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You people need to grow up


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It's almost like sabotaging a relationship with what some here are doing. Whether Sothron is full of crap or not, at the very least his posts create buzz and none of them are far fetched so even if they are completely made up they still aren't detrimental to the site. I don't see why people are so willing to completely disregard his posts and potentially force Sothron to take his ball and go home, leaving us to kick rocks around the court.

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about Attention....

I invite you to look at My RECORD with JayWalker. Nobody here has ever been more "insider" than JayWalker. Ask Jay Walker if Diesel ever flamed him?? Ask JayWalker if Diesel ever attacked his character? Ask JayWalker if Diesel ever said anything to take attention away from him.

It's BS.. by the DramaQueen of Hawksquawk (StoogeRon).

My problem with Stoogeron is he comes here, says he has insider information... It never comes true, then he says "well from time to time I lie to keep good relations with my source.

It would be fine by me if Stoogeron posted as a "regular" guy and if he had fantasy trades or "Rumor" then state that. However, for every "rumor" he has to say... "My guy in the frontoffice told me that we're going to....."..

Come on man, give me a f----- break.

Either you are an insider or you play one on Hawksquawk... however, it begins to piss me off the lies that he tells about my favorite team and his condescending attitude when he's called on being wrong. For once in your life Stooge, don't play the f----- victim. The treatment that you have received is the norm for anybody who would come here and continuously fabricate "rumors" from an inside source. You got the JayWalker stamp of approval... Great. Try to conduct yourself like Jaywalker did!

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I don't see why people are so willing to completely disregard his posts and potentially force Sothron to take his ball and go home, leaving us to kick rocks around the court.

Nobody wants Ron to take his ball and go home. We just want him to stop calling his ROCK a ball!

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Well sir, I have to respect your opinion, as a Ron Paul supporter.

But, Southron did raise the level of interests in this site last summer with his outlandish claims that were suppose to have been coming out of the FO. Now that his insider card cannot be played any longer, the level of interest will drop lower than where it was before, with the media.

Also, if the owners wanted to come here to gauge Fan's opinions on certain topics, they are not going wade through all this BS.

I'm sure there has been something posted on here in the last couple of months, that has been dumber than that?

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I also will never understand the idea that BS is good for discussion. BS is BS, pure and simple.

Now, if a guy comes out and says..."I have an interesting idea for a trade. What do you guys think of Smoove for Biedrins"? That creates discussion, that is great for the site. And that is how it should be handled.

Please don't tell me that BSing helps the board. It gets people off on tangents.

Jaywalker handles things differently. There is no arrogance. You would ever here JW say things like ESPN is ripping me off! Or, that damn Chad Ford, he's always stealing my stuff! Why, because JW has no need because he's truthful. He knows what he knows.

When a guy misrepresents himself as knowing things that he clearly doesn't know, I don't see how that helps discussion.

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You kinda lose any credibility when you intentionally mispell someone's username in a childish attempt to flame. Its one of the reasons why I take Diesel about as seriously as a toddler with internet access.

But to address your points I have never said we are DEFINITELY going to do anything. I never said that. All I have done is repeat some interior rumors and talks within the team at various levels. If you are going to criticize me then at least get my name correct and your facts correct.

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And Diesel proves my previous point.

and which point might that be..

That you:

1. Spread Mistruths (you have already admitted this).

2. Cry victim when you're called on said mistruths.

3. Should stop hiding behind Jay Walker or at the least have the same class that Jay has.


Thanks for playing.

Maybe that's how you see your lies. Just some kind of game that you play on Hawksquawk? Well, kiddie time is over. Grow up and get a clue.

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