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This Game was Proof Positive Woody Must Go


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I know Detroit is a good team that is on a role. However, after half time, you make absolutely NO adjustments? Your player's play within your, ahem, offense and pass the ball to Joe continuously to run the clock down, even though he clearly isn't having his best night? Then when shots aren't falling, you wait until the game is clear out of reach to bring in the one guy that can score (Salim)?

People can complain about Joe looking down, Josh chucking shots, Marvin improving, Chillz ugly shot and our lack of a point guard until their faces turn blue. Until we get rid of Woody, this is what you'll get. Some nights we're up. Others we're down. Our collective fingers should be pointed at Woodson. I'm tired of hearing about the ownership mess being the reason he's still here. Whether it is true our not, this idiot isn't helping matters.

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I know Detroit is a good team that is on a role. However, after half time, you make absolutely NO adjustments? Your player's play within your, ahem, offense and pass the ball to Joe continuously to run the clock down, even though he clearly isn't having his best night? Then when shots aren't falling, you wait until the game is clear out of reach to bring in the one guy that can score (Salim)?

People can complain about Joe looking down, Josh chucking shots, Marvin improving, Chillz ugly shot and our lack of a point guard until their faces turn blue. Until we get rid of Woody, this is what you'll get. Some nights we're up. Others we're down. Our collective fingers should be pointed at Woodson. I'm tired of hearing about the ownership mess being the reason he's still here. Whether it is true our not, this idiot isn't helping matters.

Couldn't agree more. Two things really get to me about Woodson:

1) Lack of adjustments during a game;

2) Playing rotation.

I don't think Woodson is capable of thinking during a game. Otherwise, he would make player rotation adjustments based on how players are playing during that game. He would change offensive sets (or have an offense period).

I hate him.



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As much as I despise Woodson, and I cannot even BEGIN to describe how much I do, I doubt that it will do much good to can him now. It is my sincere hope that irregardless of whatever we do this season in terms of success and wins, Woody ABSOLUTELY gets the axe by the end of the year. Period. With Woody, we are going nowhere.

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Seriously, he's the best defensive player in the league as he stops nearly every run we go on with a stupid substitution. He has the worst in game management skills of anyone I can recall seeing. I mean I may have seen worse, but nobody has ever stood out to me as bad as he does.

Tonight, in the closing minutes of the 1st half, Acie comes in and reels off 6 pts, three straight shots, to tie the game. Woodson pulls him almost immediately after his third basket and we go down 8 pts again in under two minutes. By the time Acie gets on the floor again it's the 3rd quarter and it's pretty much over.

At another point, we have a rotation of JJ, Chill, Josh Smith, Marvin and Horford on the floor. We're playing well, Horford puts up a few shots and is finally getting some boards. He gets no fouls but THE STOPPER, pulls him and puts in, I think it was AJ... Who moments later chucks up an airball from the perimeter and basically melts down over the course of the next 3-4 posessions and gets pulled himself.

Start a campaign, PULL THE STOPPER!

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Woody should have been gone a long time ago. But because the owners are so bloody bad, buckle in for the long haul.

Even a stooge understands that Woody is a huge problem. The players are sick to death of this guy and the season will be lost soon. The same stale offense over and over and over.

Bruce Levenson and the other stooges just watch and get their kids autographs in the lockeroom. We are just a lousy organization.

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I give credit where credit is due...Detroit won this game because they executed. However, where are the adjustments? The only way this team has a shot to beat the good teams is to out run them. But we don't even do that. And if our up tempo game is halted, Woody has no plays in his "bag of tricks" that can generate offense.

Any win the Hawks get is based off their talent. To his credit, he makes the guys play decent defense. However, we might as well not play any offense ball; our coach couldn't draw up an offensive play if his life depended on it. We were in the game at the half! But to get blown out in the 3rd quarter means Flip Saunders made adjustments and Mike Woodson didn't.

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Woody should have been gone a long time ago. But because the owners are so bloody bad, buckle in for the long haul.

Even a stooge understands that Woody is a huge problem. The players are sick to death of this guy and the season will be lost soon. The same stale offense over and over and over.

Bruce Levenson and the other stooges just watch and get their kids autographs in the lockeroom. We are just a lousy organization.

I agree. Atlanta Spirit has done NOTHING for this franchise. NOTHING. Sadly, I even miss the days of Pete. Atleast he'd make changes if something wasn't working. BK and this ownership keeps everything the way it is regardless of what happens.

Nobody is being held responsible for their actions. I expect JJ to ask for a trade because he has already given up on the Hawks just like everybody else that has played here for the last 7 or 8 years.

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I expect JJ to ask for a trade because he has already given up on the Hawks just like everybody else that has played here for the last 7 or 8 years.

I would be doing cartwheels if this happened! Especially if we got someone great in return!

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I told you before that he's not a top guy. I say alot of negative stuff about this team because there is very little to say positive when it comes to this team on a nightly basis. You just knew the team was going to get whipped tonight. They simply keep doing the same stuff over and over.

The team is young and improving! Josh Smith looks 10 times better than he did at the beginning of the season. Unfortunately Joe Johnson looks 10 times worse. We'll see what they look like by mid season

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I told you before that he's not a top guy. I say alot of negative stuff about this team because there is very little to say positive when it comes to this team on a nightly basis. You just knew the team was going to get whipped tonight. They simply keep doing the same stuff over and over.

The team is young and improving! Josh Smith looks 10 times better than he did at the beginning of the season. Unfortunately Joe Johnson looks 10 times worse. We'll see what they look like by mid season

THIS TEAM IS NOT WINNING ANYTHING OF ANY IMPORTANCE. How long will it take you to realize this? Every year you guys say the same [censored]

"Wait till mid season"

"Wait until next year"

"Wait until the allstar break"

When are you going to get it? Guys who don't have the ability to create their own shot don't all of a sudden get that ability. Last I looked, Smoove is still shooting 37% from the field.

Guys who are soft don't just become tough. Marvin Williams will always be a soft player. The guy likes Spongebob for christsake. Spongebob. The guy didn't even watch the NBA before he got into the league. What basketball player does that?

Some of you guys sound like an abused woman that can't accept her hubby/boyfriend is an abusive loser.

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Some of you guys sound like an abused woman that can't accept her hubby/boyfriend is an abusive loser.

And someone sounds like a big itch!

No one says that there is not some concerns but i am encouraged by a few things like Al Horford. Josh Smith leading the league in blocks and playing smarter on offense. Marvin's defense and efficiency on offense. Childress' efficient play etc.

Now are there concerns? yes! I am very concern with the way Joe is playing! I can't understand why AJ get any playing time. Shelden at time still has mental lapses on defense and has limited skills on offense. Law's health issues! Speedy's health issues! Woodson's overall approach i.e. play Joe 90 minutes per game, Running all of the plays thru Joe. Smith as the second option with Marvin and Childress being 3rd options. Woodson's love affair with Zaza and the list goes on and on. Hopefully some of those issues will be worked out by mid season.

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Some of you guys sound like an abused woman that can't accept her hubby/boyfriend is an abusive loser.

And someone sounds like a big itch!

No one says that there is not some concerns but i am encouraged by a few things like Al Horford. Josh Smith leading the league in blocks and playing smarter on offense. Marvin's defense and efficiency on offense. Childress' efficient play etc.

Now are there concerns? yes! I am very concern with the way Joe is playing! I can't understand why AJ get any playing time. Shelden at time still has mental lapses on defense and has limited skills on offense. Law's health issues! Speedy's health issues! Woodson's overall approach i.e. play Joe 90 minutes per game, Running all of the plays thru Joe. Smith as the second option with Marvin and Childress being 3rd options. Woodson's love affair with Zaza and the list goes on and on. Hopefully some of those issues will be worked out by mid season.

The bottomline is the Hawks aren't going to improve until they play hard night in and night out. The Hawks will NEVER have a truly good season until this happens. I understand you have found 3 or 4 positives to try and keep hope for a team and a franchise going nowhere.

That's why I don't get high off a couple of wins. I know what it is going to be. It's been this way for years. With the current team and the teams before it. These guys don't want to win. If they did, they would play hard every night. You remember that first Orlando team that Doc Rivers had?

That was a team that wanted to win. They played there asses off every night. Do the Hawks? Nope. Are there any reasons to believe that will change? No!

The best player has already given up. Josh Smith is known in the past to be a Randy Moss type when it comes to focus. Marvin didn't even care about the NBA before he got the money. The Owners and GM don't even seem to be watching the game.

Where are they? What they first came aboard, I thought they were going to put a face on the franchise. Where are the owners now? Hiding under a rock somewhere I do believe.

Offtopic. I'm tired of seeing Beyonce's stupid ass on TV. She ain't hot and she can't sing.

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was when he took Acie out with under 2 minutes to go in the 1st half. Right after Acie had just put up 6 straight and tied the game, playing our best ball of the entire game.


I was in the chat room, and even we all saw that. It was one of the worst substitutions I have ever seen, and I am not a great X's and O's guy. Acie was taking over and he even made that awesome spin move lay in. The team was on a run and getting energized...and the reward was Woody pulling him? What sense does that make?

I am no conspiracy guy, but I was wondering about Woodson's intent on that one. I think it is time to get rid of him.

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