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This game was Proof Positive Salim Must play!


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Salim is the most under-utilized Hawk I can ever remember. He is instant offense, he should get 15 minutes a game at least. He's one of the best offensive players we have, and he tries on defense, if you actually watch him, he tries really hard at denying passing lanes and intelligently going for steals. Woody is a clown.

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Wake up, that is moronic.

IT WAS GARBAGE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Garbage Garbage Garbage........

Still, Salim is superior to crap. He may not be superior to newly swallowed vomit...but he is superior to crap. munching_out.gif

No Salim is not superior to crap.

Salim is SUPER CRAP!!!!!

The guy plays no defense.

I do wonder why at the end of a game the Coach would not put him in if he needs a 3. I guess he hasn't played in two weeks so to put him in and expect him to hit isn't fair but that is pretty much all Salim can do. He can hit a 3 , but besides that............his game is crap.

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Salim is the most under-utilized Hawk I can ever remember. He is instant offense, he should get 15 minutes a game at least. He's one of the best offensive players we have, and he tries on defense, if you actually watch him, he tries really hard at denying passing lanes and intelligently going for steals. Woody is a clown.

Yes he tries hard on defense but he just flops and slips around. Looks like a rag doll. He might be the Worst defender in the league.

Maybe that is why he doesn't play. He might score for you but you can bet your ass it's like playing defense with only 4 defenders.

Salim is as bad on defense as Josh Smith is hoisting 3's.

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Salim is not a PG people. He's there for one reason only, to chuck up a lot of shot. The problem is he is just an average shooter and sometimes the person that he is replacing is Marvin, not AJ. I'd rather have Marvin shooting the ball than him.

Ben Gordon is not a pg and chucks shots as well, but Skiles was smart enough over the years to give him consistent minutes in order to get into a shooting rhythm.

As far as defense goes at least he pressures the ball. He isn't worse than ANY of our pg's defensively.

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I say Salim needs 10-12 minutes a night to give a spark AT SG. This lowers JJ minutes down to 36-38 mpg which should make him more effective in the middle of games and fresher to finish games.

Play Salim 5 minutes each half at a minimum. If he gets hot play him longer and let JJ play some minutes at SF or PG while Salim is stroking it.

As Smitty and Nique have said repeatedly. Our spacing is awful on the offensive end. The reason is we don't have the shooters to space the floor. Hopefully Salim and Law help address this if Woody lets them have a chance to.

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[censor] you all salim haters!

Salim is probably our best shooter....wait, he is. He is instant offense. Yes, I know he can't play defense, but its not like teams take advantage of him every single second Salim is on the floor.

Salim would help our team's floor spread. Whenever Joe is doubled, he can pass to Salim and Salim can shoot or pass to another open man in the basket or at the 3. He isn't a PG but I think he can run and dish the ball in the break. He makes good decisions with the ball during transition.

Giving Salim inconsistent minutes only hurts our team. He can never get hot and our floor spread is always crappy.

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Salim's problem is not on defense IMO... he is a scorer who is just to inconsistent with his shot, and can't handle the ball well enough to be out there at PG... We're not good enough on defense like the Bulls to give Salim thirty minutes a game to find his stroke... it's nice that he can score when we are down big in the fourth and he has the green-light to shoot every time he touches the ball... but Salim has ways to go before he merits heavy playing time... I do agree he should be playing more than he is currently though.

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This board is funny sometimes. When Woody does put Salim in early, and he misses his first two shots, everybody wants him out of the game. But when he scores in bunches like he did last night, people wonder why he wasn't in the game earlier. You can't ride the fence concerning Salim. You either advocate using him enough to affect the outcome of a game, or you don't want to see him in the game at all. No in-betweeen. If you want to use Salim, you have to live with those nights in which he's getting abused on the defensive end, or when he has that occasional 1 - 6 shooting game. The hope would be that he could knock down 4 - 5 shots in a row, at any given time. He would effectively have to be our Eddie House, or at best, Daniel Gibson. Also understand that to maximize what he can do for us, guys will HAVE to defer to HIM when he is hot. Salim has the mentality of a 1st option scorer, so if he's on, you have to be willing to let him do his thing. Other than JJ, he's the one guy on the team that can create and mke tough shots. Salim is a NUKE. And as with the use of any nuclear weapon, you run the risj of destroying yourself, if you don't destroy the enemy first.

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