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Joe's Take...


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I'm into psychology and you can take away things from what people say. Sounds like Joe feels the pressure of being "the Man" and not succeeding. Saying he can't do it all, and he's happy the rest of the guys are growing. It's almost like he thinks he is as good as he will be and the rest of the organization has to step it up.

You're reading into it WAY too much. I've taken psychology courses as well and you don't derive things from typed words on a piece of paper. You have to see how they say it in context, their tone of voice, their body movements, facial expressions, etc. From reading that quote, you can't derive anything from it.

He could've said those words in a very positive manner like "Some nights I will be off, everyone has off nights, I'm glad they stepped up for us".

Yeah, I feel you. Still, "them" is not what I want to hear. When you read this and combine it with other things he has said, it can rub the wrong way. I'm hearing excuses and qualifiers(I'm human), and pleas for help. How about" I'm not happy with where I am as a player and am dedicated to becoming the best basketball player in the world."? Joe has a long way to go to be a leader.

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I have a hard time reading too much into random sentences from guys who don't go around trying to measure every word they say for the best result. President Bush doesn't his words disected to the extent that some of our players get here.

it's just a slump. two games ago people were hammering childress for a two game slump, now we're on JJ for a two game slump. I'm as desperate as anyone to see this team become relevant again, but sometimes it just gets crazy around here.

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Yeah, I feel you. Still, "them" is not what I want to hear.

Yeah, but again you didn't see it (or hear it) in context. Many times, guys just half-assedly answer reporters, he could've just been talking and not really had any meaning in his words. Again, noone heard it so we don't know. Even if we DID hear it, I see nothing controversial about what he said.

Anyway, I don't see why he would say "we" instead of "them" because of this. He said "I" was struggling with my shot and had an off night, but "they" stepped up and helped us win the game. I don't see how he could've used we after describing himself, and then referring to his teammates as "We", it just wouldn't make sense at all.

That's like saying, "I didn't play well, but we stepped up". It makes zero sense in context because "I" wasn't a part of the stepping up.


How about" I'm not happy with where I am as a player and am dedicated to becoming the best basketball player in the world."? Joe has a long way to go to be a leader.

JJ has played and shot very well until last night, and at least when his shot wasn't falling he still handed out 10 assists.

When your shot doesn't fall, it doesn't fall. There is no controlling that, and there isn't a reason to apologize for it. Man up and play better next game, but saying "sorry" isn't going to help anything. When my shot doesn't fall, I don't sit there apologizing to everyone, it's just not falling, it's uncontrollable.

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I have a hard time reading too much into random sentences from guys who don't go around trying to measure every word they say for the best result. President Bush doesn't his words disected to the extent that some of our players get here.

it's just a slump. two games ago people were hammering childress for a two game slump, now we're on JJ for a two game slump. I'm as desperate as anyone to see this team become relevant again, but sometimes it just gets crazy around here.

Well, since you brought it up... Chilz took two of the ugliest shots I've ever seen last night. smirk.gif The one from the left baseline that hit the backboard and the horrendous turnaround from the right block. Disgusting. He played pretty good outside of those two shots.

Hard for me to totally believe with Woody at the top. I think we could win in spite of him, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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You could say "I didn't play well individually but we stepped up as a team ."


When your shot doesn't fall, it doesn't fall.

Sorry, dude. I'm a jumpshooter. When my shot isn't on it's not because of some mystical element, it's because I'm not using my legs, etc. It's not like he had 10 shots toilet bowl on him. He was drawing front iron because he was fading on every shot. That's the cause, atlas. Not magic.

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Couldn't agree more that we don't have the context for "them". The reporter could have mentioned during the interview that the other guys on the team stepped up tonight. Thus, using "them" is an appropriate response. Its all in how the interview was conducted, and its why quotes are not the greatest thing to read into from a sports page.

Regardless, Joe had a bad shooting night, but he helped the team win with his passing and defense. JJ really stepped up the intensity on the defense last night. Marvin really helped the offense last night as well. He made several 911 shots after Smith bled the shot clock down trying to back guys down.

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You could say "I didn't play well individually but
stepped up as a

But again, you are putting WAY too much emphasis into what JJ said in a postgame interview. We didn't hear it, didn't see it, didn't know what question was asked, nothing. By the way, what player SERIOUSLY THINKS about the exact way to answer a question before answering? None, you are simply arguing that he should've used a different pronoun than the one he used, which is essentially irrelevant.


Sorry, dude. I'm a jumpshooter. When my shot isn't on it's not because of some mystical element, it's because I'm not using my legs, etc. It's not like he had 10 shots toilet bowl on him. He was drawing front iron because he was fading on
shot. That's the cause, atlas. Not magic.

Joe is a very hard worker and I'm sure he'll watch the film on this game. Moreover, I'm sure someone on the team, a coach, or an assistant noticed this and he will get it corrected. Joe will shoot fine, I'm not worried.

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Those 4th qtr 18 ftrs by Marvin iced the game. Nice to see. Joe always helps. Just not 70 million dollars worth.

I just don't understand that at all considering JJ has been our backbone for scoring in the 4th quarter for the 1st three games. He has easily been one of the clutchest players in the league this season. He had a bad shooting night against Dallas only to catch fire in the 4th quarter and completely take the game over. He single handedly shot us back into the Pistons game hitting back to back threes with under 2:00 to go.

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Those 4th qtr 18 ftrs by Marvin iced the game. Nice to see. Joe always helps. Just not 70 million dollars worth.

I just don't understand that at all considering JJ has been our backbone for scoring in the 4th quarter for the 1st three games. He has easily been one of the clutchest players in the league this season. He had a bad shooting night against Dallas only to catch fire in the 4th quarter and completely take the game over. He single handedly shot us back into the Pistons game hitting back to back threes with under 2:00 to go.

All true. It's only been 4 games, though. You can't talk about being clutch "all year". C'mon. Until he leads us to the playoffs, I will not be satisfied with him or his paycheck. There is enough talent here. If Joe is a superstar 70 million dollar leader, that is.

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All true. It's only been 4 games, though.

Yeah I know, but JJ really has came up big in close games during his Hawks tenure. Last season he was extremely clutch, except in last second situations because we had NOONE else to give the ball to, and the defense knew it.


Until he leads us to the playoffs, I will not be satisfied with him or his paycheck. There is enough talent here. If Joe is a superstar 70 million dollar leader, that is.

I thought we couldn't win "in spite" of Woodson? grin.gif

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