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Soth, any news about Woody?

Guest GHook4

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Sothron hasn't been right on anything yet. It is called pulling it out of your azz

That is somewhat true...

I know nothing about Adelman or any offer from Golden State but Sothron was dead on about a number of things around the draft. Several things he reported here first were reported a short time later in the media.

Like what?

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Also, to further answer your Adelman question: the rest of the NBA believes the Spirit will win at some point. His inquiry was to find out when it might be over and if Adelman should even bother to interview if (big if) Woodson was fired.

This was not Adelman beating down the doors here. It was his agent doing his job in trying to find another job for his client with an attractive player/cap situation to work with. The only real complication(s) was the front office and ownership situation. Hence the two calls to clarify. Once Knight clarified it then Adelman had no interest.

I only mentioned it to help explain what to me is the bigger issue: we're stuck with Woody or some other assistant wanting a HC job until this legal mess is finally over.

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I honestly do not know. I do know that the AS and the front office people and the rest of the NBA (generally speaking) believe they will *eventually* win. But I have not been given any kind of actual date because of the sheer amount of legal legwork left and the real possibility of endless appeals from both sides.

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Coachx you know nothing about our legal system and the status of the case against belkin.

It is moving extremely slowly and the last "major" court battle wasn't even "major" at all, the Appeals court simply said the ASG get to choose the accountants to audit the team.

That's it.

The only way this will be resolved.

When or where did I say "a major court battle had been won."

I am no lawyer and never claimed to know anything more about Maryland's State Appelate Courts then the next person.

You are the only one who thinks he is so high and mighty that he should talk down to everyone. (Even people double your age with real world business and legal knowledge).

Your just a typical little, spoiled, punk, in his 1st year of Law School, living on Dad's checking account, who thinks he knows everything.

Man, the real world is going to slap you upside the head one day.

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Coachx you know nothing about our legal system and the status of the case against belkin.

It is moving extremely slowly and the last "major" court battle wasn't even "major" at all, the Appeals court simply said the ASG get to choose the accountants to audit the team.

That's it.

The only way this will be resolved.

Where did I say the ASG "won a major court battle ?"

Where di I say I know more about the legal system then the next guy ?

If are truely a law student taking real classes (not on line crap) you should be very familiar with the Socratic Method of teaching.

When a Law Professor's drills you on a case do you answer him with made up, fabricated lies. You would not last one second in a law class if you act and respond the way you do here wih this negative I am above all attitude.

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Sothron, did you ever think it was wrong posting all this "insider" information in a public domain?

I don't even recall when you forecasted what would happen from your "sources."

I remembering you saying we were interested in Acie and Horford when they were the consensus #3 and #11 picks. Then I remember you boasting about Amare after they had the draft special on ESPN mentioning our interest in Amare

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Sothron, did you ever think it was wrong posting all this "insider" information in a public domain?

I don't even recall when you forecasted what would happen from your "sources."

I remembering you saying we were interested in Acie and Horford when they were the consensus #3 and #11 picks. Then I remember you boasting about Amare after they had the draft special on ESPN mentioning our interest in Amare

Go back and look at the timestamp on my posts during that time. Every news item I brought here was reported elsewhere AFTER I broke the news. I talked about Amare (and Gasol) well before it was talked about during the draft special on ESPN. I also told you guys that Portland had called Knight about trading for the #3 pick to get Conley for Oden and it was reported on the AJC or realgm, can't rememer which, like two days AFTER I posted it.

I keep going but practically every itneresting rumor/source/story from that time originated on this board from my posts. When I have ESPN and local sports guys that report on the Hawks contacting me privately about information, no offense, it really kinda speaks for itself.

I'll PM you about your first question.

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So how come you couldn't post more rumors over the last few months? Maybe you could've told your wife to post it. I hope your health situation is doing much better now. Just wondering why all the posting stopped...

I dont even remember when what rumors happened when. I woke up at 8 AM every morning in June reading through rumor sites millions of times.

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His inquiry was to find out when it might be over and if Adelman should even bother to interview if (big if) Woodson was fired.

This was not Adelman beating down the doors here. It was his agent doing his job in trying to find another job for his client with an attractive player/cap situation to work with. The only real complication(s) was the front office and ownership situation. Hence the two calls to clarify. Once Knight clarified it then Adelman had no interest.

I only mentioned it to help explain what to me is the bigger issue: we're stuck with Woody or some other assistant wanting a HC job until this legal mess is finally over.

If/When Woody is fired during the season then it will likely be an assistant coach that takes over. If that happens I wouldnt take credit for "breaking news" because thats almost a layup. That doesn't require inside scoop. However, IF the ASG can offer an outside big name coach a guaranteed multi-year deal then whats the big risk for an incoming coach? Thats as much job security as any coach is going to get anyway.

Why would Knight take the time to speak with an agent when his best buddy is already coaching? Because if I'm BK and another coaches agent calls...I'm telling him nothing because I have a coach in place. Out of respect for my current coach I'm telling the agent that there is no opening, please don't call until there is one. Thats just professional courtesy. Of course, I don't think Adelman nor his agent called anyway. Talk about poor form.

BK supposedly took the time to explain our legal situation to an agent sniffing around for a head coaching position that isn't even available?

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So how come you couldn't post more rumors over the last few months? Maybe you could've told your wife to post it. I hope your health situation is doing much better now. Just wondering why all the posting stopped...

I dont even remember when what rumors happened when. I woke up at 8 AM every morning in June reading through rumor sites millions of times.

To be honest after almost getting killed in a car wreck the last thing on my mind was "I really need to get Mrs. Sothron to post for me to keep my internet credibility up".


There has been no real "news" to report on until the GS offer which was counteroffered and rejected. I didn't think the Adelman situation deserved mention because it was, to me, only of minor importance.

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Why would Knight take the time to speak with an agent when his best buddy is already coaching? Because if I'm BK and another coaches agent calls...I'm telling him nothing because I have a coach in place. Out of respect for my current coach I'm telling the agent that there is no opening, please don't call until there is one. Thats just professional courtesy. Of course, I don't think Adelman nor his agent called anyway. Talk about poor form.

BK supposedly took the time to explain our legal situation to an agent sniffing around for a head coaching position that isn't even available?


LOL I have to agree on that one

"To be honest after almost getting killed in a car wreck the last thing on my mind was "I really need to get Mrs. Sothron to post for me to keep my internet credibility up".

Sorry I didn't know that is what happened--we're all just frustrated about there being no trades.

Again, I hope you're having a speedy recovery.
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The problem with those rumors is....you've been the only source. You already admitted that those agencies were emailing you. So that means....that there source was an internet poster. Everyone of those rumors you posted showed up, somewhere else. So yes you were the source..not soley because they were fact(which still hasn't been proven) but because you were the only source.

As for the other stuff...Any of us that pays attention to this team, can conclude...some of the same information you posted. Now, if you are saying the FO thinks like us....well okay. We know that Woody is here, because we can't afford anyone else. We know if he's fired....what the logical next step. Give is something, that would wow us. Give us something, that the average fan can't create.

Watch were the rumors go, from your post about Smoove and AB. I for one, don't believe it for one bit. Again...my opinion

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Sothron, did you ever think it was wrong posting all this "insider" information in a public domain?

I don't even recall when you forecasted what would happen from your "sources."

I remembering you saying we were interested in Acie and Horford when they were the consensus #3 and #11 picks. Then I remember you boasting about Amare after they had the draft special on ESPN mentioning our interest in Amare


How does anyone here really know what was PM'd by who? Come on bro. When I have the President of the franchise tell me this is all bogus, that BK was actually in his office except piss breaks, for 48 hours, how does your source even get the info? If you think the Hawks would let real inside info out on this site, through you....why? When our GM is absolutely paranoid about letting anything out? When Bruce Levenson comes here and on RealGM fairly often to check the fan pulse, why would someone that high up leak to you knowing your posting here?

It just makes no sense. Bernie told me there were 3 men behind closed doors, one I think was his brother, the other Woodson.

Look, I have no doubt that you know somebody in the club. But I just don't think it's all that big a deal.

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There's really no proof that either you or Soth are telling the truth... The fact that the media "broke" a similar story that Soth had been talking about on the message board is not even remotely close to proof. Most sports media at the time during the draft will look anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE, for any kind of scoop or rumor. ESPECIALLY message boards... they will brake a story without a single valid source or research, (heck a lot of all mainstream media does this) and call it a "rumor". It is very possible in fact that they took the story directly from this message board. They saw a guy post that "he had insider info" and that is good enough to them... they don't really care about being right or being wrong, since by calling it a "rumor" they cover themselves from any accountability.

TP, you could also be making stuff up for all I know. (How the heck can you prove that you had a phone convo with Levinson???) Everything here is a matter of what people choose to believe, so discussing "who is right and who is wrong" is pointless.

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Sothron what kinda car were you driving when you got into an accident?

Was it a nissan 350z?

oh wait, that's what I drive


I really don't like to stoop to the level of personal insults, but you're a complete joke. From now on I'm operating under the assumption, accurate or not, that you're a parody poster just trying to have fun and stir the pot.

Anyone who believes they have great self-worth simply becuase they made it into a law school and drive a nissan sports car has got to be making it all up for comedy. It reminds me of Will Ferrell's character on the SNL skit who manages 40 people, drives a Dodge Stratus, and thinks he rules the universe.

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