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I watched three games tonight.


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I strongly disagree.

Neither Marvin or Smoove can play both the SG and the Sf. Chillz is our only true Swingman. Moreover, Neither Marvin or Smoove moves without the ball like Chillz do. Again... Neither Marvin or Smoove is as good in decision making as Chillz.

The problem with this debate is that you only see Stats. Watch a game. When you see Mr. Intangible at work, you will soon understand his true value to this team. IN fact, try this... Ask the people who actually watch Hawks games how valuable Chillz is.

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The problem with this debate is that you only see Stats. Watch a game. When you see Mr. Intangible at work

you mean Mr Bonehead? The guy makes more late game brain farts than any two players on the team.

Have we missed him while he has been out? No. In fact we might have had a chance to win the Toronto game if he hadn't played.

Why does "Mr Intangible" have more turnovers than assists if he is such a smart player?

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How does one support Childress while ripping Marvin? Makes no sense at all. Marvin is THREE YEARS YOUNGER and already is the better player. Marvin Williams is better than Childress. Got that?

Now, Chill can be used to address weaknesses to the team. He is certainly expendable. The kid is literally not growing AT ALL. Game, set, match for Chill's upside. Lets trade him because we dont want to pay him anyway.

Marvin's upside? He just gets better.

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Marvin Williams is better than Childress. Got that?

In what way?

In what way is Marvin better than Chillz? Make sure you can back this conversation up with more than just your feelings.

In every way. Do you watch Hawks games? I hope that you don't watch. Otherwise, you don't understand what you're watching.

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Without JJ passing Marvin the ball, Marvin becomes irrelevant on the floor.

You ever notice what happens when JJ goes to the bench and Marvin is left on the floor??

Our offense goes into a stooper.

If Marvin was so great, then maybe he'd run the offense in the absence of JJ? I see Chillz doing it from time to time, why can't Marvin. OH Wait... let's get the excuses up... HE's only 21...

[censored] Pete.. He's been in the league for 3 years... He's played more than 35 mpg for the last 2. Right now for Marvin AGE is no longer an excuse so quit saying it...

Chillz shoot better than Marvin from the field!

Chillz is a better three point shooter than Marvin.

Chillz works harder on offense, i.e. he hustles and moves without the ball.

Where exactly is Marvin Better... I told you to bring more proof than just empty words!!!

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Chillz is a better three point shooter than Marvin.

You can't be serious. I don't know the stats, but the only 3 childress can make is the one from the corner. As for any other jumper, Marvin is freakin' light years ahead of Childress. Childress can not shoot. It's a matter of physics. He throws up some of the ugliest bricks that I've ever seen... consistently.


If Marvin was so great, then maybe he'd run the offense in the absence of JJ?

And if pigs could fly and mike Woodson could coach, yada yada yada.

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Without JJ passing Marvin the ball, Marvin becomes irrelevant on the floor.

As always you ignore defense but i will put that aside for now.

No player has much relevance on offense if they don't get the ball. And Marvin (unlike Childress) doesn't have to be open to shoot his jumper. He can shoot it even when a man is right on him because the defender has to worry about marvin driving past him.

Childress can shoot a jumper with a man up on him because he would just wind up eating leather.

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Put up a poll and ask who HSers think is better. There is not ONE NBA GM that would back your claim that Chill is better or even the same.

You dont understand the definition of role player. Chill is a role player. Marvin is a young 21 year old that keeps improving. And until he stops improving we don't know his ceiling. And the fact is that he has gone from role player to solid NBA starter. Chill, on the other hand, looks the same this year as last year. Exactly the same. That is a sure sign that he is peaking...

Marvin just keeps getting better. And it eats your heart out doesn't it, D?

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I'm saying that Polls are easily swayed according to who writes it and according to what agenda they write it.

Moreover, you're right, polls are anonymous and I'm pretty sure that there are some here who will taint a poll to try to gather support for something not true.

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I'm saying that Polls are easily swayed according to who writes it and according to what agenda they write it.

LOL i didn't realize that i had the power to sway peoples opinions with a poll question.

You are the king of making biased polls. There was nothing biased about my poll. it was as simple as possible.


some here who will taint a poll

So how is my poll "tainted"?

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Don't flatter yourself Ex. YOU HAVE ZERO power around here..

I have the power however to make people LIE!! To make them Change what they believe... BY just a mere suggestion, I can make you choose whichever position I want you to. That's Power.. All you have the power to do is antagonize. That's like a 6v battery compared to the Sun!

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Don't flatter yourself Ex. YOU HAVE ZERO power around here..

So in other words people are voting based on their actual opinions that clearly favor marvin.


BY just a mere suggestion, I can make you choose whichever position I want you to. That's Power

The only power you have is that of self delusion, which you have in abundance.

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People here are too stupid to respond to a poll without an agenda? This is so important to everyone's daily life that they can't answer a poll about a basketball player. LOL.

Diesel, your Marvin agenda has exposed you I'm afraid.

I will agree that you have the power though...to make people ignore you with your Marvin agenda.

People here want Marvin to keep growing and they like what they see. As fans of the team it makes sense to want one of your players to grow right?

But, your not a Hawks fan at all and I figured that out a long time ago. You utilize this board as a place to make your points and spread your word. The board could be about anything. You just chose the Hawks.

A real fan wants every player to do well regardless of agenda. A real fan also acknowledges when a player noticeably improves. Truthfully, Marvin has shut you up for the most part. You had to lay in the weeds with your agenda. For some reason you think its time to start again but your really looking silly.

I would move along if I were you. Find another topic. Your getting emasculated on this one.

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