on a golfing forum once. But the moderator fired the 1st shot and called me an fool or idiot. I replied likewise and he suspended me. Shot him a very professional e-mail ( not a joke ) to just ban me for life.

The way I figured it, if the moderator is going to cuss people out and argue with insults then that whole board was nothing but a waste of time anyway.

I like the Squawk a lot. Everyone gets into a aurgument here and there; but we all know how to chill out and move on...

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