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Marvin Williams


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Superstar is a very strong statement. Even our best player Joe Johnson is not considered a superstar. A star yes but not a superstar. I find hard to believe Marvin Williams will ever be as good as Joe Johnson is. I dont see the fire or heard in him to be superstar in this league. The guy gets his shot blocked more then alot of people out there. He still looks very awkard even walking down the court unless he all sudden improves like hell and changes his mind set I dont see it at all. He will never be a Lebron, Wade, Melo and others he could be like a semi star like Rashard lewis or Jamal Mashburn one day thats about as high as see for Marvin Williams.

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He will never be a Lebron, Wade, Melo and others he could be like a semi star like Rashard lewis or Jamal Mashburn one day thats about as high as see for Marvin Williams.

What about Smoove? Will he ever be like Lebron, Wade or Melo?

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I think Marvin, will be a superstar in 3 years, some don't. Why or why not would you agree?

I think the biggest step Marvin needs to take to reach star or superstar status is stepping up his aggressiveness. He has been too willing to defer so far in his career.

Josh Smith needs to continue to make significant improvement in his fundamentals on both sides of the ball to threaten superstar status. For example, his FG% needs to rise - hopefully improved play in the post would coincide with that.

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Marvin Williams will be a 20+/8+ player in this league for a very long time...I just hope it's in a Hawk Uniform.

I fear we'll be grooming him for someone else if this ownership situation is squared away.

He's gonna be a beast and he'll be better then Joe Johnson. and I'm a JJ fan..don't thin he gets enough credit...

Marvin has it all...just needs to be more agressive..which will come with maturity.

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I think he has the athleticism and versatility to be one heck of a player in the NBA. Aggressiveness and assertiveness is what has to happen for him to be great. I couldnt tell you about he gets his shots blocked since i never see the game so how do most of them get blocked? Trying to take it all the way in or what?

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I think part of the solution is for Smoove and Marvin both be more assertive while playing with JJ. While JJ was out they both got the chance to expand their game. If they can all bring it at the same time that would be very explosive. Smoove has gotten better at it. And this would take some of the pressure of JJ and not get so beat up.

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I think Marvin, will be a superstar in 3 years, some don't. Why or why not would you agree?

of the most recently drafted "superstars", i would have to think of lebron or wade. they seemed to pretty much blow up in their first year or two. marvin has played for a couple seasons now, and to think he will be a superstar in 3 more years makes me think...how many superstars in the past have taken 5 years to reach that status? i think he has a chance to be a very good player, even a good chance at being a multiple time all star. however, it would seem to me that there really has to be something special that shows up in the first couple years that shows a player can take over the game himself to declare potential superstar status.

granted, my appreciation for the nba game is fairly infantile. it wasn't until i moved to atl in the late 90's that i got into it and the hawks (growing up in ky, i was always a college ball guy). i don't know enough history to answer my own question above. did kobe or kg take 5 years to become superstars? and if so, they came straight out of high school, whereas marvin had at least one year of college (and not even as a starter at that). i like marvin, and think he will be an excellent player, but i am not quite ready to annoint him just quite yet.

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Marvin Williams will be a 20+/8+ player in this league for a very long time...I just hope it's in a Hawk Uniform.

I fear we'll be grooming him for someone else if this ownership situation is squared away.

He's gonna be a beast and he'll be better then Joe Johnson. and I'm a JJ fan..don't thin he gets enough credit...

Marvin has it all...just needs to be more agressive..which will come with maturity.

Wow, you really think he will be Better than JJ??

What have you seen from him the would lead you to believe that?

I think JJ is very underated .Don't forget that JJ scored 25ppg on 47%fg 38% 3pt , while mostly going one-on-one , and shooting with a hand in his face.

Most 25ppg scorers get to the line 10 times a game, which means Joe has to make more fg's to score the same points.

Only Kobe, Melo ,and Lebron James made more shots per game than Joe. Anyway.....

I really don't think Marvin will be a superstar.

I guess my idea of a superstar ia differnt than other people on this board.

I break plsyers down into these sections

1.TRUE SUPERSTAR: Great player. Always contending for a championship.In the running for MVP every year. The leader of the team.Can not be stopped 0ne on one.So good ,that you just decide to let him get his.. and just try to stop everyone else.Makes eveyrone else around him better,clutch.The player that other players would pay to see.Your arena sells out whenever his team come to visit on the road.One of the most popular players in the WORLD!Your Mom dosen't know anything about Basketball, but still knows who he is.Has the all the shoe's contracts, tv commercials, movie offers, top selling jerseys, ect. He is one of the faces of his nba era.One of the best ever.

Played in 10 + plus allstar games after his career is over.

2.NBA SUPERSTAR: Can be as great or greater than the "True Superstar" but doesn't have the personality to become true household name.Your mom doesn't may never have heard of him :P Dosen't get all the off-court endorsements.

Played in at least 7-10 allstar games

3.AllSTAR: Very good player.His team may not alway be competive.Team Captain, The best player on his team, or sidekick to a superstar.Draws double teams. The focus of the other teams defense.non-nba Sports fans know who they are.But people who don't watch sports may not know him

2-5 allstar games

4.Just Below an allstar: May have made it to 1 allstar game.

One of the top 2 players on his team.Maybe a good scorer

but doesn't take over games. None sports fans don't know them.

some examples

True Superstar:: Jordan, Magic, Bird , Wilt, Shaq, Kobe

Jerry West, Kareem , Dr J

Nba Superstar:: Olajuwon, Duncun, Stockton, David Robinson

Karl Malone, Ewing, Pippen , Nique ,Drexler , Zeke ,Barkley

Allstar:: Adreian Dantley ,Ray Allen ,Reggie Miller ,Dumars

Chris Mullin, Tom Chambers ,Paul Pierce, Bernard King

Borderline allstar:: Steve Smith, Mark price ,Reggie Lewis,

Sam Cassell, Antawn Jamison , Mike Bibby ,Allan Houston

Richard Jefferson

IMO, if Marvin lives up to his Potential

He would Rank somewhere between Bernard King and Reggie Lewis


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So you believe within 3 years, Marvin will be a star. That means 5-6 years overall?

Here's your Homework... Find one star in NBA History that took 5-6 years to develop when he was:

1. With the same team.

2. Showed a lack of aggressiveness that Marvin Shows.

Then get back to us!

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What's your distinction here:


True Superstar:: Jordan, Magic, Bird , Wilt, Shaq, Kobe

Jerry West, Kareem , Dr J

Nba Superstar:: Olajuwon, Duncun, Stockton, David Robinson

Karl Malone, Ewing, Pippen , Nique ,Drexler , Zeke ,Barkley

I would say that Karl Malone is the greatest PF to ever play the game and Duncan is a close second. Some of the guys you have listed as true Superstars are guys who just happened to be in the right place at the right time with the right skillset. Do you really think that Kobe was better than Nique or Drexler? Or Dr. J for that matter? Let me say this: Doc was fortunate to play on one of the strongest teams ever assembled. I'm not saying he was a bad player.. NO Doc was as good as they come...I just saying that guys like Nique and Barkley wasn't afforded that luxury. And Drexler didn't get the chance until he went to Houston.. and as an old man in Houston, Drexler and Hakeem were one of the most dominant tandems ever.

Moreover, Stockton is probably the best PG to ever play the game! Followed Closely by Magic and Zeke.

What's your basis?

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As i said, the Nba superstar can be as good as the "True Superstar".

The only difference is off-court Popularity.

Jordan, Magic, amd Bird's global popularity were off the charts.Jordan was the most popular athelete on the planet.Bird vs Magic.. Lakers vs Celtics Ruled the 80's which may have beenthe NBA's most popular era.

I agree with you about the greatness of Duncan, and Malone and Stockton.

The other players above just had the "it" factor in pop culture .

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Do you really think that Kobe was better than Nique or Drexler? Or Dr. J for that matter?

Kobe's better than all 3 of those guys.

When it's all said and done. Kobe's career will have been better than those guys.Also he's very popular, remember the fan recation he got at Philps arena?

And I'm as about as anti-Kobe as you can get.

i hate is attitude and he seems stuck up.

In fact this is one of my favorite anti-kobe videos

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I think when you really look at it, Kobe was lucky to have a great team to help him win championships early. Nique would eat Kobe's lunch. Nique carried a nothing Hawks team much farther than Kobe has carried the Lakers alone.

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I think when you really look at it, Kobe was lucky to have a great team to help him win championships early. Nique would eat Kobe's lunch. Nique carried a nothing Hawks team much farther than Kobe has carried the Lakers alone.

May have to agree with Diesel on this one! I don't think that any of the Hawks that played with Nigue made the Allstar team more than once! The Hawks won plenty of playoff series unlike the likes of tracy McGrady, Garnett, Kobe without Shaq, Allen Iverson and the rest of the Steven A. Smith allstars!

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Superstar? No. Borderline all star year in and out - he can if he puts in the work. I personally think he will, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.

I think Johnson's a perfect role model for Marvin to pattern his game after. He won't likely (and he shouldn't) ever become as much of a guard as Johnson is, but he's already a more explosive athlete than Johnson. Marvin has a long way to go to reach that level, but Johnson progressed each season. He didn't come in and play at a high level off the bat, he was a 10th pick project player who worked his way up the ranks and earned it the hard way.

As Hawks fans were lucky that the young players have a guy like Joe to follow.

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Here's your Homework... Find one star in NBA History that took 5-6 years to develop when he was:

1. With the same team.

2. Showed a lack of aggressiveness that Marvin Shows.

Then get back to us!

1. Rashard Lewis.

Now, you'll prolly argue he isnt a star, but he sure did just get paid like one (and has made the all-star game).

The dudes have very similar games (6 '9ish forwards who can handle the ball like a guard and stroke it and also take it the rim). Both came into the league around the same age. Both have put up very similar stats and have progressed in very similar ways their first few seasons.

Go look at the stats. Very good comparison there.

2. Joe Johnson

Now, I'm not sure why your qualification about staying with the same team really matters. So, throwing that out, this is a good comparison too.

I have friends from Boston who remember watching Joe and thinking we would amount to NOTHING as an NBA player. Too timid. Lacked assertiveness. Looked scared out there. Sound familiar??

I think Marvin is the same way. A really nice, young kid who needs to learn to be nasty among the big boys to really utilize his skills.

I expect this out of him in the next year or so, much like Rashard and Joe.

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I think when you really look at it, Kobe was lucky to have a great team to help him win championships early. Nique would eat Kobe's lunch. Nique carried a nothing Hawks team much farther than Kobe has carried the Lakers alone.

May have to agree with Diesel on this one! I don't think that any of the Hawks that played with Nigue made the Allstar team more than once! The Hawks won plenty of playoff series unlike the likes of tracy McGrady, Garnett, Kobe without Shaq, Allen Iverson and the rest of the Steven A. Smith allstars!

The only multiple all-star attendees that Dominique played with while on the Hawks were Moses Malone and Reggie Theus. Moses made it once while a Hawk but mostly was on the downside of his great career once he came to Atlanta. Theus too was paste his all-star form when arriving in Atlanta. Other guys who made the all-star team during Dominique's tenure are Doc Rivers, Mookie Blaylock and Kevin Willis.

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Well, i have the requirement staying with the same team because there are players who were not used or not used correctly with one team, goes to another and all the sudden blow up. Tracy McGrady for instance...Gerald Wallace also. These guys got from under bad coaching into a situation where either they played more or they played a different position and they flowered.

About Rashard Lewis, his situation was nothing like Marvin's aside from the fact that he was young coming to Seattle. Here's the deal. Rashard's play got better with playing time. His second year, his team made the playoffs, he played 31 mpg, scored 15 ppg, 6.2 rpg, and shot 44.2 rpg. When you look at it closely, the main difference to Lewis was that his shooting percentage increase a little.

Marvin at 32 mpg is not so much better. Sure, he might improve if we take him up to 40 mpg, but I don't think his numbers will be far off what they are now per minute.

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