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You people need to grow up


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Sothron is either completely full of crap or completely legit with the things he has said to us. Regardless of which of those options your belief falls on, it's completely ridiculous to make thread after thread and post after post spoofing him or making fun of him. If you don't like what he has to say then ignore it, which is why there is an ignore function here. Instead of that you are doing nothing more than making yourself look pathetic.

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Yeah I know, people on this site spend more time bashing each other than talking basketball, which is why I don't read half of the threads here anymore. I'll just click on it and scroll all the way to the bottom so that the "New" tag isn't still on the thread. A simple Mod could do wonders for this site.

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I agree and there is so many useless threads it's not even funny. I am also on one of the soccer boards and whenever someone makes a stupid thread the admin bans him for a week. I think Chilz and Kudzu need to think about that.

The worst thing about it is when you try to find some interesting thread and you have all these useless threads on your way that you eventuly stop looking for it.

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I think it would be completely foolish for us to do anything other than speculate about what Sothron brings us.

At the very least, I think we can be sure that his sources are worth speculating about (via the Jaywalker stamp of approval). That doesn't mean we have to ascribe them as unadulterated truth.

My personal opinion is that Sothron is providing us a bit of light on the different factions of the Atlanta brass. That in itself is worth the effort.

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I think it would be completely foolish for us to do anything other than speculate about what Sothron brings us.

At the very least, I think we can be sure that his sources are worth speculating about (via the Jaywalker stamp of approval). That doesn't mean we have to ascribe them as unadulterated truth.

My personal opinion is that Sothron is providing us a bit of light on the different factions of the Atlanta brass. That in itself is worth the effort.

That's pretty much how I look at it. I never take anything he says as definitive or even think that it will happen, but it's at least fun to read. I'm sure he knows someone, even though it's probably not a great source, but who cares, no reason to start 4 page bash threads about it.

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Atlas, if you really want some info and don't care about its authenticity then there are many here who can provide it. Discussing bogus info, if fun for some, is pretty pathetic.

FWIW, I've sat through some pretty long bashing threads of yours. I guess it's easy to forget your little pissing contests, eh? Some seem to last for days.

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Atlas, if you really want some info and don't care about its authenticity then there are many here who can provide it. Discussing bogus info, if fun for some, is pretty pathetic.

FWIW, I've sat through some pretty long bashing threads of yours. I guess it's easy to forget your little pissing contests, eh? Some seem to last for days.

I wasn't calling out anyone in particular so don't think that was directed at you. I know I've got into some shouting matches before and it sucks, and it's stupid. I was referring to the entire board and how 2/3 of topics on the front page are nothing but people criticizing other posters. It's old as hell.

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I agree and there is so many useless threads it's not even funny. I am also on one of the soccer boards and whenever someone makes a stupid thread the admin bans him for a week. I think Chilz and Kudzu need to think about that.

The worst thing about it is when you try to find some interesting thread and you have all these useless threads on your way that you eventuly stop looking for it.

The mods here have a life outside of this message board.

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I agree with this thread. It's uncalled for, it's repetitive, and worst of all, it's not even close to funny.

The guy is reporting rumors. You can choose to believe them or not. The fact that the actions didn't happen doesn't mean that the rumored thoughts / discussions / offers didn't happen. Grow up, or at least be funny.

People here always beg for inside info or whatever, then look for any reason to sh!t on guys who try to do so because they're getting attention. Grow up.

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I agree with this thread. It's uncalled for, it's repetitive, and worst of all, it's not even close to funny.

I have to disagree with you on this one Lascar. Though I do not care for any name calling; the bogus spoofs of Sothron are at least and sometimes more entertaining than his own Inside the Rumor Mill Posts and Diesel's Trade of the Day...

If any of them offended me I could choose to ignore them; which is why I do not understand Sothron constantly responding to them. In his own way he is adding fuel to the fire. Which I think is somewhat entertaining in its on way.

I do not read this board because I think it is a great place to get the facts. I am out here soley because I am a Hawks fan and the board itself is fun and entertaining. Beats the hell out of regular TV; that's for damn sure!

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I disagree as well. There are plenty of good rumors on hoopshype or at least you can get some insight into different teams and the league in general.

When a guy says that Adelman wanted our job or contacted BK about it, it's just garbage. When a guy says were drafting Yi and Critt on his sources, its garbage. When a guy says he knows that some guys are tanking to get the coached fired thats garbage.

Inside info and/or rumors need to be validated every once in awhile. If your going to be an "expert" then how about being right once in a freaking blue moon? If this board ever becomes so unintelligent that people are asking a bogus expert about all things with the Hawks then I'm out. Because thats a clear indication that the basketball intellect level is down around the ground and that isn't fun.

People make fun of the inside posts because there bullsh!t. No more and no less. You come with bullsh!t and your gonna get your ass handed to you by some. And that is exactly as it should be because if you can't stand some heat, then don't bring that weak ass sh!t to the table.

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And posting lame parody threads is bringing the heat, big time baby!!!!!!!

(The exclamation points make my post equally exciting.)

Criticize the rumors for not making sense. Explain why they couldn't be real. Have at all that. What gets annoying to everyone other than the flamers (of Sothron) on the board is the predictable formula of something like:

1 post from Sothron = 12 responses about lack of credibility + 5 redundant "parody" threads

For whoever complimented the parody threads as more desirable than the "trade of the day" threads, why don't you go spin off five trade of the day parody threads if this is so interesting? It is because they are boring and totally lacking in insight. At least when Texaspete tackles the Adelman rumor itself it is a real discussion. That should be the response. The parody threads have all the interest of someone saying "pull my finger..." over and over again.

Can't we at least limit the Sothron discussion to one thread?

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On the topic of moderation, this is obviously not a heavily moderated site. It's not even a moderately moderated site. I don't read every post and often times I do little more on a daily basis than scan the subjects for something of interest. Fortunately our readership is made up of mostly mature adults, which means I usually don’t need to do more than that. But as we all know, that is not always the case. So I really have to depend on everyone to let me know when there are problems. If someone crosses the line, you should message me and tell me. If someone is harassing you in private messages, you should tell me. I’ll do my best to resolve the situation. That doesn’t mean I’m going to go around banning people and deleting threads, but I’ll do my best to keep things civil, which all I ask of others who come here as well.

I’ve been a part of many message boards and such over the years, some with constant moderation and others that had none at all. I’ve always felt we always had fairly good results with the very light moderation we’ve had. While there are always conflicting voices, things rarely grow beyond the communities ability to contain them. Perhaps we’ve simply grown beyond the point where the community can peacefully coexist without constant moderation?

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Considering I can barely make a post without having trolls and attention whores come out of the woodwork here...then yes, call me biased if you want but I definitely think this site needs more moderation. I can keep put people on ignore if I have to but I'd like to think such crass behavior deserves some kind of real punishment and moderation.

I help mod at other sites and if someone there was being subjected to the witch hunt mentality expressed against myself on those sites then there would be locked topics and banning if needed.

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