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To quote AJC's Clyde "Fire Billy and Woody"


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It is evident, the Hawks players are playing hard. However, for two nights in a row, we've lost close games. Usually a play here or a turnover there will cost you. However, looking at these past two games and how close they were, it's clear...it's time for Woody and Billy to go.

Case against Woody (using today's game for example):

Although he makes these guys play hard, his substitutions are horrendous. The one thing Ty Lue can do for us is hit big shots. Yet, in the 4th quarter, he's a no show. The Bucks big men overpower our smallish lineup in the paint, and yet Zaza is no where to be found. Granted, Zaza ain't much help defensively. However, by virtue of his height, he may have been able to grab an offensive rebound or two that would have led to points.Woody is a great assistant. I'll go as far as saying he's a great motivator. The guys play hard for him. Yet, he hasn't drawn up a play in 4 years that has helped the Hawks win a game.

Case against Billy:

As Steve Smith pointed out all night long, the other teams PG penetration killed us. Our point guards couldn't stop theirs and their point guards wouldn't allow ours to penetrate. Given Acie Law and Speedy (the two point guards we have that could penetrate) are injured, it must be noted one is an oft injured NBA backup for most teams and the other is a rookie. Thus, even if they played, we have no reasonable evidence to support either would make a difference. To add insult to injury, if we need a playmaker, one of our 4 points is too slow and washed up (AJ) and the other is a shoot first/4th quarter specialist (Lue).Therefore, we have a team constructed to run, but most of our PG's can't push it. Using Phoenix as a template, although Barbosa isn't a PG, he can push it if Nash isn't in the line up. The Hawks have NO ONE outside of Acie and Speedy (BIG maybe) who can penetrate. Josh Smith does a better job than our PG's. This is a problem caused by Billy's inept managerial skills. If we're a running team that is small (ie Phoenix and last years Golden State team) we must dictate tempo to offset our small front line. Our front line can actually work if our back court was constructed properly. However, it isn't and we're suffering.

Conclusion: The Hawks cannot win the close ones. I don't want to hear about injuries. We didn't complain with Amare and Josh Howard was out. I think this bears a direct correlation to our management team of Billy and Woody. These players (with the exception of the WSH game) are playing their collective asses off. However, their management teams are not putting them in position to win. I REALLY believe another coach, who knows X's and O's, could get something out of this bunch. Who that coach is, I don't know. That's for the Spirit to decide. However, before this season becomes a lost cause, I suggest the next few games should determine if Woody and Billy should go. I honestly don't believe we should have lost to Seattle, Milwaukee, and even Detroit. We're coming up on the short end of the stick on close winnable games. To me, that smells of coaching. The Spirit group should use the same logic they used against Hartley on Woody AND Billy before the season is lost and the moral of the team sinks.


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1) the damage he does drafting players in the high lottery, he can do no more given that we've traded away this year's lottery pick,

2) Woody, as expected, is a terrific firewall for GM criticism, which is why BK signs AND HANGS ON TO coaches like Lowe and Woodson

3) People incorrectly see the acquisition of the 3rd overall pick as anything other than luck

It's wrong to think BK cannot hurt us anymore, but I can see why people would think that. Still, he's built for job salvaging mediocrity and we're forced to accept it.


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LOL firing Billy for putting out a playoff talented team out there???

One bad draft, is a stupid excuse to fire someone, theres GM who have had way worst draft than Billy Knight.

Not to mention, he had to do all of this, with the stupid ownership situation holding him back.

Um, you do realize that Billy Knight is responsible for two of the worst coaches in NBA history? Does anyone honestly think that is coincidence?

Does it take a rocket scientist to build a base of good young players when you have 5 lottery picks to work with, 4 of which were in the top 6?

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The PG situation is worst because the starting PG got injured. If Kidd, Nash or Parker got injured their PG situations would also be crappy.

Interestingly, most of those squads would still have better options than we do.

Phoenix would slot in Barbosa. NJ would slot in Marcus Williams.

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I don't really know how long Acie Law will be out, I don't know how good he will be when he comes back, and I don't know if, in the future, he develops into a great PG. I would love for all those things to work out, but as of right now, I don't know that they will.

What I do know is that when BK took over JT was our PG... five (or has it been six?) years later, JT is the leading scorer for one of the Elite teams in the league, and the Hawks are running a platoon of Lue and AJ (when he decides he wants to suit up) at the point... If you are asking me if BK has done a good Job of being GM, RIGHT NOW, I'm saying "Nope... not even close." Maybe if Law pans out that will change... but that is still an if as of right now.

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