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Who cares anbout Vick ? What about the Falcons ?


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How will losing him have a positive impact when they kept losing badly without him in the lineup?

His passing skills have been very underrated imo. He had 20td, 13int which is very good considering the supporting cast he has.

Do you live in a cave? Seen the news lately? Geez. At this point, anyone that supports Mr. Vick is either related, stupid, naive, lacking in moral fiber or some combination of the four. Or 13, which would explain at least 3 of them.

Just do a little research. See if you are still a "fan" of this herpes spreading, fan flicking, dog killing, 7-9 qb. We went to a Super Bowl WITHOUT Michael Vick. Dog killing or not, we weren't going to one with him. He was a remarkably gifted athlete. He's just one of the dumbest, most arrogant people you could ever meet, apparently.

He is no longer a football player and soon to be a Federal prisoner.

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Vince Young is another overhyped glorified running back that shouldn't be playing the quarterback position. He went 5 for 17 the other day and looked like the trash he is.

So now Vince Young is trash??? A glorified running back??? I'm starting to see a disturbing pattern here. Is Vince Young a "thug" and a "punk" too? Maybe if Vick, Vince Young, and some of the other "running" quartebacks out there played running back or wide receiver instead, would that make you feel better? That's almost offensive. I mean before his injury, some people were even making it a point to criticize DJ Shockley's style of play because some of the talk about him being the eventual starter for the Falcons. Even his impact on UGA was questioned. What's going on? What is all of this hate and disdain REALLY about? confused.gif

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Please, let me give you the validation you so desperately are seeking. All of those who criticize Vick are redneck, racist, bigoted, beer-guzzling, white, mean-spirited, card-carrying KKK, pick-up truck driving, rebel flag waving, ignorant, un-educated, trailor-park dwelling, right-wing, mullet fashioned, shotgun in the truck, deer head on the wall, barefoot going to the supermarket haters.

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Please, let me give you the validation you so desperately are seeking. All of those who criticize Vick are redneck, racist, bigoted, beer-guzzling, white, mean-spirited, card-carrying KKK, pick-up truck driving, rebel flag waving, ignorant, un-educated, trailor-park dwelling, right-wing, mullet fashioned, shotgun in the truck, deer head on the wall, barefoot going to the supermarket haters.

I don't need any validation. And I certainly don't need any validation from you Ed. I know how you feel about the subject. Race should have nothing to do with this situation and I find your post above to be very offensive to ANYONE reading it. I would be surprised if I was the only one here who feels that way.

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While some dropped passes were obviously the wr's fault, alot of them were Vick's fault as well. Why? Because so many of Vick's passes are lasers. Putting a little touch on the ball every now and then would have helped out the wr's ability to catch his passes.

That's really a horrible argument. Have you ever watched Tom Brady? He throws ROCKETS, and their WR's still catch them. Besides, these guys are paid millions to do basically one thing, and that's catch the ball.

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Well be sure to tell Brian Finneran the next time you see him that's he's making a horrible argument as well. On 680 the other morning(he's been sitting in on a lot of the morning shows) he made the point that some qb's throw the ball much harder/faster than necessary. When they do, often the receivers will throw the ball real fast and quick back at them to make a point than they don't need to throw that hard for the completion....that they're only making catching the ball much more difficult than it has to be. But it's cool. I realize than no matter what, you're on Vick's side 'till the bitter end.

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yeah ok, all I said was that it was a horrible argument. Does that mean I think Vick is an accurate QB? No. Watch Tom Brady and tell me he doesn't throw at LEAST as hard. There are many reasons to bash Vick's passing (that I would agree with) but velocity isn't one of them IMO.

And it's funny you say that about Finneran, because he's the one player who's never had problems catching Vick's passes, as evidenced by having two 60% catch rate percentages playing with Vick.

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Not sure how anyone could argue:

(1) We had one of the worst catching sets of wide receivers in the league last season and that they made it very difficult to generate consistent offense or capitalize on big opportunities through bonehead drops;

(2) Vick had a cannon for an arm but had major problems with accuracy, reading progressions and touch on his passes and that this made it difficult to develop a standout passing attack;

(3) Our OL was terrible at passblocking and did not give Vick the kind of time that most other QBs in the league (not playing in Houston, anyway) had in the pocket; and

(4) the combination of (1), (2) and (3) wasn't a good one. Any one of them might have been overcome on their own, but together they made for some brutal passing.

Also, I think Vick added a lot to this team and agreement with the assessment that Vick was someone who was never going to be an elite QB unless he improved his passing ability yet who would usually give the team a chance to win because of his passing and rushing combination. Watching this season where Doug Johnson was in charge of the team (where I think the team was something like 3-1 with Vick, 3-9 with Johnson) or watching this season will show the impact that Vick had from the standpoint of moving the chains and giving the team a chance to win.

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The defense could be really good.

1. Our linebackers are solid. Brooking is the prototypical leader. A younger Zach Thomas who has not, yet, lost speed. Boley and Williams are as atheletic as they come at the OLB positions.

2. The defensive line hedges on the health of three one time pro bowl defensive lineman and a 20 year old rookie with tons of that scary word "potential." If Coleman and Abraham can give us 14 games each out of 16 and if and of all 360 lbs of Grady Jackson can stay on the field on running downs, this would be a major team strength, like linebacker. If the rookie Anderson can be the speed rusher to pair with Abraham, at age 20, this group could really be something special.

The secondary is the question mark. Hall can be spectacular but his gambles make him too inconsistent. He seems to gamble when matched up vs. lesser players causing him to get beat too often last year. However, against the elite WR he seemed to gambe less play them as good as anyone in the league (Charles Johnson game comes to mind). One thing can't be argued about Hall, his speed is elite. The other CB is a ? mark. We have a 2nd round pick rookie and a 30 yr old FA fighting for the spot. They will be targets in the 1st half of the season and must show their side of the field is not a liability to the defense. The FS position has some real competition. Jimmy Williams has all the physical attributes but has played more CB the FS so he is in a learning position. Crocker is the incubent but had a dissapointing year last season. Milloy is still solid and packs a mean punch. His veteran savy and expierence is invaluable to the this young secondary.

The defense should be solid and has the ability to be a top 10 defense in the league while being the strength of the team.

If Bobby Petrino, the offensive wizard, can squeeze 20 ppg from our offense we have a shot to suprise some people.

The offense really has some talent that isn't really recognized...(with the exception of quarterback).

RB: Dunn and Norwood are a solid one 2 punch but could not put the ball in the endzone last year when close to the goal line. The big, power FB singed to the highest paid FB contract in the league should help here. The red zone problems were probably more due to the offensive lines lack of size and beef then the ability of the backs last season. Hopefully the added bulk up front fixes this. Of course a TJ Duckett like back up would help too. The running game is the key. The running game must be succesful for the Harrington and the passing game to have a chance.

WR: Horn is the veteran leader a young WR core like our has needed. In the WR's defense Vick rarely if ever delivered the football any where near the right time on timing routes. This made the job of our recievers very difficult. They could run the 3 to 7 secon timing routes to perfection all day but Vick would never see it. They were left to free lance for 7 to 14 seconds with no idea where or when Vick would finally throw the ball in his panicked scramble. This will change. WR will finally be reward for running a crisp timing route. Petrino system and a more traditional QB will fix this. The team passing yards will drastically increase over last year no matter who the QB is. Jenkins is steady. White must show he was worthy of his draft status. With no star in the passing game succes is directly dependent on a good running attack and timely play calling and audibles.

TE: Algie Crumpler....the 3rd or 4th best TE in the league, enough said.

QB: It is up to Petrino to squeeze some production and discipline some effeciency into Harrington. If he does this he is worth every penny and should be a coach of the year candidate if he can effectivly lead this team to over come the the distractions they have been faced with.

Go Falcons !!!

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Personally I think it's obvious he showed flashes of brilliance and play making ability. I'm gonna miss him busting a game wide open with a 50 yard run. He was the closest thing to Barry Sanders this league has seen since he retired.

Anyways, win or lose I will miss watching Vick play just because it was fun to watch.

I will miss watching Vick too. The excitement he brought is unmatched. You never knew when he would make unblievable play.

At the same time I am hoping for more consistency and better then 55% pass completions.

He is the closest thing to Barry Sanders since Barry Sanders.

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Ok. Let's do that. But can that be done without referring to Vick as a piece of trash or a bum? Can't that be done without putting Vick's name in the title of your thread? If you truly want to discuss the Falcons on the actual football field, then DO IT. You brought Vick up first not me.

Oh, and what the heck do you mean by another one of "you guys" dude??? confused.gif

I was afraid that if I started a post about the Falcons in general it would lead to every post being about Vick. Turns out I was wrong... by asking not to mention Vick in the thread it made people, like your self, angry and want to talk about him EVEN MORE the we already have over the last 4 MONTHS. Go figure ! I have no idea why this is.

The "you guys" part. I thought I was pretty plain spoken there. "YOU GUYS" means GUYS LIKE YOU. Simple enough for ya ? Seemed simple enough the 1st time for me.

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I don't know what that guy has done in training camp, but he was outstanding at Arkansas this past season. He's got great speed and instincts, but poor ball skills right now. However, I think he's got the press coverage ability to make an immediate impact in the secondary. He's got a great attitude on the field for a cornerback.

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How will losing him have a positive impact when they kept losing badly without him in the lineup?

His passing skills have been very underrated imo. He had 20td, 13int which is very good considering the supporting cast he has.

Do you live in a cave? Seen the news lately? Geez. At this point, anyone that supports Mr. Vick is either related, stupid, naive, lacking in moral fiber or some combination of the four. Or 13, which would explain at least 3 of them.

Just do a little research. See if you are still a "fan" of this herpes spreading, fan flicking, dog killing, 7-9 qb. We went to a Super Bowl WITHOUT Michael Vick. Dog killing or not, we weren't going to one with him. He was a remarkably gifted athlete. He's just one of the dumbest, most arrogant people you could ever meet, apparently.

He is no longer a football player and soon to be a Federal prisoner.

I am talking about the player, Mike Vick not the person so lay off the name calling.

The team was one game away from the superbowl with him so he can get them to the superbowl if this dog killing thing didn't happen.

And you don't know if they're going to ban him or not, just wait till all the facts are out.

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The "facts" will likely never come out. But the NFL isn't stupid enough to ban him for life...all MV has to do is change his ways a bit and adapt to being a rich person.

Or change his ways to be a law abiding citizen. Changing his ways to being another rich person makes no sense at all to me. Being rich will not keep you out of trouble for ever, as Vick has found out.

Why would it be "stupid" for the NFL to suspend Vick for life ?

A mere 1 year suspension will likely have the same impact on Vick's carreer as a 1 year suspension.

Here is why:

Vick lied to the face of the NFL Commissioner. I seriously doubt he is "nice" to Vick.

He looks like he will get sentenced in February to March of 2008. The plea deal "recommends" the sentencing be 12 to 18 months. That has him getting out of jail in Sept 2009. (If he goes to jail immendiatly after the sentencing.)

Then, once out of jail, he sits down with the same Commisioner that Vick lied in the face to, and discuss his league suspension. Lets speculate it is only a 1 year suspension, for Vick's sake.

That has him eligible to play in the NFL in September 2010 around Week #3. Vick would have missed 2 full seasons and 3 full mini camps, and 2 games of the 3rd season. He would be 30 years old. His quickness and speed would have likely detereorated. He would have to become more of pocket passer at 6'.5''.

What NFL team would pick him at week #3 after being out of the league so long ? Someone may pick him up as a back up QB and play him on special teams. Noone in their right mind would pick him up with expectations he could be their starting QB.

Vick may very well never take another snap as a NFL QB.

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52% of the season ticket holders at the GA Dome are Af.Ams.

The percentages go down as you look at other cities...but not that much.

It's reality....and not a reality that I dislike...WTF....inclusion isn't the end of the world...there have been a good many AA's who lost their lives in WWII and Korea and VN.

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