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Atlanta/Orlando game thread


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How likely is Redick to get those minutes?

I agree it works both ways, but even past the third, they had dominated us.

Or at least it seems like it.

I guess this is a time for chemistry and youth building..

It saves us from doing it in the reg. season.

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You need to read a little closer.

I gave all of that credit.

However, if I took the Hawks to a Middle School and let them play competitively with a middle school team and they won, is it a Good Victory?

I fully believe that the Hawks are supposed to dominate Orlando's 2nd team. Mainly because Orlando's second team couldn't beat an NBADL team.

However, Like I said before.

IF We are to be contenders, we have to do better!!

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You need to read a little closer.

I gave all of that credit.

However, if I took the Hawks to a Middle School and let them play competitively with a middle school team and they won, is it a

I fully believe that the Hawks are supposed to dominate Orlando's 2nd team. Mainly because Orlando's second team couldn't beat an NBADL team.

However, Like I said before.

IF We are to be contenders, we have to do better!!

Obviously you didn't listen to the game. We were always very close (up or down). So many good things happened in this game and you are talking about your pre-conceived ideas.

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No, I listened... .. and What I heard was:

Howard... From the elbow.

Howard... From the post.

Howard... From the....

"It's good it's columbus day, otherwise, he would be getting mail in the post"... or something like that!

The point is that we were being beat in the post by one man. That man went out of the game and we mounted this comback..

I liked the alley-opp and all that.. I love hearing our rookies do well... but why did one man have to leave before we started to climb back into the game?

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IF We are to be contenders, we have to do better!!

This board is just simply amazing! Doesn't matter whether the team wins or loses or whether you had expectations of certain players who delivered on those expectations, some poster will always rain on the team's progress. Most of the board jumped all over Marvin for one bad scrimmage game and called for his starting spot all weekend long because he wasn't aggressive enough! Now that you saw it in the very next game he played, as a fan the response should be "wow" I was so d_mn wrong! But what happens instead? Criticism! Harford & law looked good especially for rookies and we should be happy as many of us are but what's the response by this poster? They didn't stop Howard! Smoove had a double-double as a power forward and as a fan we all should say maybe this guy can play power forward very well in this league..I was mistaken with my previous stance. Nope, we didn't hear any of that coming from the Diesel. Rather, we heard negative about a game they won! Wonder why? Lighten up dude! This is just the 1st preseason game! The team will get better as they develop more chemistry together!

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..I would honestly give Smith $60 million if that's what it takes. If he's asking max money, than I would let him become RFA. Anything else I would do everything to get it done. He has clearly showed a desire to be here and has consistently worked as hard as anyone EVERY offseason.

Yep....max Smith...no Brainer. detective.gif

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If all I cared about was us being a 34 win team this year, I would be down with all the hoopla. However, you quoted me. I said IF we are to be CONTENDERS we have to do better.

I'm not one of these soccer dads who appreciate that score is not kept... I think that in competition there must be an expectation to win!!

Moreover, your post shows you didn't read. Here's what I said earlier:


The difference is that when the regular season starts, I don't think Orlando's coach will pull him with damn near 8 minutes to go. I think the 9 point lead would have been expanded on our Hawks. Augustine is young and he fouls a lot. I think we ought to send him a game ball.

Still, I like what I heard and read about Law and Horford and even Marvin played with a little more aggression.

But the victory is like when the some girl shows pity on prom night....

In other words my friend, yes... there are some good things we can pull from this game, but as far as us getting all loopy about the victory... I think it was more that they gave us the game rather than we taking it... and IF we are to be contenders, we have to do better!

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In other words my friend, yes... there are some good things we can pull from this game, but as far as us getting all loopy about the victory... I think it was more that they gave us the game rather than we taking it... and IF we are to be contenders, we have to do better!

Who cares about the victory? its preseason! I know Joe didn't care! But my concern about you and other posters is if things would had turned out differently, you would have brought the so call Hotlanta hate! For example, if Marvin appeared to be non aggressive in this game there would have been 50 million trade proposals, Daren Williams and Chris Paul worshiping, and a suggestion that Childress or Smoove should be our starting Sm forward starting immediately! Any normal individual would have admitted that they may have been much too harsh on this young kid and this game is a positive sigh that Marvin may be o.k. maybe even good and exceed your 10 ppg projection! Same with Smoove! Any normal individual would have admitted after this game that maybe Smoove can be effective at the power forward position. His numbers certain suggest that this is a possibility! Now if they both played like Shelden Williams, they would be buried by now! I guess what you are saying is that we should take you luke warm comments as proof that you now support the current roster. I'm just not buying it! And by the way, Howard had a lot of points tonight in part because the Hawks didn't double team him and partly because Woodson played a lot of small ball.

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You are making assumptions. That's the problem. There still would have been acknowledgments to the players who did well and there would still be the acknowledgment that we need to do better.

The point is that the X in the victory column (or an X in the loss column), doesn't mean anything. More attention should be placed on how we played.

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You are making assumptions.

Assumptions based on your track record of course! I just want to know one thing, did the performance of our forwards change your view about them? Or do you still feel that childress or Smoove should start at Sm forward?

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If you were basing it on MY trackrecord, you would have never wrote that.

I've been here year after year... through all the losing trying to find the bright spot in our play. Had you took the time to read the thread, I gave the due to the players who played well last night.

I think you need to put your character assassinations down in this case.

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