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non hawk - Mitchell Report


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Yea I bet alonzo was using and lebron, that would really be sad if michael jordan was a user

After he came back from his first retirment is when I would think he started using. He gained alot of muscel. Jordan would do whatever it took to win. Cheating is not in his vocabulary. Friends and temates have told stories how they caught him cheating in poker games for big money or moving the golf ball on a high $$ game of golf.

He would win at all cost.

I bet if you knew Jordan on a person level......he truely believes if you ain't cheatin' ya' ain't trying hard enough.

Then again he was competeting vs. Malone for some of his latter championship so maybe they cancel each other out.

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Think David Stern is sweating that his league may be next on the list ?

Well if what the SI article says is true, and they have client lists from bigtime U.S. suppliers who are getting their product from China...it's unlikely that these suppliers are "baseball only" suppliers. The client lists will include players from all sports. It's just a matter of time. The Feds/DEA aren't going to stop at baseball. They are likely already investigating NBA connections. I bet there are a lot of nervous athletes out there...I mean it's not like the athlete can just stop using now and say they never did. If their name is on a client list of an indicted supplier who will rat them out for a lighter sentence...they are already phooked. detective.gif

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Think David Stern is sweating that his league may be next on the list ?

Well if what the SI article says is true, and they have client lists from bigtime U.S. suppliers who are getting their product from China...it's unlikely that these suppliers are "baseball only" suppliers. The client lists will include players from all sports. It's just a matter of time. The Feds/DEA aren't going to stop at baseball. They are likely already investigating NBA connections. I bet there are a lot of nervous athletes out there...I mean it's not like the athlete can just stop using now and say they never did. If their name is on a client list of an indicted supplier who will rat them out for a lighter sentence...they are already phooked. detective.gif

That really sucks for a lot of people but I'm sure after this we will start to notice certain people losing alot of weight all of a sudden

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...That really sucks for a lot of people but I'm sure after this we will start to notice certain people losing alot of weight all of a sudden.

Yeah, and some of these guys will live longer too.

hopefully if they haven't already done the damage beyond repair. I hear that it only takes a few years of using steroids to do serious liver or kidney damage

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You talk as if the Hawks don't have a current player who fits the description of a guy who put on a lot of muscle mass in just one offseason. That's why I never villify guys on other teams. I might have a player on my own team that's doing the same thing.

Fams need to assume that over 50% of the guys in any major sport, are trying to gain some advantage unnaturally. So if that's the case, the problem is such that most everything equals out. If you're going to have a chemical problem in a sport, might as well have everybody doped up so that nobody can cry about an unfar advantage.

Yes, this is bad for the kids to see. Good thing that kids have short memories. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life not only in baseball, but in other sports as well. Sports have been romanticized for decades. But imagine the internet with message boards and youtube in the days of Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Satchel Page, Jackie Robinson, and Mickey Mantle. Would the constant 24 hour coverage still make them out to be icons? Or would their flaws be constantly talked about to the point that their aura is diminished?

To me, some things are just better off not known, because as Jack Nicholson said . . . "you (we) can't handle the truth"

- an 8 year old kid doesn't need to know that daddy is cheating on mommy.

- the American people doesn't need to know that, yes, we do actually have to torture some prisoners to get info out of them.

- if aliens actually exist, and are actually kidnapping and conducting experiments on people, and it's nothing we can do to stop them, it's probably in our best interest that we don't know that ish.

- and sports fans don't need to know that cheating might be a necessity in order to consistently win or get better.

While I don't condone cheating, I'm not going to say that I haven't grabbed a jersey, or puposely elbowed somebody to gain an advantage. And if I was ever good enough to be a pro athlete, and constantly saw people around me taking things that made them not only better, but extremely rich in the process, I can't honestly say that I wouldn't be doing the same thing.

As Little E once said . . . ."If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'.

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I just disagree with this post. I feel that we as people DO need to know what is going on. Just say you were an aspring athelte and just can't make it the natural way. You start to question your abilities and yourself because so many others around you are getting better and succeeding. If you knew these others were cheating, you wouldn't feel as bad about yourself and you could possibly do something to change the situation. The "you aren't trying unless you're cheating" motto is just the motto of cheaters and deceivers, in my opinion. I definetly don't feel that way. A better quote/motto to live by is "If you don't learn from your past (mistakes), you're bound to repeat it (them)". True, another scandal may come up but to get rid of the problem is the basic point.


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I can handle the truth.

Since Ben Johnson's Olympic Steroid scandal in 1988 & the A's of the late 80's steroids have been around. Since that time players have gotten bigger and bigger. Even Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle were supected of taking pills given to strengthen race horses. The steroids of their era.

I've known it and have handled it quite well. Only people living in denial "can't handle the real truth."

To say adults can't handle the truth regarding a freaking game is a crock !

The truth should come out to keep some credibility and dignity for all who played before them.

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- if aliens actually exist, and are actually kidnapping and conducting experiments on people, and it's nothing we can do to stop them, it's probably in our best interest that we don't know that ish.

I don't think this is really an issue. Everybody knows it's happening. That's why I always take a shotgun with me camping. Just let those little gray f#ckers try to take me...I'll fill em full of buckshot! ufo.gif

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Just say you were an aspring athelte and just can't make it the natural way. You start to question your abilities and yourself because so many others around you are getting better and succeeding. If you knew these others were cheating, you wouldn't feel as bad about yourself and you could possibly do something to change the situation.

But what would you do to change the situation? Work extremely hard to try to get better? Or snitch on everybody who is cheating, even if they're your friends and teammates? Most would try to work extremely hard . . . until that hard work didn't pay off.

I'll give you a perfect example of a player in this situation . . . Solomon Jones.

In the few interviews that I've seen of Solo, he truly believes that he can play in this league. He also believes that until Horford arrived, he was on par with the rest of the big men on our roster.

The one major thing that keeps him off the court, is his size . . mass wise. If Solo was 6 - 10 . . . 255 lbs, he would almost by default be at least our backup center. At that size, he may be able to body-up people a little better, instead of being a hack machine everytime someone posts him up.

But at 6 - 10 . . . 230 lbs, he's athletic enough to block a few shots, but not big enough to body-up people. Maybe he could learn to do like a Dennis Rodman did, and learn to use his body to at least be a good to great rebounder. But right now, he gets moved around way too easily on both ends of the floor, and he is forced to foul a lot.

So Solo is approached by somebody, and is told that he knows a non-steroid way to bulk him up, and that the drug won't be detected when he is tested. In Solo's situation, adding 15 - 20 lbs to his frame, might mean a 2nd NBA contract, and millions of dollars. If he doesn't add the mass, he my be out the league and forced to play overseas.

So what should he do?

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There are plenty of legal ways to bulk up. He should do it legally. Just walk into your local GNC and you'll find all kinds of protein drinks and stuff to help you add mass. I used to use them when I played football in high school and I put on twenty pounds of muscle mass over the course of six to eight months with a steady weightlifting regimen and drinking the hell out of protein shakes and also eating alot of protein rich meats like fish and chicken. I just don't think its worth risking your kidneys and liver and ultimately your life to make money.

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I can handle the truth.

Since Ben Johnson's Olympic Steroid scandal in 1988 & the A's of the late 80's steroids have been around. Since that time players have gotten bigger and bigger. Even Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle were supected of taking pills given to strengthen race horses. The steroids of their era.

I've known it and have handled it quite well. Only people living in denial "can't handle the real truth."

To say adults can't handle the truth regarding a freaking game is a crock !

The truth should come out to keep some credibility and dignity for all who played before them.

But look at the reaction to all this coach. If people can handle the truth, why all the outrage? Most fans truly wanted to believe that everybody was on the up and up. Some fans will flat out quit watching baseball because of this. Why? Because they don't want players taking things to make them play better?

That's why I say that some people can't handle the truth. You brought up Ben Johnson, but look at all of the US sprinters who has gotten popped for roids. We've gone from the era of Carl Lewis where track was huge in the US, to people not knowng and not even caring who Tyson Gay is.

I don't condone cheating, but I definitely understand why they do it. And I'm not mad at them for doing it. They just have to live with the consequences when they get caught. While I love sports, I've never looked at it as some sort of pristine entity that is immune from corruption.

Ish . . . if there was some illegal perfomance enhancing drug that would enable a player to play smarter, I wouldn't be mad at all, if Josh Smith was talking it.

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- if aliens actually exist, and are actually kidnapping and conducting experiments on people, and it's nothing we can do to stop them, it's probably in our best interest that we don't know that ish.

I don't think this is really an issue. Everybody knows it's happening. That's why I always take a shotgun with me camping. Just let those little gray f#ckers try to take me...I'll fill em full of buckshot! ufo.gif


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There are plenty of legal ways to bulk up. He should do it legally. Just walk into your local GNC and you'll find all kinds of protein drinks and stuff to help you add mass. I used to use them when I played football in high school and I put on twenty pounds of muscle mass over the course of six to eight months with a steady weightlifting regimen and drinking the hell out of protein shakes and also eating alot of protein rich meats like fish and chicken. I just don't think its worth risking your kidneys and liver and ultimately your life to make money.

If it were so easy to do, why hasn't he done it? Everybody doesn't have the same metabiolism in which doing what you did, would work for him. I'm sure the Hawks have tried to bulk him up.

So if he's done exactly what you've said, and still can't add much mass, what should he do? It doesn't have to be roids. It could be HGH or something else that does less damage to the body.

With the way NBA clubs even give scrub big men millions of dollars, that could potentially be a 10 - 20 million windfall for Solo if he added weight.

It's easy to say i woudn't do it, until put in that situation. If what I would potentially take wouldn't cause serious health effects, it would be hard decison if I were in Solo's shoes.

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There are plenty of legal ways to bulk up. He should do it legally. Just walk into your local GNC and you'll find all kinds of protein drinks and stuff to help you add mass. I used to use them when I played football in high school and I put on twenty pounds of muscle mass over the course of six to eight months with a steady weightlifting regimen and drinking the hell out of protein shakes and also eating alot of protein rich meats like fish and chicken. I just don't think its worth risking your kidneys and liver and ultimately your life to make money.

If it were so easy to do, why hasn't he done it? Everybody doesn't have the same metabiolism in which doing what you did, would work for him. I'm sure the Hawks have tried to bulk him up.

So if he's done exactly what you've said, and still can't add much mass, what should he do? It doesn't have to be roids. It could be HGH or something else that does less damage to the body.

With the way NBA clubs even give scrub big men millions of dollars, that could potentially be a 10 - 20 million windfall for Solo if he added weight.

It's easy to say i woudn't do it, until put in that situation. If what I would potentially take wouldn't cause serious health effects, it would be hard decison if I were in Solo's shoes.

I don't really know a whole lot about HGH but if it didn't cause any health effects then that would be a different story.

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