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Thoughts on the Vikings fining Williamson?


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Personally I think it's crap that they fined him a game check for missing the game to attend the funeral of his grandmother that raised him. Call me crazy but if someone that played a huge role in who I am died and it's someone that I loved there is nothing that I wouldn't miss to be at their funeral. For a team that has had so much negative media attention the past few years to finally have some good things happening lately with the new rushing record and all that and for them to do this just seems petty to me and it's something that other plans will remember about the Vikings, not to mention their own players and Williamson himself. Maybe I am making too much of this but if I was fined 1/16th of my annual salary for missing a day of work (no matter how important the day) because of a death in the family I wouldn't ever forget that about my employer.

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Yeah, I think it sucks too. Poeple have to realize nowadays that often a grandparent may have done more for a kid than actual parents. Everybody doesn't come from the perfect two parent 1950's "Leave it to Beaver" family.

That said...I can see that it's a tough call for the Vikes. If Williamson was in a more normal job he'd only be missing 1/52nd of the year and it'd be no problem. With only 16 games in the season and limited rosters, missing a game is a big deal. Especially with all the pressure to win in the NFL.

Still, I think the Vikings blew it on this call.

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Not to mention that as talented as the kid is and as well as they pay him, he's not exactly lighting the league up and it's not like they really need anyone to throw the ball to with AP running around like Barry Sanders. It just seems like a very cheap thing for the franchise to do and it seems like something other players would notice and remember when they are free agents and considering the Vikings.

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Let me first say that I think Williamson did absolutely the right thing. That said, I don't think that means the Vikings did the wrong thing. From a business standpoint, the Vikings had to do what they did. An employee didn't make it to work, and with no bereavement policy in place, they docked him for not being there. I think both parties did the right thing in the situation.

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I can see where you are coming from but seriously, how many companies don't have personal days that can be taken for just this type of thing no questions asked, at least for salaried employees? I think it was a poor business decision that will hurt them in the long run. It has already made an impact in the national media.

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It seems like the negative national media attention and I'm sure plenty of negative attention from the veterans on his own team has caused Childress to decide not to take the game check from Williamson. They were wrong to do so in the first place but I give them credit for admitting to their mistake and fixing the error.

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It seems like the negative national media attention and I'm sure plenty of negative attention from the veterans on his own team has caused Childress to decide not to take the game check from Williamson. They were wrong to do so in the first place but I give them credit for admitting to their mistake and fixing the error.

Kudos to the Vikings for doing the right thing. Hopefully it wasn't just the media pressure that made them do it.

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Again, I'm not trying to uphold the Vikings original decision to withhold Williamson's pay, but unless there's a measure in place (bereavement, personal/sick day) I think the Vikings had to draw the line. If Adreian Peterson would've been the one to miss the game for the exact same reason, the sky would've been falling because 'superstars' are getting preferential treatment.

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