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Good reason for Josh to shoot jumpers?


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I was just reading Lang's blog on the Hawks website and he mentioned how he brought it up to Josh that a emailer said that Josh needs to stop shooting jumpers. And Josh replied "The thing is..." and Lang stopped there on the quote.

But Lang made a good point from there. If Josh stops trying to improve his jumper, teams will back off of him to the point where driving the ball will be impossible. They already do to a point right now. He is still trying to improve during games (improvement doesn't just come in practice) because he is young and understands that when/if he gets a more consistent jump shot, the sky will be the limit for him.

So I think the acceptable ground for it to fall under is allow him to shoot the ball with jumpers but not excessively or during crunch-time if at all possible. I think shooting the three really isn't necessary at all, rather he should focus on midrange shots (as I have said before) to get his stroke down before backing it up.

Essentially I am ok with him shooting a jump shot on occasions IF it falls within a good rhythm on an offensive set, is a midrange shot, not a quick shot in the beginning of the clock and not in -.

He has to find a balance between trying to get better shooting it in games and not hurting the team by forgetting to focus on the paint.

Just imagine if Josh Smith DID have a solid jump shot. Fake shot, one dribble/step, dunk on center.

Let the bashing begin. thumb3d.gif

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I think the same strategy should be used with him as Salim. If Salim misses a few than take him out cause he will just miss more. If Smoove misses a few than he should lay off the jumper unless he is open with the shot clock runnng down. Usually if Josh starts cold he will stay cold. If he starts hot he stays hot. He is not like Joe who can be cold and then turn it on and nail 5 or 6 in a row. He was 2-11 the other night but most of his late misses were driving to the basket. He is starting to get it and starting to realize that even if he doesnt have it going on offense he can help our cause in other areas. We just have to live with the good and bad, he is young and these are growing pains.

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So I think the acceptable ground for it to fall under is allow him to shoot the ball with jumpers but not excessively or during crunch-time if at all possible. I think shooting the three really isn't necessary at all, rather he should focus on midrange shots (as I have said before) to get his stroke down before backing it up.

Essentially I am ok with him shooting a jump shot on occasions IF it falls within a good rhythm on an offensive set, is a midrange shot, not a quick shot in the beginning of the clock and not in -.

He has to find a balance between trying to get better shooting it in games and not hurting the team by forgetting to focus on the paint.

Just imagine if Josh Smith DID have a solid jump shot. Fake shot, one dribble/step, dunk on center.

Let the bashing begin.

Excessive. Lets see, would more than two a quarter be excessive for someone who is still trying to learn how to shoot a jumper? ie he cannot shoot one.

Yes I think so. That would be 8 jumpers a game; and then after and before the game, if he is really committed and not just half ass committed about learning how to shoot a jump shot, he could shoot 200 to 400 a session. Ala Reggie Miller, Bird, and now Gilbert Arenas.

Saying someone cannot do something is not bashing. It is just the truth. A .405 FG% and a .250% 3PT% is the truth. I really do not care what fantasy land you and Smoove live in, the mans shooting % tells the truth. He cannot shoot and he is either not adept at it talent wise or he is obviously not practicing hard enough at it...

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That's what he's been doing. He doesn't take 3's anymore unless the shot clock is at 3 or less.

He shouldn't be taking them at all regardless of the shot clock.

In order for him to take a 3 he has to be standing behind the 3 pt line before he gets the pass. He has no business doing that. He should be standing closer in like Marvin does.

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So I think the acceptable ground for it to fall under is allow him to shoot the ball with jumpers but not excessively or during crunch-time if at all possible. I think shooting the three really isn't necessary at all, rather he should focus on midrange shots (as I have said before) to get his stroke down before backing it up.

Essentially I am ok with him shooting a jump shot on occasions IF it falls within a good rhythm on an offensive set, is a midrange shot, not a quick shot in the beginning of the clock and not in -.

He has to find a balance between trying to get better shooting it in games and not hurting the team by forgetting to focus on the paint.

Just imagine if Josh Smith DID have a solid jump shot. Fake shot, one dribble/step, dunk on center.

Let the bashing begin.

Excessive. Lets see, would more than two a quarter be excessive for someone who is still trying to learn how to shoot a jumper? ie he cannot shoot one.

Yes I think so. That would be 8 jumpers a game; and then after and before the game, if he is really committed and not just half ass committed about learning how to shoot a jump shot, he could shoot 200 to 400 a session. Ala Reggie Miller, Bird, and now Gilbert Arenas.

Saying someone cannot do something is not bashing. It is just the truth. A .405 FG% and a .250% 3PT% is the truth. I really do not care what fantasy land you and Smoove live in, the mans shooting % tells the truth. He cannot shoot and he is either not adept at it talent wise or he is obviously not practicing hard enough at it...

I'm fairly sure that nowhere in my post have I given some magical green light to Mr Smith to chuck away. I'm also certain that I did not say I thought he was shooting an acceptable amount currently. Of course he needs to decrease how many times he takes a jumper where am I, on Jupiter? The entire point of the thread is to understand that Josh is going to have to be able to shoot a few jumpers (I also said those should be midrange jumpers, not 3s) as he develops his game. However I know the extreme fanbase and they will take it to the limits and say he shouldn't shoot a jumpshot the whole game from anywhere. Nip it.

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The entire point of the thread is to understand that Josh is going to have to be able to shoot a few jumpers (I also said those should be midrange jumpers, not 3s) as he develops his game. However I know the extreme fanbase and they will take it to the limits and say he shouldn't shoot a jumpshot the whole game from anywhere. Nip it.

Sorry Doc, but I was mainly responding to two thoughts:

1-Bashing, saying Smoove is a poor shooter is not bashing. It is simply the truth and the only people that should be happy about him taking long range jump shots are our opponents.

2-Somehow I got the impression from this article that Smoove needs to take these shots to keep his opponents honest. The reality of the situation is his opponent is playing off of him because he and his coaching staff know Smoove is going to miss that shot three out of four times.

They are begging and praying that he takes the shot; and he is playing right into their hands. Probably to the total dismay of his teammates who will not throw him inder a bus and make it known exactly how boneheaded he is when taking a jumpshot outside of 15ft.

Just think Shelden and Smoove. When it comes to range, the only difference is one knows his and the other does not have a clue...

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28% in 04 - 05

36% in 05 - 06

31% in 06 - 07

29% so far this season.

Those are Josh's eFG% on his jumpshots each year he's been in the league. Remember, eFG% weighs a made 3 pointer as 1.5 FG. So the actual shooting % on his jumpers are lower than what the eFG is. The worst thing is that in each of those seasons, around 1/2 of his attempts are jumpers.

Could he improve? Yes. Will he improve? It doesn't look like it. He should take just about everything to the rim, and hang aroung it to get offensive rebounds and put-backs. He can take a jumper every now and then, but no more than 4 - 5 jumpers a game.

Instead of him trying to develop his jumper, I wish he develop just one go-to post move. Just one.

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Instead of him trying to develop his jumper, I wish he develop just one go-to post move. Just one.

I am with you on this. Instead of him hanging out calling for the ball at the 3pt line, I wish he would watch where Shelden and Horford call for the ball. Even MWill is closer in than Smoove is.

Smoove has all the athletic ability in the world; but a good jumpshot is more about balance and rhythm (timing and release) than it is about how strong your legs and arms are.

Almost everything is sports is about practice and repetition. One great example is Gilbert Arenas. I saw on NBA TV, part of his off season workout program was to make 100,000 3 pointers. I think he came up with that averaging out to be 1000 a day!

I wish Smoove would keep up with how many it takes for him to make 100 3 pt shots a day, that way he would either get better or figure out once and for all that a great jump shot is not a part of his overall ability...

Lets face it, if you do that routine for 6 months and it is still taking 400 uncontested shots to make 100 baskets, then you need to find another way to score...

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i have stated this more than once and as i see its finally is getttin in yalls head. if josh completly stops shooting jumpers than teams will say "dont worry about his jump shot just make shure he doesnt drive". josh cant go a full season not making jumpshots.

when he struggles from the field he doesnt shoot jumpers, its mostly him driving inside and forcing things because he cant shoot jumpers. people on this site think when josh struggles from the field in a game its because he shoot jumpers to much which is ABSOLUTLEY WRONG!!! its because he is driving INTO TRAFIC AND FORCING THINGS IN. think im lying look at the toronto game.

for josh to be more effective he has to learn how to make jumpshots. if josh takes 16 shots in a game and goes 2/4

on jumpers 3/6 on drives and 2/6 on post moves that mean he would go 7/16 which is ok for me. we didnt even count foul shooting and fast breaks. so he would probaly get 22 points a night. if he gets his jumpshot flowing.

as for his three point shooting he usually only makes em when he is standing diagnal to the goal(like the one he made in orlando) but he stinks everywhere else. i only want him to take threes if hes hot and is in rhythm.

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i have stated this more than once and as i see its finally is getttin in yalls head. if josh completly stops shooting jumpers than teams will say "dont worry about his jump shot just make shure he doesnt drive".

That is what they are doing already. Everytime Smoove takes a jumpshot outside of 15ft he is doing the other team a favor; they know it and anyone with half a brain that watches the game knows it.

But then again your signature and spelling says it all; half a brain is a huge reach for you... uglyhammer.gif

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i have stated this more than once and as i see its finally is getttin in yalls head. if josh completly stops shooting jumpers than teams will say "dont worry about his jump shot just make shure he doesnt drive".

That is what they are doing already. Everytime Smoove takes a jumpshot outside of 15ft he is doing the other team a favor; they know it and anyone with half a brain that watches the game knows it.

But then again your signature and spelling says it all; half a brain is a huge reach for you... uglyhammer.gif

no! u make decent point but im talking bout him driving it into to a non open lane and being force to throw up something or or pass out the lane. dont believe this BS that no one can stop josh in the lane because they can and you and i seen it he is not kobe, lebron, wade etc he needs to get some better dribbling skills. BUT no one can stop smoove when he is about to dunk it unless he gets fouled. he needs to develop or jumper sometime this season.

ps: my sig is better than yours.

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Hood, the problem is that Smoove has much better chance at making 40% of his drives to the hole, than 40% of his jumpers. When he runs up against athetic PFs like him, he struggles a bit, because they can stay with him. I'd like for him to look to pass more against guys like that. He can drive, then kick the ball out to somebody.

His big scoring games come when he gets to the hole, not when his jumper is on. He just has to play smarter.

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im not saying he should shoot 5-8 jumpshots, im saying sometime in the season he has to develop a jumpshot. whether its stop and pop shot, a rasheed turnaround shot or a simple 8-10 foot jump shot. he should still drive but he needs to develop sometime of shot if we aint gonna become that run up and down all night long team.

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im saying sometime in the season he has to develop a jumpshot.

Not really. I think he can be a very effective player without one, assuming Acie develops into a good scorer.

He took 1 jumper last game, missed it, and still scored 19. When he scored 38 against the Bucks he didn't make one jumper.

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