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IS JJ in a Slump?


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Just the THREAT of JJ's 3 point shooting opens up the lane for Marvin, Smoove and Chillz to make plays slashing to the basket and it allows Horford to get one on one situations in the post. If JJ stops taking that shot, the lane is going to be clogged, making it more difficult for our athletic guys to go to work.

Very good point. I didn't even think of it in that regard.

When Coach Woodson said that we're going to look to take more three's, maybe he was talking specifically about JJ taking more three's in order to stretch defenses and give guys like Marvin, Smoove, Chill, an opportunity to work one on one against people.

42% of JJ's shots in the preseason, have been three pointers. During last season, he only took a three pointer 27% of the time.

Maybe him jacking up all these threes in the preseason, is by design. If it works, then we may really have something here. If it doesn't, then we can just always go back to giving the ball to him, to make sure we have him make the play in the half court offense. Let him either shoot or pass.

And Peoria, before last night's game, JJ was shooting 45% from 3 in the preseason. After last night's 2 - 9 performance, he's at 39%

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And Peoria, before last night's game, JJ was shooting 45% from 3 in the preseason. After last night's 2 - 9 performance, he's at 39%

Like I said, I have no problem with JJ taking 3's as long as it is within the flow of the offense like when smith is passing out of double teams ect. However, I do have a problem with any player coming down and jacking up a 3 with a lot of time on the shot clock unless it is a heat check.

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However, I do have a problem with any player coming down and jacking up a 3 with a lot of time on the shot clock unless it is a heat check.

Here are examples of what I am talking about;

Butler Free Throw 2 of 2 (2 PTS) 8:55

[WAS 11-6]

Butler Foul:Personal (1 PF) 8:46

8:43 Johnson 3pt Shot: Missed

3 seconds into the offensive set Johnson launches a 3

Stevenson Jump Shot: Missed 3:21

3:19 Johnson Rebound (Off:0 Def:3)

3:12 Johnson 3pt Shot: Missed

7 seconds after Johnson rebounds a miss he comes down and launches a 3

Arenas Free Throw 2 of 2 (12 PTS) 0:40

[WAS 28-20]

0:31 Johnson 3pt Shot: Missed

9 seconds after a made free throw Johnson launches a 3

9:26 Smith 3pt Shot: Missed

9:24 Team Rebound

9:22 Johnson 3pt Shot: Missed

2 seconds after a missed 3 Johnson launches a 3

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And his 3 pt shot helps us a hell of a lot more than it hurts us.

Only when it goes in 40% of the time or higher

Actually, shooting 33% from 3 is the same as 50% from 2. This is why 3pt shooters like McGrady, Gilbert and Ray Allen never have HIGH FG%, but have a great eFG%. eFG% and TS% is really the only true measure of shooting that matters. FG% is meaningless unless it's based on a player that doesn't shoot threes. If JJ shoots 35-36% from 3 (hopefully he shoots better), it's still helping the team greatly.

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Actually, shooting 33% from 3 is the same as 50% from 2. This is why 3pt shooters like McGrady, Gilbert and Ray Allen never have HIGH FG%, but have a great eFG%. eFG% and TS% is really the only true measure of shooting that matters. FG% is meaningless unless it's based on a player that doesn't shoot threes. If JJ shoots 35-36% from 3 (hopefully he shoots better), it's still helping the team greatly.

You guys are missing my point completely! I'm not saying that he should not take threes, my point is when to take three! If you take threes within the flow of the offense no problem! But if you play like Joe did last night i.e. taking a bunch of threes with more than 15 seconds left on the shot clock, it disrupts the flow of your offense and makes it less efficient!! Notice how our offense was much better when Woody took Joe out of the game last night!

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If the Hawks truly want to push the tempo, part of that will involve JJ launching 3's early in the shot clock. If you watch PHO and GS, both teams shoot early 3's because it lulls the other team into trying to run with them. I know at least a couple of JJ's 3 point attempts came on the fast break where the person leading the break spotted him on the wing and he took the shot. I think that will (and should) continue if we want to play uptempo.

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If the Hawks truly want to push the tempo, part of that will involve JJ launching 3's early in the shot clock. If you watch PHO and GS, both teams shoot early 3's because it lulls the other team into trying to run with them. I know at least a couple of JJ's 3 point attempts came on the fast break where the person leading the break spotted him on the wing and he took the shot. I think that will (and should) continue if we want to play uptempo.

In his public comments Woody has emphasized pushing the ball and shooting more 3s. JJ is a proven 3 pt shooter so it makes sense he should be taking a lot of those shots.

If he misses we have guys who can chase down the long rebounds. Offensive rebounding has consistently been a strength. And if we get the rebound the defense will be scrambled.

The alternative is to slow it down and run our halfcourt offense. That hasn't exactly been a strength.

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I see it a little bit differently. I don't think that Phoenix's uptempo is the uptempo we ought to model. Simply because of the reliance on the early shot! I think we ought to be more opportune. Meaning that we ought to run off of every rebound and not walk the ball up court... With our youth, I think we can out pace most teams... I think it will lead to us finding holes in a defensive structure late in the game.

However, if we don't first up a quick shot, then we give ourself the opportunity to be more efficient in the halfcourt set.

Eventually, we will have to take this game on the road into the playoffs. Therefore, we're going to have to be good at both tempos.

Putting up a three and hoping for a good rebound is ok in the regular season, but in the post seasons, teams focus on defensive boards. Notice how Phoenix lost and Golden State lost over the last few playoffs. It was normally feast or famine depending on if the other team felt like rebounding.

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There is no one that is even CLOSE to being Steve Nash on this team and you see how ineffective they are at running when he is out. My point was just that launching early 3's (when open) is a way to push the tempo and get teams to play at the speed that you would prefer to play.

I agree with you as far as running off rebounds as I think we are most effective when running after one of our quick young forwards gets the ball and starts the break. I also agree with you that we have to be able to execute in the half court set when teams get back and get their defense set.

Still, there will be times when certain teams will try to slow the tempo against us and one way to speed up that tempo is to shoot a quick 3 if it is an open shot.

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Still, there will be times when certain teams will try to slow the tempo against us and one way to speed up that tempo is to shoot a quick 3 if it is an open shot.

We have too many athletes to come down and shoot 3's and hope they go in or get the rebound! Shooting 3's is not our strength! Slam dunks are! Shooting a lot of 3's in transition is a bad plan!

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dunk in transition. How in the heck you took that from that quote I have no idea. If we are taking a quick 3, I would assume that the opposing defense has gotten back to take away the dunk and that the 3 was an open shot.

In addition, the quick 3 doesn't necessarily have to be in transition. If we are trying to increase the tempo, I think there are appropriate times to shoot the quick 3 off a made basket.

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