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The new Halloween movie is AWESOME!!!!


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I can't believe I am saying this but this movie is better than the original was and that's a huge statement for me to make. Rob Zombie did a hell of a job with this one and you REALLY get to know Michael Myers because the movie starts off with him as a kid.

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I'm not going to go into detail about it because I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone but I will tell you this, Rob Zombie did an amazing job with the soundtrack (which you would expect) and he absolutely did Carpenter plenty proud with this movie (or at least I would imagine, knowing what I know of him he probably got Carpenters blessing on it already).

Tyler Mane (X-Men, Troy, The Devil's Rejects) did a perfect older Michael Myers and Daeg Faerch (no clue who he is) played Myers as a kid and did an amazing job. Sheri Moon plays Myers mom and she is hotter than ever and for the T&A fans, there is plenty of it to go around.

Also, remember the girl (Myer's niece) from Halloween 4&5 Danielle Harris? She is close to my age and I remember always thinking how hot she was, well she is in this one (as a different character) but wow she is a stunner!

I will probably go see it again this weekend and I rarely ever pay to go see a movie.

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I saw it last night as well and have a different take on it. I like it-BUT, i feel like too much gore took away from suspense...which is what made the original so good.

But everyone should go see it because it still is a good movie.

and yea Dina from 4&5 is totally hot.

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I haven't seen it (but I'm sure I will)...I would agree though that the key to the first F13 was the tension in the first half of the movie. Everybody knew something was going to happen but we all had to wait. Then the action finally kicked in.

Typically the sequels skip the buildup and go straight to more action.

I'll give it a shot though...I like a good gore movie as much as the next guy. tongue.gif

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where to begin...

No offense, but saying that this travesty of a remake is better than the original is essentially saying that Star Wars (and the original trilogy in general) would have been better if we'd learned in the first 30 minutes that Darth Vader had simply been a product of an abusive home and had been picked on as a kid. That's all Rob Zombie did here. There's nothing inventive or creative on display in this movie and he most certainly did not bring anything original or new to the story. It's little more than the Devils Rejects hidden behind a name that gives it more clout than it deserves and would ever have on its own.

I hope that Rob Zombie made this movie because they required it of him in order to keep making his own movies. He's a professed fan of the original and of the genre in general and I hope he did this simply to cash in on what is passed off as horror these days and not because he geniunely feels this deserves to be called a Halloween movie.

I could literally spend hours going over all the ways that this movie fails to capture any of the "it" that made the original a true classic, but to be perfectly honest it has already robbed me of two hours of my life that I wish I had back and doing so would only increase my loss.

First deathproof, then halloween....in one day... Here's to hoping Zodiac won't make for a Trifecta of Movie Suck!

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I went and saw the movie today since I didn't have anything else to do on labor day. I thought the movie was alright but not great. I was thinking that the movie was going to be a stinker at 1st with all of the silly cursing. I have no objections to lewd language but when everything that comes out of you mouth are curse words then it is bad.

Well the movie seemed to get more interesting once Micheal becomes an adult. They made Micheal appear to be at least 7ft tall. Rob decided to use alot of the actors from the Devil's rejects & House of a 1,000 corpses in this movie.

The action was pretty decent and the killing scenes were about that of most horror pictures today. IMO the best actor in the film was the guy playing the Psychiatrist(sp). He looked more believable as an older guy than as a middle aged man in the beginning.

Like I said it is a decent horror picture. I didn't walk out mad at spending my money but I also wasn't thinking that this was a great picture. BTW Dolfan, the girl playing Sheri Moon's daughter was sexier than her.

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Halloween- I agree the language was a bit extreme.It didn't seem to flow correctly.Was it me or was Mike Myers as big as the Texas Chain Saw character? The young women showing there breast is becoming typical in every horror movie now adays.Not that I have a problem with that grin.gif but I would hope for more creativity.The movie was much better from the time he first snapped and beyond that point.

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Perhaps I was a little over the top with my review of it ... granted it was almost 4am when I was posting and had to be up for work 90 minutes later and had put a few back during the movie but even seeing it again I still think it was awesome and obviously I'm not alone in thinking that. Maybe it's because I wasn't old enough to see the original in theaters or maybe I just haven't seen a good horror movie in theaters in longer than I can remember but it was excellent to me. It had humor, hot half naked chicks, a great score, and it really seemed like you got to know Myers and his relationship with his sister and the Dr a lot more than you did with the original. Anyways, I still think the movie was awesome!

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I have no problem with Zombie's movies. I enjoyed his first two movies for what they were. I know his influences and he and I share many favorites(texas chainsaw 2!!), so his movies kind of met my expectations and I enjoyed them for that. With this though, he's competing with a top 5 all time horror movie. A movie that is still scary and creepy(when you haven't seen it 1000 times) and still somewhat unique in the way it approaches horror, despite being 30+ years old.

With his version I felt he trashed all of what made the original great in favor of tits (which I enjoy), gore (which I love) and gobs of profanity (which I use daily with a masters touch). Basically all of the things that the original avoided because well...it's just so easy.. that's what I felt he did really, he took the easy way out.

Rather than give us a deeper look at how this perfectly normal kid with a perfectly normal and happy family life could just snap and become a mindless shark of a killer, he took the easy way out and spent half the film to essentially make him another abused white trash kid with white trash parents who are basically the Firefly family, before they started killing. In fact this would have been more effective had it been played as a prequel to those other movies. Michael could have been grandpa Firefly or something and it would have been enjoyable in that respect. But as Michael Myers, it just falls flat to me. To make it worse he doesn't even let his own wife (who is uber-mega-super hot) get naked!!!

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I wonder how you would have written the story line for a perfectly normal kid from a perfectly normal family to just snap and become that sort of a killer though. It seems like it would be pretty far fetched to believe ... even more so than anyone becoming some super human killing machine that can take bullet after bullet and still keep coming.

I will say that the largest travesty was Moon not being nude in this, although she looked damn hot on that pole! She was much hotter in The Devils Rejects as the teasing little whore she was smile.gif

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