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I've withheld posting for awhile...

Guest Walter

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So why did he spend some of his summer with the Dream?

I think Josh can excel at either position. My point about him being the best option we have at the 4 is exactly the fact that our other options at PF have been poor. Shelden was an injured rookie last season, and no one else was an option.

The staff never really tried Marvin in the post, as they clearly want him to be a perimeter player despite his college experience in the post.

Maybe Marvin showed in practice that he couldn't handle the 4 spot? I don't know (and neither do you of course), but Woodson clearly didn't use him as a 4 for some reason.

Josh filled a hole because he could do so better than anyone else. We have two Sfs to fill in the 3 spot, which obviously isn't a huge area of need for the team.

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You are wrong about a lot of things, but playing Smoove at the 3 is near the top of the list.

I know not one single person with bball knowledge that I respect who thinks Smoove is more suited as a 3.

You either didnt watch the games or just don't understand how these things work.

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we can't debate it because this is a "Marvin hate" thread, not a "Shelden hate" thread. that thread is scheduled to come out Tuesday. Neither of those threads are to be mistaken for the "BK hate" thread which will promptly be unveiled on Friday. All of them coincidentally will be authored by our good friend Walter. Not coincidentally they will resemble 37 other threads started here within the last 6 months.

Does GSUteke have anything else to say but "I hate walter" ("but I also secretly love him which is why I insist publically that I 'ignore' him, still respond to him, and send him more emails than a spammer").

It's frankly disgusting. I imagine GSUteke's homecourt posting totals dropped by half with me gone.

Yes, the drafting of SW and MW were HUGE mistakes. Everybody knows it but GSUteke. Still BK keeps his job, wonder of all wonders. MW doesn't even work like it matters. Everybody knows it. He still gets some strange sort of "poor MW for getting drafted so high" favoritism here. As if that isn't tired BS. Anyhow, everybody knows it.

There are reasons to post it. BK shouldn't be able to make similar mistakes with this franchise and retaining MW until his contract year when his POtential is tapped out, his work ethic is further questionable, and his contract is upcoming may be an even bigger mistake than our drafting him. Everybody knows it...but Teke. As much as we all want MW and SW to live happily ever after as Hawks and perinnial allstars, that [censored] ain't happening. Their own limitations, lazy effort, along with team finances will make sure of it. I would love evidence to suggest the contrary but particularly in MW's case recently, even in the best of light conveyed by him, he looks dead-ass disinterested in his NBA career.


LOL I look forward to seeing your next piece of work Nancy.

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So why did he spend some of his summer with the Dream?


Josh Smith appears to be taking matters into his own hands regarding his development, as he’s been in Houston going through NBA summer school with Hakeem Olajuwon,
as well as working with Calvin Murphy to refine his outside game.

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JSmoove is more suited for the 3. Mentally, he's a 3. In his world of undeveloped game, he is more developed as a 3 than he is as a 4.

Yeah his stellar outside shooting, flawless ball handling and quick first step all are perfectly suited for the 3 spot.

Not very funny. We've beaten this horse to death. When you say he is no 3, you act like there is a position that perfectly suits him. There isn't. Please don't tell me he's the prototype 4. He isn't. He's a tweener. We'll see, Ex. Should I talk of his horrible post positioning, lack of even an up and under, no hook, no turn around and all of the other things he doesn't do that go with being a 4?

He sucks as a post defender, trying to block everything. Perhaps because he's undersized? You can't win if you don't protect the basket. If you haven't noticed, we suck. Until Smoove playing the 4 changes that, you really don't have anything to stand on but rhetoric. He sees the floor from the wing and is imo our best entry passer. If anyone, ahem, Marvin, would cut to the basket or flash across the paint, we would see that. His shot is improving and there are no real structural flaws in it. Also, if you haven't noticed, most of Smooves highlight plays come from a running start. He needs a few steps in space to really leap. You don't get that from the block.

Rhetoric stops in a few weeks. We'll see if we suck or we don't. I've said for some time that the dynamic of our big 3 does not mesh. I don't think it ever will. The question is bigger than smoove at 3 or 4. The question is: If Smoove is your 4, WTF is going to be your 5? It sure as hell ain't Zaza or Horford. If winning factors in to your perception, that is.

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you really don't have anything to stand on but rhetoric.

And the fact that he consistently outplayed his opponents at the 4. And the fact that he put up much better numbers across the board at the 4. Oh i almost forgot he also played better D at the 4.


But why let facts stand in the way of perception?

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Walter

AHF, thesheedera posts summary of MW's offseason sleep over in Chapel Hill. It would appear to date that whatever MW did this offseason it remains NOT ENOUGH. As long as he continues to come into offseason workouts out of shape, do pilates, or play pick up games until an assistant coach light's a fire under his ass ACCORDING TO HI, MW will continue to not get better as his efficiency from year to year indicates or learn something new as his failure to extend his range (to the 3 pt line?), accept contact, etc. would indicate. MW was a one trick pony. His trick isn't all that special. He isn't all that good at it. And he doesn't either know how to work hard or care about working hard to improve enough.


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AHF, thesheedera posts summary of MW's offseason sleep over in Chapel Hill. It would appear to date that whatever MW did this offseason it remains NOT ENOUGH. As long as he continues to come into offseason workouts out of shape, do pilates, or play pick up games until an assistant coach light's a fire under his ass ACCORDING TO HI, MW will continue to not get better as his efficiency from year to year indicates or learn something new as his failure to extend his range (to the 3 pt line?), accept contact, etc. would indicate. MW was a one trick pony. His trick isn't all that special. He isn't all that good at it. And he doesn't either know how to work hard or care about working hard to improve enough.


I think he clearly looked ready to start the year based on his early performance. The problem is that he hasn't sustained his early play, IMO. You can't defend MW's lack of improvement to date, IMO, just hope for the switch to flip.

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