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Horford vs. Yi


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Don't worry about Waldo guys, he will go away as soon as Yi slows down. I remember he wanted to bet that Yi will score more ppg than Horf in the SL, but only after Yi had 21 points in the first game. He than disappeared because Yi was strugling for the rest of the SL and preseason. Yi strugled at the begining of the seaason so no Walt, now that Yi started somewhat playing better here comes Walt again. Next week Yi might strugle and there would be no Walt, he will say "give him 2 or 3 more years". Not to mention that he was bashing Marvin in his rookie and 2nd year, even though he knew he would take 2-3 years.

Plus he said that Marvin will never have better per stats than Marions rookie season where he scored 10ppg and 5rpg in about 25 min.

Marvin right now younger than Marion was his rookie season is averaging 17.5 6.2 on 55%fg and 2+ apg.

What a loser!


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Never said there was one. At some point we must be willing to accept that to get the integral pieces we have to make deals, bold moves, moves of conviction. It would seem that with all our PIECES that this offseason (or the previous one with cap space) would have provided more opportunity to finalize our team than all but 1 or 2 teams have. Oh well. Let's be ecstatic we've got 5 prospect forwards again. I always love that.

The only real point you make is that Yi is a potential superstar and Horford is not. They are both in your opinion redundant.

These are my points:

Horford is a potental superstar and because he can play center and out rebound Yi almost 2 to 1; this makes him a lot less redundant and thus more valuable to our team.

Yi is a potential all star at the SF/PF position; but due to his poor rebounding, he is also a potential Vladimir Radmanovic.

We needed inside help and a PG. We got hands down the two best players that were available for us. I am not arguing against Yi's potential; but for you to argue that Horford does not have all star potential is imature on your part.

How can anyone take you seriously, when you claim that the 3rd best player in the draft and second highest rated big does not have all star potential; yet you claim that the 6th player in the draft does?

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Challenge still not answered.

What is the "trade Fairy's" number Waldo? My Falcons could certianly use a QB this offseason. Why stop the fantasy-land trades at the NBA? After all, this is playstation basketball correct? Does the "trade Fairy" look a little like this?


That is the way you are presenting your "case." Don't take this as a personal attack Waldo. Take is as a chance to explain yourself. You've failed up to this point. Good luck.

HOW WOULD YI OVER HORFORD MAKE THE ATLANTA HAWKS A BETTER TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!!!???????

Answer the question!

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These are my points:

Horford is a potental superstar and because he can play center and out rebound Yi almost 2 to 1

SW "can PLAY center" (but not BE a center) and outrebound Yi (talk about redundant). Big F-ing deal. They can't do anything else better and certainly won't be able to in 2-3 years given Yi's already lightning quick adjustment to American and NBA basketball.


Yi is a potential all star at the SF/PF position; but due to his poor rebounding, he is also a potential Vladimir Radmanovic.

Dirk was a poor rebounder his first few seasons and in Radman's BEST NBA season he didn't average the rebounds, points, blocks that Yi is already averaging in his first, quick adjustment games. LOL What a poor comparison.


How can anyone take you seriously, when you claim that the 3rd best player in the draft and second highest rated big does not have all star potential; yet you claim that the 6th player in the draft does?

Eh hem. Remember last year's draft where I said Roy was the FAR better player and SW was a waste, the year before? the year before that? the year before that? I don't think my track record for Hawks picks is lacking.

It's clear you bought the Horford is a center deal hook, line, and sinker. He isn't. Already you're a stuck fish. Don't bleed out clinging to the notion he has superstar potential because someone might let you off the hook if you JUST bought into the "Horford is an NBA center" myth.


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Yeah Walter, but listen man. It's unfair to look at that stat because Horford basically must defend against a mismatch with no help in terms of double teams or an adjustment.

We did draft him to play NBA center, no? We did so KNOWING the rest of our team, no? The team allows not only a few but CONSIDERABLY more PPG than Yi's team does with Yi, no?


Did you not watch the game vs Washington? Did you not see how Horford was getting killed by Haywood?

Is this the first time the notion of big centers dominating Horford (or Shelden Williams) entered people's minds?


I was screaming at the TV telling Woody to do SOMETHIGN to stop it.

He is. He said that Horford is a Pf, which means ZaZa will be playing the majority of center for us.


Put in Shellhead or double team Haywood,

When these are your two options then you've got to shake your head and wonder who on earth EVER thought Horford was an NBA center. WE've tried to stretch players too long and force them to be what they aren't. SW should have tought us.


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HOW WOULD YI OVER HORFORD MAKE THE ATLANTA HAWKS A BETTER TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!!!???????

It would more likely give us a superstar, likely mismatch advantage. Something a team badly needs and this league is built upon. You can build a team around such a player. You can't build around Horford, sorry. It isn't a fairy tale to expect a GD NBA center?!? Not with all our draft capitol. Far less a fairy tale than Garnett and Allen being traded to the Celtics. Regardless, we still had better hope for our wish to be granted because Horford ain't no NBA center.

TEAM is the right word here, however, and to have a good one in this league you can't stretch all your players UP a position, can't rely upon small ball, and can't expect to win without a superstar or constant mismatch advantage. We're doing all three.


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However, I love being asked that we NOT consider FG% and PPG (WTF?!?) for a player that is supposed to represent the next Dirk Nowitski. Dirk is NOTHING without those stat lines. Hello? Yi is making the biggest transition of any player, doing so within less time, and HE IS better than Horford now. Hello? Not consider FG% and PPG?!? What about BPG too? Might as well not consider a vastly higher ROLAND RATING! Yes, Yi is (+)1.7 to Al Horford's (-)6.0.

Yi will not likely out rebound Horford in the next 2-3 years, but guess what, per48 he will likely never outrebound SW either. Guess what? We already had SW. The ROLE-PLAYING rebounder isn't hard to come by so big [censored] deal! Yi will punk them both elsewhere offensively. Defensive transition to the NBA game is slower, BUT Yi's has been thuroughly mischaracterized here for a multitude of mysterious purposes by those who (gasp) no longer (publically) call Horford a center or want (publically) the 3rd string Memphis Pg. Given Yi's already 2 BPG in <30 MPG, he can eventually change games defensively, but if that isn't enough...

...With Yi ON THE COURT Milwaulkee allows their opponents 10.2 FEWER PPG! Guess what? Only Desmond Mason has a better ON THE COURT OPPONENT PPG average for Milwaulkee than Yi!

By contrast, teams score 1.3 MORE PPG with Horford on the court. They both start for their respective teams and play similar MPG. What's the dilly-yo?

Point being, if Yi having a 7.3 higher ROLAND RATING, a higher FG%, a higher FT%, considerably more PPG, considerably more BPG, fewer TOPG (2 to 3) all in fewer MPG, and the same number of SPG in prorated MPG, ALL with the knowledge that Yi is adjusting to the american game AND the NBA game BOTH in LESS TIME...if that doesn't convince you to see me and my point past my colon you find your head up all the time GSUteke then nothing the [censored] will!

It seems "better" for the Hawks means we need another "lesser" player alah SW to Roy. Didn't you learn that lesson last year?


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Yi is making the biggest transition of any player

The dude is 23 and has been playing pro and international ball for a number of years. I think a guy like Conley (only 1 year in college) is making a bigger "transition."

Dude, you lose all credibility thinking Yi would be a better fit here than Horford. We needed a beast on the inside, not another perimeter-oriented, "soft" forward.

I have never said I think Yi wont be a good player. But, he wouldve been a disaster pick for us if taken over Horford.

Given our team, would you rather have added a Dirk or an Elton?

You're choosing Dirk, which is retarded.

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Yi is making the biggest transition of any player

The dude is 23 and has been playing pro and international ball for a number of years. I think a guy like Conley (only 1 year in college) is making a bigger "transition."

Dude, you lose all credibility thinking Yi would be a better fit here than Horford. We needed a beast on the inside, not another perimeter-oriented, "soft" forward.

I have never said I think Yi wont be a good player. But, he wouldve been a disaster pick for us if taken over Horford.

Given our team, would you rather have added a Dirk or an Elton?

You're choosing Dirk, which is retarded.

Oh I missed those playoff series wins for the Clippers and Bulls when Elton was playing.

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Yi is making the biggest transition of any player

The dude is 23 and has been playing pro and international ball for a number of years. I think a guy like Conley (only 1 year in college) is making a bigger "transition."

Dude, you lose all credibility thinking Yi would be a better fit here than Horford. We needed a beast on the inside, not another perimeter-oriented, "soft" forward.

I have never said I think Yi wont be a good player. But, he wouldve been a disaster pick for us if taken over Horford.

Given our team, would you rather have added a Dirk or an Elton?

You're choosing Dirk, which is retarded.

Oh I missed those playoff series wins for the Clippers and Bulls when Elton was playing.

Riiiight, because Elton had so much talent around him, he shouldve taken them far into the playoffs?

LOL at you trying to discredit Elton Brand (who I would take over Dirk anyday, pre-injury).

I could see someone questioning my comparison by saying that while Yi will approach Dirk's levels, Horford will never approach Elton's. I disagree with that. I tihnk they both have about the same shot at greatness (Horford is killing the boards in his FIRST 6 games... what's he gonna be like in 3 years??).

But questioning Elton Brand as a player? LOL

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Yi is making the biggest transition of any player

The dude is 23 and has been playing pro and international ball for a number of years. I think a guy like Conley (only 1 year in college) is making a bigger "transition."

Dude, you lose all credibility thinking Yi would be a better fit here than Horford. We needed a beast on the inside, not another perimeter-oriented, "soft" forward.

I have never said I think Yi wont be a good player. But, he wouldve been a disaster pick for us if taken over Horford.

Given our team, would you rather have added a Dirk or an Elton?

You're choosing Dirk, which is retarded.

Oh I missed those playoff series wins for the Clippers and Bulls when Elton was playing.

Riiiight, because Elton had so much talent around him, he shouldve taken them far into the playoffs?

LOL at you trying to discredit Elton Brand (who I would take over Dirk anyday, pre-injury).

I could see someone questioning my comparison by saying that while Yi will approach Dirk's levels, Horford will never approach Elton's. I disagree with that. I tihnk they both have about the same shot at greatness (Horford is killing the boards in his FIRST 6 games... what's he gonna be like in 3 years??).

But questioning Elton Brand as a player? LOL

LOL at questioning the current MVP of the league. dunce.gif

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What difference does that make. The point is that Yi does everything that Horford does, and he has the added bonus of being 7'0 and about a BILLION prepackaged fans.

You can't be serious.

What good does being 7 feet tall do you if all you doo is jack up jumpers.

It is not like Yi getis in the paint and guards guys in the post or is rebounding against NBA centers like Horford is doing.

The reality is Yi does very little of what Horford can do in the paint on both offense and defense while any one can jack up perimeter jumpers like Yi does.

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Yi's height is still very useful on both sides of the court even without a low post game. He does a good job blocking shots in help defense because of his height and lenght. On offense, his height allows him to get a much better shot off against shorter defenders and allows for the potential of developing an inside game. Even if he never goes inside, the way Dirk has dominated with his jumper is largely due to his height and Yi should enjoy the same benefit.

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Yi is making the biggest transition of any player

The dude is 23 and has been playing pro and international ball for a number of years. I think a guy like Conley (only 1 year in college) is making a bigger "transition."

Dude, you lose all credibility thinking Yi would be a better fit here than Horford. We needed a beast on the inside, not another perimeter-oriented, "soft" forward.

I have never said I think Yi wont be a good player. But, he wouldve been a disaster pick for us if taken over Horford.

Given our team, would you rather have added a Dirk or an Elton?

You're choosing Dirk, which is retarded.

Oh I missed those playoff series wins for the Clippers and Bulls when Elton was playing.

Riiiight, because Elton had so much talent around him, he shouldve taken them far into the playoffs?

LOL at you trying to discredit Elton Brand (who I would take over Dirk anyday, pre-injury).

I could see someone questioning my comparison by saying that while Yi will approach Dirk's levels, Horford will never approach Elton's. I disagree with that. I tihnk they both have about the same shot at greatness (Horford is killing the boards in his FIRST 6 games... what's he gonna be like in 3 years??).

But questioning Elton Brand as a player? LOL

LOL at questioning the current MVP of the league. dunce.gif

Show me where I questioned Dirk??

You can't, because I didn't.

All I said is that I would rather add Brand than Dirk to THIS team.

Dirk is a great player, and so is Brand. Just like Yi and Horford will both be IMO.

So, with your logic, you'd rather add Dirk to a core of Joe, Marvin and Smoove, than Brand. I'm glad you'll never be the GM of a team I root for.

Mr. dunce.gif

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