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You people need to grow up


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Considering I can barely make a post without having trolls and attention whores come out of the woodwork here...then yes, call me biased if you want but I definitely think this site needs more moderation. I can keep put people on ignore if I have to but I'd like to think such crass behavior deserves some kind of real punishment and moderation.

I help mod at other sites and if someone there was being subjected to the witch hunt mentality expressed against myself on those sites then there would be locked topics and banning if needed.

Totally not trying to be a d!ck here, but I think you need to bring it down a notch. I've always respected your opinion and still do. However, you need to remember that you are a fan, right? I don't really see the need for more moderation. I've put up with Ex for a year now. banghead.gif

If you know what you know, who cares what somebody else says? You aren't helping any of this by continuing to fuel the debate.

You know how the tides change on these boards. Just make regular Joe posts for a little while, huh? Is that too hard? I really think it would all die down and be for the best if you just acted like the rest of us.

I like your opinion on not just the Hawks but all Atlanta teams. I know you are a fan, it's not to late to act like it.

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You are aware of how many more times I post as a regular Joe than the relative handful of "insider" (note I always put that in quote marks because I hate that term) posts? I mean seriously, look at my posting history and see how many more "just one of the guys" posts I have and then how many where I'm having to either defend myself or the relatively few "insider" posts there have been.

Taking into account my time off from the car wreck I think you'd be surprised. wink.gif

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For whoever complimented the parody threads as more desirable than the "trade of the day" threads, why don't you go spin off five trade of the day parody threads if this is so interesting? It is because they are boring and totally lacking in insight. At least when Texaspete tackles the Adelman rumor itself it is a real discussion. That should be the response. The parody threads have all the interest of someone saying "pull my finger..." over and over again.

Can't we at least limit the Sothron discussion to one thread?

Where is the fun in that? They are no different than all the repetitious threads that are posted daily on this board or any other, some are good and some are bad.

Here is a clue:

If you are seeking pefection, a internet bulletin board is the wrong place...

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You are aware of how many more times I post as a regular Joe than the relative handful of "insider" (note I always put that in quote marks because I hate that term) posts? I mean seriously, look at my posting history and see how many more "just one of the guys" posts I have and then how many where I'm having to either defend myself or the relatively few "insider" posts there have been.

Taking into account my time off from the car wreck I think you'd be surprised.

I wasn't deabating that. I'm just saying for right now maybe... munching_out.gif That's all.

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Just make regular Joe posts for a little while, huh? Is that too hard? I really think it would all die down and be for the best if you just acted like the rest of us.

I like your opinion on not just the Hawks but all Atlanta teams. I know you are a fan, it's not to late to act like it.

Texas Pete argues that Sothron's history of making "regular guy posts" excludes him from having such contacts and posting "insider information". Now people want him to return to posting "regular guy posts"?!? It would seem only to play into the hands of such conspiracy theorist, character assassins such as TP of late.

Sothron has always been a REGULAR here at other hawk's websites. He has been a "regular guy" for years, leaving much of the "insider information" to his acquaintance Jaywalker. I don't know what some have against him, but their distrust has only to do with them, their pettiness and their sadly invested credibility in discrediting the strawman they construct, and not him.


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I find most of the parody posts and constant bashing of Sothron to be attention mongering. Sothron gets a ton of responses to his posts of inside information, which takes away from the other poster(s) who desire to have all of the board looking them constantly. Hence, they create these foolish posts designed to garner them attention. Its amazingly childish.

I don't read the parody after the first one appeared last spring. But, they do drop the civility of the board. In civility should return to the board regardless of who is posting.

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Considering I can barely make a post without having trolls and attention whores come out of the woodwork here...then yes, call me biased if you want but I definitely think this site needs more moderation. I can keep put people on ignore if I have to but I'd like to think such crass behavior deserves some kind of real punishment and moderation.

I help mod at other sites and if someone there was being subjected to the witch hunt mentality expressed against myself on those sites then there would be locked topics and banning if needed.

what's being lost on you is you're half the equation here.

if people questioning you on a website gives you "personal anguish" as you have suggested the resolution is simple. don't post it.

if you want to continue sharing with the forum then you must ignore those who attack you. you must NOT reply to their posts. if you don't reply to them they'll get the point and leave you be.

until you do one of the above you're not part of the solution.

feel free to do c. and ignore me.

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I find most of the parody posts and constant bashing of Sothron to be attention mongering. Sothron gets a ton of responses to his posts of inside information, which takes away from the other poster(s) who desire to have all of the board looking them constantly. Hence, they create these foolish posts designed to garner them attention. Its amazingly childish.

I don't read the parody after the first one appeared last spring. But, they do drop the civility of the board. In civility should return to the board regardless of who is posting.

fair point. however "attention mongering" can be argued both ways. without putting words in their mouth I think that's part of their stance on the subject.

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Just make regular Joe posts for a little while, huh? Is that too hard? I really think it would all die down and be for the best if you just acted like the rest of us.

I like your opinion on not just the Hawks but all Atlanta teams. I know you are a fan, it's not to late to act like it.

Texas Pete argues that Sothron's history of making "regular guy posts" excludes him from having such contacts and posting "insider information". Now people want him to return to posting "regular guy posts"?!? It would seem only to play into the hands of such conspiracy theorist, character assassins such as TP of late.

Sothron has always been a REGULAR here at other hawk's websites. He has been a "regular guy" for years, leaving much of the "insider information" to his acquaintance Jaywalker. I don't know what some have against him, but their distrust has only to do with them, their pettiness and their sadly invested credibility in discrediting the strawman they construct, and not him.


Dog gone it Walt, you just have a knack for missing the point.

See, nobody has a thing against the man, just his supposed inside scoop. Frankly, it's weak, after the fact many times and doesn't EVER HAPPEN! See, I don't think that's very effective inside scoop Walt.

I had a simple request for the man. I asked him to list all of the things that he believed he had "broken" on this site. I wanted to see one last time his supposed inside dope. He complied and listed a number of things.

I then did a one by one inventory of all inside information and found it not only to be lacking, but I found it to be ridiculous. There wasn't anything there, Walt.

You call it character assisination huh? When a guy comes on here and lays out the BS and is called on it? No, thats called calling BS.

I have no problem with inside scoop. I LOVE GOOD INSIDE INFORMATION! We could use some good inside scoop on this site. But, the problem is that Sothron's just isn't any good.

Sothron then runs to the mod police seeking protection against people who recognize his BS for what it is...and call him out on it. Sothron may have true inside information but if that is the case I haven't seen any evidence of it.

When you claim to have broken the Adelman story, the Kevin Prithard story, and the Hawks tanking story...sorry, that doesn't do it.

If we could just get back to discussing the Hawks and NBA basketball that would make this place better in a hurry. As I see it, were all just a bunch of Hawk fans talking about the team and that is just fine with me.

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I understand what you are saying. However, I find it wrong to essentially "blame the victim" and suggest if they stop posting the problem will solve itself. Why should trolls and flaming be tolerated at all? There is nothing I post here that violates the rules and yet no one comes close to the amount of negative flaming I receive.

I actually do not respond far more than I do respond. Its also a little hard not to respond when the entire front page of the forum is full of flaming or mocking posts aimed at you. I am not looking for sympathy here but not one person here has a clue of what kind of PMs I get or gets targeted like I do by the same few people on a daily basis.

If this were any other site with active moderation then this would have come to a stop a long time ago. The fact I am naturally a nice guy who usually lets stuff roll off his back is the only reason I haven't voiced more concerns to chillz about it in the past. I also don't resort to the childish stalking you see in the trolls who attack me but that respect is not even close to being returned.

There comes a point when you have to stop being the "bigger man" and discpline the children. The mods here have let this go on *way* too long. Chillz asked if we thought we need more active moderation and I am giving him my honest opinion.

Edit: I also have to add when assholes (sorry but there's just no nice way to say it) decide to cross the line between the internet and real life and attack someone's personal life, health and family that it speaks for itself.

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Chillz is right that we've managed to do well here over the past few years with little moderation.

I think the key is to avoid threads that you don't like. Personally, I get tired of 17 complaint threads during games when it'd make more sense for them to go in the "game thread" that gsu spends so much time on.

The best solution is for the mature ones to let the threads sink to page 2.


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I find most of the parody posts and constant bashing of Sothron to be attention mongering. Sothron gets a ton of responses to his posts of inside information, which takes away from the other poster(s) who desire to have all of the board looking them constantly. Hence, they create these foolish posts designed to garner them attention. Its amazingly childish.

I don't read the parody after the first one appeared last spring. But, they do drop the civility of the board. In civility should return to the board regardless of who is posting.

fair point. however "attention mongering" can be argued both ways. without putting words in their mouth I think that's part of their stance on the subject.

Do you know how much more attention all the inane and uncreative attack/parody threads draw to Sothron? If people think Sothron is faking it and their goal is to minize attention being directed towards him they are going about it a-- backwards.

All their approach leads to is a redundant series of criticisms, squabbles and personal attacks that take up half the board because people can't stop themselves from posting:

"I just got a tip that JJ may or may not be shooting a three pointer tonight! It is insider information so keep it quiet. I will keep everyone posted with further insider updates."

That is friggin hilarious because it is obviously not insider information yet I label it insider information. Not only is it funny but it is ironic and therefore makes the writer look smart.

For my next thread I will post that Horford may or may not get a rebound tonight and call that insider information. It will be even funnier because it isn't insider information yet I label it insider information and since no one has heard that joke before it will be awesome. I can't wait.

Plus, this series of threads won't draw a ton more attention on Sothron. All things to all people, baby.


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I think that for the most part the fact that this board has been so massively successful, growing exponentially since Sturt turned it over, says a lot about the maturity of most of the posters here. There are a handful of people (who oddly enough usually haven't been members here that long) who tend to act very childish with their posts (like the Sothron parodies). Because of the people here we haven't needed heavy moderation and hopefully that will continue, otherwise people will start to leave and the next thing you know we will be stuck sifting through the endless amounts of crap on the RealGM forums.

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To clear a few things up:

1. A troll is not defined as someone who has a counter view to yours. That's arrogance at it's finest.

2. In your case, "flaming" is not a one way street. Calling somebody to "meet you after school" is a flame and is childish beyond what I have ever seen posted on this site. Nice work.

3. The mods have a life and don't need to protect a BSer from those calling him out. You were asked to provide your secret sauce, you did, and it was called out. There doesn't need to be additional moderation. The mods know perfectly well where "the line" is and it hasn't been crossed.

4. A bigger man who has to discipline the children? You? Do you have any clue how arrogant you come off?

5. NOBODY ATTACKED YOUR WIFE OR FAMILY. You are the biggest drama queen that has ever posted on this board. I told you very simply that if the pain were too bad then DO NOT POST. You kept bringing up how much pain you were in, ad nauseum. I said to either stop posting or stop whining. Where does your wife fit in? Where was your family discussed at any level?

What you are doing is trying to make it look like your some grand victim. Frankly, I haven't EVER seen anything like you on this site. Saying that people are attacking your wife and family is a DAMN LIE. GROW UP!!!

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I have no sympathy for the you, Southron. You have essentially lowered the credibility of this forum. You deserve whatever comes your way.I listened to Bernie on the radio last summer incredulosly deny (must be a good actor) that any of the ASG owners had any business interests in China. At least get the facts right. I'll bet no body picks up your "BS" this year, for their media outlets. Yours is a cheap thrill, and you have lowered the product of information and opinions HS provides from time to time. Opinions and information that could have subtle influences on owners,players,coaches, and media looking in.

Here is a challenge for you Southron, next time you post " ", let it be RIGHT. Don't stand behind Jaywalker, just let the information stand on its own merit. That should also take care of the criticsism/spoofs.

You know, I am sure lots of people looking into this site have had " ", from time to time. I heard about the Isiah Rider trade from Harping/Doleac several days before it happened, but I saw no point in leaking that information here or at whatever the old forum was called. I was worried it would effect the trade. Someone with " ", has to also have a conscience about what they do with that information. Even if your information were correct, from time to time, you do not appear to have this quality.

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