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Mike Conley gets the middle finger!


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He is from Arkansas and has family in Memphis.

Good for him.

No tell him to go #*$& off.

There is a difference between:

"I am so happy to be playing for Memphis in town with family and friends. This is where I wanted to be."


"I was praying the Hawks didn't take me."

He wants to tick off the people in Atlanta?


Maybe he said all of that and the writer decided only to include a portion of it.

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He is from Arkansas and has family in Memphis.

Good for him.

No tell him to go #*$& off.

There is a difference between:

"I am so happy to be playing for Memphis in town with family and friends. This is where I wanted to be."


"I was praying the Hawks didn't take me."

He wants to tick off the people in Atlanta?


Maybe he said all of that and the writer decided only to include a portion of it.

It seems alittle lame to say AFTER the draft. He didn't seem to have the guts to say these things before he was drafted.

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He is from Arkansas and has family in Memphis.

Good for him.

No tell him to go #*$& off.

There is a difference between:

"I am so happy to be playing for Memphis in town with family and friends. This is where I wanted to be."


"I was praying the Hawks didn't take me."

He wants to tick off the people in Atlanta?


Maybe he said all of that and the writer decided only to include a portion of it.

It seems alittle lame to say AFTER the draft. He didn't seem to have the guts to say these things before he was drafted.

Saying these things before you are drafted could send your draft staus into a tailspin when there are already a lot of doubters out there about your potential to be an NBA quality PG.

Guts or no guts, that would have been just plain dumb.

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He is from Arkansas and has family in Memphis.

Good for him.

No tell him to go #*$& off.

There is a difference between:

"I am so happy to be playing for Memphis in town with family and friends. This is where I wanted to be."


"I was praying the Hawks didn't take me."

He wants to tick off the people in Atlanta?


Maybe he said all of that and the writer decided only to include a portion of it.

It seems alittle lame to say AFTER the draft. He didn't seem to have the guts to say these things before he was drafted.

Saying these things before you are drafted could send your draft staus into a tailspin when there are already a lot of doubters out there about your potential to be an NBA quality PG.

Guts or no guts, that would have been just plain dumb.

My point is that he's gutless. I think he's proven that he is.

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I'm down with booing. On one one hand he's a kid and reporters will try to bait you into saying things. However, I think even he should have known, at the very least, a segment of Hawks fans and/or players would read it. He's a bright kid. That's why I say that while his statment was dumb and could be misinterpreted, I believe he meant what he said. He could have verily easily have said, "Going #3 would have been nice and an honor, I'm very happy to have ended up in Memphis." Player say that all the time. Let's hope Acie sticks it to him.

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This makes me wish we HAD picked him, and kept Batista on the team, so Esteban could have injured him. What a douche. I'm glad that we didn't pick Conley, like I wanted us to.

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You guys are taking this thing way to seriously. It sounds like Conley is mad that he didn't get picked by Hawks. Remember Mike Woodson dissed Conley right after the draft; this is Conley's response to that. Also right before the draft Conley was talking about how he wanted to play for the Hawks. Think about it, if the Hawks had drafted Crittenton instead of Law; then Law probably would be dissin' the Hawks too. Who cares if Conley said that its just spilled milk at this point. As one of the people who was on the Conley train (and still believes in him), I realize now that we came out of the draft the best way we could of. We have Holford who I defended and backed before the draft, and Law whom I questioned his point skills (which he has now answered in a good way).

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Exactly. I don't put too much stick in this. It is very possible that Horf or Acie would be saying the same, or that Conley would be praising ATL if he had come here. Guys get their egos hurt and yap. And like others have said Woody kind of trashed him so who knows. Either way the quotes show immaturity.

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I think this is getting overblown. I have no trouble with what everyone is calling him. He is likely taking a shot at Woodson and probably BK more than anyone. At the sametime he should understand the situation the Hawks were in. They didn't need another very young player that it will take a few years to develop. Hawks needed help right away.

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Maybe we can get Batista on a ten Day contract right before the Grizz game...

Put him on the court with Lo, Lue, Salim, and West and tell him to take out Conley Jr.

"The Hitman Batista comes in and swats Conley Jr. as he's going for the layup. Down goes Conley Jr. Hawks fans cheer."

"Ooooh... Conley Jr. is still down."

"Batista is shrugging his shoulders..."

"Stern will definitely have a look at this one on the tapes."

BTW.. Does Stern really watch Tape? Shouldn't he have like state of the art blue-ray?

"Hawks trainers are calling for the stretcher".

"Listen to the warm applause that the Hawks fans are giving to Conley Jr. as he's carted off".

After the game....

Josh Smith: "Man Batista, You sure did put the hit on Conley Jr."

Batista Nods.

JJ: "I'm sure glad it wasn't me again".

Batista Nods twice.

BK enters the room.

BK: "Batista, You did excellent work out there today. In 3 minutes you picked up 4 fouls.. That's a mark previously held by Solomon!"

Solomon: "Damn!!"

BK: "As I was saying, for your great work, I want to give you this Bonus as a token of our appreciation".

Batista Nods three times.

BK gives Batista an envelope.

Batista opens the envelope...

Batista: "What the hell is this s---. I don't want your f______ing Season tickets. What the f____ kind of organization are you running here. I'm the F---ing Hitman Batista. You don't pay me in Chocolates, IOUs, or Season tickets!!! This Sucks!!!!"

BK: Woody who taught him english?

Woody: Well, we gave him southpark Season 1, 2, and 3! He likes cartoons!!

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then Law probably would be dissin' the Hawks too.

Obviously you still underestimate the dude's intelligence.

I understand the competitivenesses of Law and Conley. Both guys are really driven and confident. If someone dissed you what are you going to do? You are probably going to dis them right back.

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I'm not sure this is any worse than Mike Woodson saying we want a PG who can shoot shortly after Conley worked out. I still chuckle at that on occasion.

Unless Conley actually said he didn't want to go to Atlanta because they suck, I think this is simply a case of a BBall player wanting to play close to home/family.

Plus, he's only like 19. I'm not going to give this any concern.

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You guys are taking this thing way to seriously. It sounds like Conley is mad that he didn't get picked by Hawks. Remember Mike Woodson dissed Conley right after the draft; this is Conley's response to that. Also right before the draft Conley was talking about how he wanted to play for the Hawks. Think about it, if the Hawks had drafted Crittenton instead of Law; then Law probably would be dissin' the Hawks too. Who cares if Conley said that its just spilled milk at this point. As one of the people who was on the Conley train (and still believes in him), I realize now that we came out of the draft the best way we could of. We have Holford who I defended and backed before the draft, and Law whom I questioned his point skills (which he has now answered in a good way).

I understand the premise of your argument. I just argue, sports 101, that you should be careful not to take any digs at the oppostion, purposely or otherwise. And as Hawks fans, we should be pissed. We should be pissed if anybody knocks are team, no matter how downtrodden we seem to be. So to hear Conley say the things he said should not only energize the fanbase but also hype the players to knock him on his a-- when they see him. It's time for ATL teams to lose the identity of being doormats for people to dog out or say anything/everything about. Winning cures all that. But letting the oppostion know we support our team is another way to put people on notice.

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I'm not going to give this any concern.

I am not concerned about this. It is just fun to have enemies in sports. I think he has given Hawks fans bulletin board material here. We can make him pray he doesn't have to go to Atlanta because Law will eat his lunch and the Hawks fans will love every minute of it! wink.gif

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