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Has Horford proven to YOU that he can play C??


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Since he was the strongest player in the draft he is probably the most equiped out of all of our players to handle the larger NBA players which come few and far between.

I haven't said Horford wasn't better than anyone on the roster. I have said we need to add someone to the roster who can handle bigger players so it won't all be on Horford to defend biggest post players on other teams.

If we would be happy with Wallace or Amare playing center for us or Okafor, who are all similar in size to Horford, then we should have no prob with him playing center. We will lose some matchups, just as if we had a 5'11 Mike conley playing point for us we'd lose some matchups against bigger pg's..You are never going to find a center who can both matchup against smaller and large centers...and if there is one he ain't available.

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You are never going to find a center who can both matchup against smaller and large centers

We don't need to. We have Horford who can match up against small centers. Now we need someone to match up against big centers.

I don't seem to be making myself clear. I want someone to replace Zaza's minutes at center. When Zaza is healthy he will be playing at least 25 minutes at center.

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You are never going to find a center who can both matchup against smaller and large centers

We don't need to. We have Horford who can match up against small centers. Now we need someone to match up against big centers.

I don't seem to be making myself clear. I want someone to replace Zaza's minutes at center. When Zaza is healthy he will be playing at least 25 minutes at center.

Zaza has outlived his usefulness to this team.

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You are never going to find a center who can both matchup against smaller and large centers

We don't need to. We have Horford who can match up against small centers. Now we need someone to match up against big centers.

I don't seem to be making myself clear. I want someone to replace Zaza's minutes at center. When Zaza is healthy he will be playing at least 25 minutes at center.

I gotcha..but that is essentially why we brought in Lo Wright. I am weary of bringing in another stiff to do the same thing.

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For me, it is definitely a yes...Even though he is a bad ass PF also.

He has really surprised me with how good of D he has played against opposing Centers...Sure he has gotten roughed up a few times, but he is holding his own.

He is a rebounding MACHINE!!

Im glad you have come around on The GodFather.

Seeing him up close at UF I should have been sold from day one.

But I got caught up in that stupid height nonsense which is why I was promoting Noah, Yi, and everybody else even though I knew Horford was the anchor of our championship teams.

His ability to rebound has clearly shown that his height is not a problem. His defense is incredibly advanced for a rookie

He's shown a nice touch on the baseline jumper. When that post game develops he's going to be a force not only on this team but the entire Conference.

Hell as strong as he is already with his advanced basketball IQ and ability to push the ball up the floor, he could be a force in the entire League

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38-5 voting, would've been much different before the season started. Can't say I didn't call that one. Where's all the haters that were absolutely positive he couldn't play center?

I don't think they were haters. They had legit reasons. Its not easy to measure a player's heart.

It isn't really a question of whether he can play center in the first place. it was basically a given before the season that he could play it better than anyone we have. That isn't even the issue.

Here is what i said in June.


I don't have a problem with Horford playing 15 minutes a game at center.

That is a quote from the other big thread on the front page. So if i think he should play 15 minutes at C instead of 30 that makes me a hater? I guess that makes sense from a simpleminded point of view.

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I said you had legit reason for what you said. Not a hater.

I know but i saw the post that you quoted. That is the only way i ever see his posts since i have him filtered.

If i say Horford isn't scoring enough that makes me a hater. If i say Horford will have a hard time guarding bigger players that makes me a hater. If i say Horford shouldn't be trying to back down bigger players that makes me a hater. And so on and on.. that is why i filtered him.

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I don't have a problem with Horford playing 15 minutes a game at center.

That is a quote from the other big thread on the front page. So if i think he should play 15 minutes at C instead of 30 that makes me a hater? I guess that makes sense from a simpleminded point of view.

I think what everybody else is saying, is that he should be playing MORE than 15 minutes a night at center. Horford has proven that he probably should be getting 25 minutes a night at center, and 10 - 12 minutes at PF, at the very LEAST.

The only "big" centers who are legit scoring and rebouding threats, are D-Howard, Yao, Shaq, Amare, and Curry. That's pretty much it. You could add Big-Z and Okur to that list if you want. The other guys are no more than space-eating stiffs that occasionally rebound or play defense. Very few of those guys can do both.

To me, I'm much more concerned about those hybrid PF/C that may be a little too quick or skilled for Al, and too physical for Smoove.

It's not the Francisco Oberto's of the world that scare me. It's those hybrids like Al Jefferson and LaMarcus Aldridge that scare me.

It's OK to get on the "Horford Bandwagon" ex. We'll save your seat for you, even put plastic over it.

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I don't have a problem with Horford playing 15 minutes a game at center.

That is a quote from the other big thread on the front page. So if i think he should play 15 minutes at C instead of 30 that makes me a hater? I guess that makes sense from a simpleminded point of view.

I think what everybody else is saying, is that he should be playing MORE than 15 minutes a night at center. Horford has proven that he probably should be getting 25 minutes a night at center, and 10 - 12 minutes at PF, at the very LEAST.

The only "big" centers who are legit scoring and rebouding threats, are D-Howard, Yao, Shaq, Amare, and Curry. That's pretty much it. You could add Big-Z and Okur to that list if you want. The other guys are no more than space-eating stiffs that occasionally rebound or play defense. Very few of those guys can do both.

To me, I'm much more concerned about those hybrid PF/C that may be a little too quick or skilled for Al, and too physical for Smoove.

It's not the Francisco Oberto's of the world that scare me. It's those hybrids like Al Jefferson and LaMarcus Aldridge that scare me.

It's OK to get on the "Horford Bandwagon" ex. We'll save your seat for you, even put plastic over it.

*cough* Jermaine O'neal *cough*

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I see nothing special in him. He'll be a solid big man, but never a franchise player. He's more Drew Gooden than Carlos Boozer.


IMO he has Antonio Davis written all over him.

Good serviceable PF/C who every team would love to have, but I just don't see him ever averaging more than 20 ppg.


Seriously this has to be some of the most crazy comparisons of Horford I've seen. Dwight, Boozer, Brand, Tim Duncan.

Horford is a solid player but he doesn't have the size and length or athletism of Dwight Howard.

He floor game overall is very fundamental but this scoring is very basic and would say raw.

Isn't close to the post player of a Brand or Boozer. Really he has very little post game at all. Al Jefferson had a better post game in HS than Horford.

His jump shot is ok but its slow and with his form can't really shoot it under pressure.

Right now Horford a great rebounder and gets garbage hoops around the basket. IMO though he is still very limited and offensive game is even further behind than Emeka's was when he entered the league. I have doubts he ever come close to 20 points per game. I think at his peak he'll be around what he was in Florida which would be around 15 and 11 guy.

I would compare him more to someone like Charles Oakley or Horace Grant right now. With really the strength of his game in his rebounding and defense.


No way he is 50/50 and I've yet to see him hit a J in someone face. Remember 82 games considers everything not a layup or dunk a jump shot. They say 20% of Shaq shots are jump shots.

Comparing him to Brand, Boozer, or Duncan is pretty ridiculous. Those guys were far far far better post players. Far more offensively skilled. Horford is a rebounder right now. Horford will be a very good to great role player. You'll never run your offense through him like those players. He'll likely spend most of his career as a 3rd or 4th option on offense.

^^This one makes me laugh

The posters on realgm are a complete joke! One of y'all need to go on that thread, and set them straight.

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I wasn't even talking about exodus in that quote. Probably 3/4 of this site was arguing relentlessly that he couldn't play center. My only point is that there is a 38-5 vote when before the season (when tons of people were bashing him at C) it would've been alot worse.

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It's those hybrids like Al Jefferson and LaMarcus Aldridge that scare me.

Both of whom have 3" of reach on Horford. Jefferson has 20 pounds on him too.


are D-Howard, Yao, Shaq, Amare, and Curry. That's pretty much it. You could add Big-Z and Okur to that list if you want.

The only one on that list who isn't a playoff regular is Curry.

And don't forget Oden.


It's OK to get on the "Horford Bandwagon" ex.

Is anyone even paying attention? Anyone heard of "don't hate the sinner hate the sin"?

I was very specific about what i didn't like about Horfords game and what he needed to do better. Right on queue he stopped trying to back guys down all the time, started facing up and taking that midrange shot more often. Just because i criticize a player doesn't mean i hate him. If that was true then i would hate the whole roster.

I haven't changed my position at all about him guarding the C spot. Since we don't have a player of the Lebron/Wade calibur our interior D is a huge key to success. We need to make everyone work for their points. Too often opposing bigs have gotten easy looks inside.


Horford has proven that he probably should be getting 25 minutes a night at center,

With this roster sure.

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I said you had legit reason for what you said. Not a hater.

I know but i saw the post that you quoted. That is the only way i ever see his posts since i have him filtered.

If i say Horford isn't scoring enough that makes me a hater. If i say Horford will have a hard time guarding bigger players that makes me a hater. If i say Horford shouldn't be trying to back down bigger players that makes me a hater. And so on and on.. that is why i filtered him.

But I think the SUM of those things, is why people THINK that you're a hater.

- First it was him guarding bigger players, and his lack of standing reach.

- Then it was his turnovers

- Then it was his scoring

- Next it will probably be his FT%

I don't think you're a hater, but it's almost like you're nit-picking at things about his game, for you to not to fully support Horford being the center here full time. Why? I don't know.

All I know is that we've had other guys do the same things that you're doing with Horford, and they have been called "haters". So I don't know. Maybe you are a hater. I don't believe that though.

To me, it's absolutly amazing that this kid is almost averaging a double-double right from the jump, without any plays being called for him. He's defending his man decently, he's getting steals, he's blocking shots, and he's a monster on the boards.

He's reached my expectations for him, in just one month. Who knows how good this kid could be, by the time March comes around.

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First it was him guarding bigger players, and his lack of standing reach.

And that still holds.


- Then it was his turnovers

- Then it was his scoring

And he has changed his game just like i said he should do. See my above post.


- Next it will probably be his FT%

Strange thing is that he probably shoots 75-80% on his first free throw then misses the second most of the time. What is up with that?

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It's those hybrids like Al Jefferson and LaMarcus Aldridge that scare me.

Both of whom have 3" of reach on Horford. Jefferson has 20 pounds on him too.

Here we go back to this argument. "All" of that 3" standing reach advantage, and yet Horford is prorbably a better on-the-ball defender than both Aldridge and Jefferson, just as good of a rebounder as Jefferson, and all of them block shots just about the same. There is no doubt that both Jefferson and Aldridge have more offensive skill than Horford. But is "standing reach" a major factor in how well a guy can play offense? More than actually having skill?



are D-Howard, Yao, Shaq, Amare, and Curry. That's pretty much it. You could add Big-Z and Okur to that list if you want.

The only one on that list who isn't a playoff regular is Curry.

And don't forget Oden.

LOL @ mentioning Oden. The book is definitely out on that kid. Yao has T-Mac . . Shaq has Wade . . Amare has the 2-time league MVP in Nash. Curry has Marbury ( which is why he's never gone anywhere ). You act like those big men are doing it all by themselves. I think the correlation is that you need a big man + a star guard/forward. By themselves, all of those big men have struggled without their star sidekick in recent years.



It's OK to get on the "Horford Bandwagon" ex.

Is anyone even paying attention? Anyone heard of "don't hate the sinner hate the sin"?

I was very specific about what i didn't like about Horfords game and what he needed to do better. Right on queue he stopped trying to back guys down all the time, started facing up and taking that midrange shot more often. Just because i criticize a player doesn't mean i hate him. If that was true then i would hate the whole roster.

I haven't changed my position at all about him guarding the C spot. Since we don't have a player of the Lebron/Wade calibur our interior D is a huge key to success. We need to make everyone work for their points. Too often opposing bigs have gotten easy looks inside.

See my last post, which I'm sure you're either responding to, or have already responded to. You're nit-picking at the kid's game, instead of focusing on what he's done positive.



Horford has proven that he probably should be getting 25 minutes a night at center,

With this roster sure.

OK. So Horford wouldn't be in the starting lineup beside Duncan? Pop would either play Horford or Duncan at center.

And he'd definitely be the starting center in Phoenix.

In Dallas, he'd be the guy in the game at the end, instead of Diop. Then, he'll eventually take his spot.

You could even make a case for Horford over Perkins in Boston. IN fact, Doc would definitely play Al over Perkins.

So Atlanta isn't the only place where Horford would play, start, and get significant minutes at center.

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